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Jim was in his palace when someone entered his room. It was a Royal guard.

Jin: yes?

Chris: your majesty.

He bowed to him. Jin bowed back.

Chris: your majesty wants to see you.

Jin: ooh. Okay.

Jin leaves the room. Chris covers his mouth with a cloth. Jin gasped. He elbowed him in the stomach and showed him to the ground. He ran away. Someone else popped in and grabbed Jin's wrist. Someone else grabbed his feet. They held him securely while covering his mouth. He squirmed and tried to scream. They put him into a cage. They tied his wrists and ankles with silver. He was put onto a boat. He was crying. It hurt. The cage wasn't made of silver. Only the chains were. Jin was sobbing while being locked in there.

Jimin was fast asleep in his bed when humans broke in and kidnapped him as well. They put them into cages.

Evan: they'll make us some good money.

Jake: how much you think that bitch is worth?

He pointed to Jin.

Evan: maybe 100 million won? (Approximately 88,000 in USD)

Jake: this one is the highest ranked Omega. This bitch is probably weak.

He went over to Jimin. They were all unconscious. It was easier to ship them that way.

Namjoon: Jin is missing!

Namjoon was worried and he told Jungkook. Jungkook was worried as Taehyung was also missing.

Yoongi: is Jimin here?!

Namjoon: I'm worried about him! Where did he go?!

Yoongi: what's going on?! All of our omegas have been going missing!

Jungkook: it's the humans! They've been attacking and taking them! They sell them and use them for their bodies and fur!

Yoongi: we have to find them or they're next...

Namjoon: I'd lose it if my Jin turns into a fur coat...

Jungkook: god... I can't even imagine... My little Tae...

They set out to find them.

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