Chapter 14 :- Midnight Lovers

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Alvin's POV :-

It was a calm and quiet night in the month of July. I was perched on a comfortable chair at my study table. The only sound was the scratching of my pencil on my notebook as I worked on my homework. It was July, and the heat of the day had long since dissipated. The clock ticked closer to midnight, but my love for learning and doing my homework kept me going, I was determined to finish my work. I loved to learn, and I was determined to make the most of the opportunities that were available to me.

I was living in an orphanage, but it was unlike any other I had ever heard of, it was different and special. Each child had their own room, but they were free to choose to live with others if they wished. There were only a few of us left now, maybe ten or fifteen, and most of them were younger than me, between seven and ten years old. Alice and I were the only older ones left here.

The orphanage spared no expense in ensuring our comfort and well-being. It offered us a plethora of amenities, making it feel like a true home.

One of the highlights of our orphanage was the small front yard, adorned with various play equipment, including slides and swings. It was a place where laughter echoed, and friendships were forged. The caretakers took great care in maintaining the yard, ensuring it was always a safe and enjoyable space for us to play and unwind. We were free to play in front yard whenever we wanted. We had good food to eat, and we were always warm and comfortable. Most importantly, we had each other. We were a family, and we looked out for each other.

Despite the dwindling number of orphans, the orphanage faced financial struggles. However, the staff never let this hinder their dedication to our well-being. They worked tirelessly to provide us with the best possible care, ensuring that we had everything we needed to thrive.

The caretakers and staff members were equally remarkable. They were kind-hearted individuals who genuinely cared for our happiness and growth. They went above and beyond their duties, creating a nurturing environment that felt like a true family. Their dedication and hard work were evident in every aspect of our daily lives. They did everything they could just for us.

However, Mrs. Smith, the head of our orphanage, who truly held everything together. She was a remarkable woman, handling all the administrative tasks with grace and efficiency. Her dedication and passion for the welfare of the orphans were evident in every decision she made. She handled her responsibilities with grace and efficiency, ensuring that the orphanage ran smoothly.

Mrs. Smith was not just a director; she was a mother figure to all of us and not just her every staff-member was a mother figure to us, offering guidance, support, and love whenever we needed it. Mrs. Smith worked tirelessly to make sure that we had everything we needed. The caretakers were all wonderful people, too, and they did their best to make us feel at home. They were the unsung heroes, the ones who made a difference in our lives.

Despite all the good things about the orphanage, there was one thing that worried me. The orphanage was struggling financially, and I knew that if things didn't improve, it might not be able to continue. That's why I was so determined to study hard and do well in school. I wanted to be successful so that I could help the orphanage and make sure that it continued to provide a home for children who needed it. It's also my way of thanking to the place that had given me hope, love, and a chance at a brighter future. I would forever cherish the memories and the love it had bestowed upon me.

I absolutely relish the tranquility of my room, where I can study undisturbed. The peaceful atmosphere allows me to focus and concentrate on my work. However, my solitude was abruptly interrupted when I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder. I turned around, only to find Alice standing there, her innocent blue eyes fixed on me. She was clad in comfortable pajamas, as if she had just rolled out of bed.

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