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Taehyung was locked inside of a cage. The humans were trying to make him turn into his wolf form. He refused.

Evan: do it or else we'll put you to sleep. You stupid mutt.

Taehyung: you're gonna kill me in my wolf form!

Evan: ugh! We just wanna know what fur color your wolf is.

Taehyung: you leave my wolf out of this! My alpha will come and save me!

Evan: sure. He definitely will. We'll kill him and your pups.

Taehyung: please... Let me go...

Evan: nah. I'm good.

Taehyung sobbed. His wrists were chained to a wall. They hurt. A lot. It was silver.

Evan went to see Jimin and Jin.

Jin: what the fuck do you want?

Evan: what color is your Wolf's fur?

Jin: why should I tell you shit?

Evan: what's your Wolf's name?

Jin stayed silent. Evan gritted his teeth. He turned to Jimin who wasn't even looking at him. Evan grabbed Jimin's chin.

Evan: turn into your wolf or I'll shoot your little friend.

Jimin: you can't do that!

Evan: watch me.

He pulled out a gun and pointed it to Jin.

Evan: your choice.

Jimin was scared. He bit his lip.

Jimin: fine! I'll change!

Jimin's wolf was white with black eyes. His name was Snowflake. Jimin's wolf was more of a scaredy cat than he was. His wolf whimpered and looked down. Evan smirked. He lowered his gun. His wolf was small and fragile. Jin hugged him.

Jin: Jimin...

Snowflake rested his head on Jin's lap. Jin petted his fur. It was soft. Jin sighed.

Evan: not enough fur for a coat. What else can you make with fur? Shoes? Purses? Fur rug would suffice.

Snowflake got even more scared. Jin gasped.

Jin: don't you dare lay a hand on him!

Evan: who has the chains on them?

He looked at Snowflake.

Evan: you. Here.

Snowflake reluctantly went to Evan. Evan our a Colver chain around his neck. He whimpered in pain. He was pulled into a cage.

Evan: perfect.

Snowflake was whimpering and crying. A Wolf's version of crying at least. Jimin was crying as well.

Evan: you'll make a perfect purse. People will love it. Your fur is so soft it could be a pillow.

Snowflake kept crying. Evan and his men brought Snowflake where they killed Wolf's and skinned them. He was placed in line where a bunch of cages were. There was a table an omega would be placed on. Their heads would be chopped off and their fur would be cut off their skin. Snowflake was shaking. He was terrified. He didn't want the same fate.

Jin was threatened with death if he didn't turn into his wolf form. He refused. They pulled orj silver bullets. He had no choice but to turn. His Wolf's name was Midnight. The wolf was all black with crystal blue eyes. Midnight was forced into a cage. He saw Snowflake a few cages ahead. Midnight was more worried about Snowflake than himself.

Taehyung: where are my friends?...

Evan: about to get skinned alive. You're next.

Taehyung gulped. Evan pulled out a gun with silver bullets. Taehyung got scared. He had to change into Lunar. He didn't want to but he had no choice. He turned.

Evan: pretty cream colored fur. Perfect. Unlike that other white runt, you have enough fur. Enough to make a coat. Same with that black one.

Lunar whimpered. He was brought into a cage. He saw Midnight and Snowflake. He was scared. Snowflake was three cages behind the table where they'd be skinned alive.

Evan: we didn't kill any wolves yet. We are gathering up enough wolves to kill. When we do, this will be bloody. Stay in your wolf forms or we'll shoot you.

They grabbed the first wolf out of the cage and they tied her down. They raised a large sword. Suddenly they were stopped when they got report of Alpha's attacking the humans. They put her back into the cage. They locked it and went to investigate.

Evan: alpha's?! Gather the Omega's and out them into the secret room!

Everyone gathered them but it was too late. The alpha's attacked. They saved their Omega's.

Moon: my Omega...

He saw Lunar in the cage. He turned into his human form and he broke the cage. Lunar turned into Taehyung. He hugged Jungkook while sobbing.

Namjoon: baby...

Midnight turned back into Jin. Namjoon broke the lock. Jin hugged Namjoon.

Jin: thank you my love...

Namjoon: I love you too.... I'm so glad you're safe...

Yoongi went to Snowflake. He broke the lock. Snowflake turned into Jimin and he cried as Yoongi picked him up and held him close.

Jimin: I almost died!

Yoongi: I got you baby...

All the alpha's to the Omega's saved them. They all went back home to devise a plan to get revenge over the humans.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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