Feel Alive [babexcharlie] Part 4

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What does it feel like to be the one to be known? What does it feel like to be embraced by love and not regret? Why does it feel like to be ashamed of being in love? All these questions in one heart unanswered make me feel sick and unwell. From the chest, it feels so occupying that I can't even breathe sometimes. All these thoughts, I just want someone who can get rid of them and get rid of these thorn-like thoughts piercing through my mind. I hate it so much. My eyes beg for mercy, but no one sees it. Don't they see? Why I don't ask? I asked before, I asked a lot, but now I don't want to because I know the answers will hurt more than what's already hurting.

"Everyone was enjoying the break, but Charlie was at his place, trying to complete his work as soon as possible before leaving.

Aniya: Boss had told you to go with him to this meeting.

Charlie: Fine, I will go. When?

Aniya: At 8 pm.

Charlie: But that's... okay, I will go.

Aniya nodded and left.

[In the meeting]

Babe: As you can see, for me, these ads are some of the most carefully crafted for this campaign. The perfumes we sell bring happiness to many of our customers, and this beautifully portrays it with drastic measures. 

bussinese men :But in my opinion, they are too bland and lacking color.

Babe: Charlie, would you like to explain?

Charlie: As the perfume is called 'Lush and Bloom,' the packaging is kept simple and bland. I wouldn't call this bland, but peaceful. If we took the initiative of adding bold designs and more vibrancy, it would lose its meaning. Happiness can be found even in the driest and most normal things of daily life. Let's take an example of ice cream. Most of the time when we were adults in our 20s, our friends used to buy us ice cream without asking. It was simple, but it made us really happy. The meaning behind the range of perfume is 'lush and bloom.' Even in the driest places, you can smell sweet, whether it's taking your baby to school or just having dinner. Just because it makes you happy. That's all from me.

Suddenly, Babe started clapping while everyone looked at him.

bussinese men: Wonderful. This was really well explained, and I was impressed by how good it sounded when I listened to it. The scent of this perfume does remind me of these things, and that's amazing. So, shall we shake hands on this?

Babe: Very well, very well. As the deal was made, and it was a big one this time. 

bussinese men;You're a talented one. We could have you as a good asset to this brand and collection, wonderful young man.

Charlie: Thank you.

As they left,

Babe: Oh my god, Charlie, you explained that so well. Well done, you deserve this seat so much. We got such a big contract solely because of you.

Charlie: I just spoke, sir, that's all. Please, I will take my leave. Ahh.

Babe: Hey, hey, you're fine. You look pale, is something wrong?

Charlie: I am fine, just a little fatigued from overwork.

Babe: You sure?

Charlie: Yes, now I leave.

As he was going, suddenly Babe heard a falling noise from the stairs. He hurriedly went to check.

Just then, Charlie was rolling off the stairs, and Babe panicked. He went to Charlie, whose head was bleeding.

Babe: Charlie, Charlie, wake up.

[After a few hours]"

Charlie slowly opened his eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar room. His head throbbed, and his body felt heavy. Panic surged as he struggled to remember what had happened. Then, the memory of falling down the stairs rushed back to him.

Babe entered the room, holding a bowl of soup in his hand.

Babe: "Hey, you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

Charlie: "Where... where am I?"

Babe: "You're at my place. You took quite a tumble down the stairs earlier. I had to bring you here."

Charlie tried to sit up, but dizziness swept over him, forcing him back down onto the bed.

Charlie: "I need to go home."

Babe: "Not yet, Charlie. You're still too weak. You need to rest and regain your strength."

Charlie: "I appreciate it, but I can't stay here. I need to go home."

Babe's expression softened as he placed the soup on the bedside table.

Babe: "Charlie, I need you to listen to me. I'm not just anyone. I'm your boss. And as your boss, I'm ordering you to stay here for the night and stop being stubborn. You need rest, and I won't have you risking your health by trying to leave in this condition."

Charlie looked surprised, his stubbornness momentarily subdued by the authority in Babe's voice.

Charlie: "But..."

Babe: "No 'buts,' Charlie. You're staying here, and that's final. Now, eat your soup and get some rest. We'll talk more in the morning."

Charlie hesitated for a moment before reluctantly nodding his agreement.

Babe: "Good. I'll be in the other room if you need anything. Get some rest, Charlie."

At night, as Charlie slept, Babe quietly sneaked into the room to check on him. He couldn't help but notice how peaceful Charlie looked, even in his vulnerable state. Babe's gaze lingered on Charlie's face, admiring his features, particularly his lush lips.

As he observed, Babe's attention was drawn to Charlie's glasses, which had broken during the fall. Feeling a sense of responsibility, Babe picked them up, intending to fix them for Charlie. He began tinkering with the frames, trying to mend them, but despite his efforts, he couldn't seem to repair them properly.

Exhausted from his attempts, Babe found himself drifting off to sleep in the midst of his efforts, his mind filled with thoughts of Charlie's well-being and the unexpected tenderness he felt towards him.

At midnight, Charlie woke up feeling thirsty. As he reached for a glass of water, he noticed Babe asleep with his head resting on the table. Charlie's gaze fell upon the glasses that had been fixed and placed carefully on the table.

Feeling a surge of gratitude towards Babe, Charlie gently picked up the glasses and then grabbed an extra blanket from the bed. He quietly draped the blanket over Babe, ensuring he was comfortable while he slept.

Looking at Babe's peaceful expression, Charlie couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth towards him. He whispered softly, "You shouldn't do this for me, Babe. I don't want you to regret anything in life."

As his face took on a somber expression, Charlie felt a wave of sadness wash over him. Despite Babe's kindness, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within him. With a heavy heart, he drifted back to sleep, hoping that the morning would bring clarity and peace to his troubled mind.

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