the bar

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Jungkook was sleeping in bed when his mother went over to him.

Jisu: Jungkook, your father wants to talk to you.

Jungkook sighed. He sat up and he went down to his father. Jungkook saw his father sitting on his throne. Jungkook bowed to him.

Jungkook: yes father?

Hyun: you need to find a mate. I can't be the head alpha forever.

Jungkook sighed.

Jungkook: I know father.

Hyun: find one quickly. Find your mate. Our pack is counting on you.

Jungkook nodded. He left. It was soon nighttime. He went to the bar. He laid his head on the bar table. He groaned in annoyance. He ordered another drink. Jungkook suddenly got a whiff of something. Something sweet. It smelled like, strawberry short cake. Like a sweet strawberry smell. He followed the smell. It only got stronger. He eventually saw a boy sitting by himself at a table. He was drinking a virgin daiquiri. Yup. A virgin daiquiri at a bar. Jungkook looked at him. The boy looked back at him.

An omega woke up with a slight headache. He needed to get out more. It wasn't good to avoid outside. He avoided it for many reasons. He hates being in public places and he also hates being around alphas. He's worried he'll find his mate and they'll be powerful and wanna mark him. He's had a bad experience with a few alphas. He's honestly scared of them. He heard of a bar that served virgin drinks. He doesn't drink alcohol. He got ready to leave. As meek as he is, he still doesn't mind showing skin. He wears tops that show his belly button. He also wears skirts sometimes. He doesn't mind showing off his body a bit. He had a slender build. He knew that. Everyone who saw him knew he was a weak omega because every single omega is ranked based off of a mark they have. He has one on his wrist. It's a black mark with one line. That means he's the lowest rank. Jungkook has a similar mark but his has four lines. He's the highest ranked. There are Omegas who are at his level. Male and Female. His just do happen to be the lowest rank. That's pretty uncommon. To be mated with someone who's a lower rank is rare. Same with being s lower rank and mating someone with a higher rank. It just doesn't happen all the time. Maybe Taehyung was a special case? His parents are very over protective of Taehyung because he's seen as meek. In all honesty, he is. He was getting ready to go to the bar. As he was walking out of the door, his mother stopped him.

Tara: be careful! Be back before 9 pm sweetie!

Tae: okay mama. I'll be back.

He then left. He walked into the bar. He got a smell of something strong. It smelled like vanilla? Oh god no. Did he have a mate here? He Quickly went to the back of the bar. Someone went over to him.

Waiter: what would you like?

Tae: s virgin daiquiri please.

The waiter looked at him a little confused. Young people come to that bar to get wasted, not to drink virgin drinks which would be loaded with alcohol. After he got his daiquiri, his wonderful strawberry daiquiri, virgin of course, he had forgotten about the smell or a mate to begin with. That smell suddenly came back. He got a bit scared. He saw the packs leader over him. His worst nightmare. Being mated with someone of higher power. Was he being punished by the Moon Goddess? What did he ever do for this to happen?

Jungkook: you're beautiful.

Taehyung: thanks...

Jungkook took his hands. He saw his ranking on his wrist. Jungkook frowned.

Jungkook: seriously?

Ouch. That's what Taehyung said mentally. That hurt a lot. Taehyung felt tears come into his eyes. His bottom lip started to wobble a bit. Jungkook gasped a little. What a terrible first impression. He made his mate cry. He held him close. His neck was right by his lips. Jungkook just wanted a taste. He knows marking him could kill him. Having sex with him however, that won't kill him. Jungkook placed a few kisses on Taehyungs neck. Jungkook smiles a bit. His wolf who's name is Moon, wanted to mate with Taehyung's wolf who's name is Lunar. Jungkook just wanted to hold Taehyung forever and never let him go. He'd never get used to that sweet scent of his. Taehyung liked the warm embrace. They stayed like that for a while. Jungkook eventually took Taehyung to his place. They talked for sometime.

Jungkook: your Wolf's name is Lunar?

Taehyung nodded.

Tae: he's shy and very meek.

Jungkook: well, so are you.

Tae: well...

Jungkook chuckled a little.

Jungkook: I'm just kidding baby.

Tae: are you sure you even wanna be with me? You can't mark me. I'll die.

Jungkook: I may not be able to mark you, but I can mate with you.

Taehyung blushed at the thought. That was true. Jungkook would have to be careful and not lose control and bite Taehyung on accident. Jungkook wanted to feel Taehyung underneath him. He wanted him to be one with him every single night. To touch his smooth honey skin would be amazing.

Jungkook: have you gone through heat yet?

Taehyung shook his head. He was ashamed and embarrassed. He heard Jungkook sigh. That didn't help his shame and embarrassment.

Jungkook: so, you're a runt?

Taehyung nodded again. Feeling the shame emotions just worse.

Jungkook: maybe you'll get it soon. You usually go through heat when you're in high school. Well, you'll go through heat with me. I'll be there for you. Okay?

Tae: okay.

Jungkook kissed Taehyung on his lips.

Jungkook: I have a secret.

Tae: what is it?

Jungkook: I got a bit of a belly button fetish.

Tae: really?

Jungkook; yes. Keep wearing crop tops. It'll make me want you more~

Taehyung's whole face was beet red. Jungkook chuckled a bit.

Jungkook: I'm gonna love teasing you runt.

Taehyung covered his face. Taehyung laid down. Jungkook saw an opportunity to kiss Taehyung's belly button. He did. Taehyung was shocked.

Jungkook: I know we just met but I feel like I've known you forever.

Taehyung was still blushing. Jungkook kissed his lips again. He dropped his off home.

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