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Tae was bored staying cooped up in Jungkook's room. Jungkook was out with his father. He was at a pack meeting. The heads of the pack all come together. Tae didn't know what it was about and he quite frankly, didn't care. He laid in bed. He was eventually hungry. He snook downstairs to get something to eat. He snook back upstairs. He ate the food he grabbed. He then went back to sleep. He heard the door open. He thought Jungkook was back. It was a maid. She was shocked to see Tae. She called the guards claiming someone broke into Jungkook's room.

Tae: I didn't break in! Jungkook let me stay here!

Guard: silence!

Thru grabbed Tae and there him into a dungeon. It's a serious crime for the lower class to even be close to the upper class. But breaking in and enter? That's even worse. Tae was crying. He knew he'd be put onto death sentence for something he didn't do. Jungkook didn't know about it until he started to come back home. He saw the people gathered around where executions took place. He got worried. He saw Tae in the middle of the circle. He was shocked to see him. They had his bare back exposed. They were going to whip him to death. Tae was sobbing and crying. His cries sounded painful. Jungkook saw the guy about to hit him. She ran in front of Tae and grabbed the whip from the guy. Everyone was shocked. His dad was furious with him. Tae looked up. Jungkook knelt down and held him close. He helped Tae fix his clothes.

Jungkook: I'm here...

Tae: Jungkook...

Jungkook knew it was hard for Tae to speak. He was shaking.

Jungkook: I'm here baby...

He held him close and caressed his back. Jungkook didn't care about his father yelling at him or everyone whispering and talking about this. He didn't care. Tae was the only thing that mattered.

Hyun: Jungkook! Get away from that mutt!

Jungkook picked Tae up. Tae his his face on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook was brave. He had to be for his baby. Jungkook looked at everyone around him. Disappointment. That's how he felt.

Jungkook: how could you watch your Luna almost get beat to death?!

Everyone was shocked and confused.

Jungkook: he is my mate! He has my mark on him! I love him more than anything!

Hyun: everyone! Ignore him! He's delusional! That Mutt is nothing but a worthless piece of trash!

He went over to Jungkook. He grabbed Tae from him. He told his guards to grab Jungkook. He grabbed a sword and raised it to Tae's neck.

Hyun: you know what we do with mutts that mess with high ranked wolves?! We kill them!

Tae was scared. He felt like he couldn't breath. He needed to get out of this situation but how?

Tae: I'm pregnant!

Everyone looked at him. Jungkook's dad pulled Tae's hair back so Tae could face him.

Hyun: you're carrying the future heir?...

Tae nodded. Hyun was shocked.

Hyun: no low ranked Omega can bare the child of a high ranked Alpha...

Jungkook grabbed Tae. He looked at Tae's stomach.

Jungkook: baby... There's a baby in my baby...

Tae: yeah...

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