Feel Alive [babexcharlie] Part 11

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Aniya gently patted Babe to wake him up, informing him that his mom had arrived. Babe, still half asleep, carefully placed Charlie's hand back on the bed before making his way outside.

Babe's mom greeted him, asking about Charlie's condition.

Babe: "He's fine for now, Mom. I want to talk to you about something really important to me."

Mom: "Go ahead, honey."

Babe: "Take over my seat, be the head of the office, take everything from me for just 6 months. I want 6 months for myself."

Mom: "Babe, that's..."

Babe: "6 months, Mom. That's all I'm asking. 6 months to live like I'm not the son of a magnate or something. I just want to be me. I want myself back. I want to feel what it's like to find myself again, with Charlie. Can you trust me?"

His eyes were sincere, his soul completely lost. He wasn't just asking his mom; he was begging her. And there was a difference.

Babe's mom nodded in agreement

Soon after, Babe and his mom signed the treaty. Babe let his mom take over the entire business while he stepped down as president.

Meanwhile, Babe's mom wasted no time in taking action against her husband, Babe's father, by pressing charges. Despite being caught, the legal process was ongoing as he hired lawyers to defend himself.Babe signed over the property and everything else to his mom.

he made the decision to leave everything behind and start fresh in the Netherlands. The house he chose was carefully selected to provide a peaceful and nurturing environment for both him and Charlie. Nestled amidst nature, it offered a sense of tranquility and escape from the chaos of their past lives. Babe saw it as a place where they could heal together, away from the reminders of their painful past.

Moving Charlie out of the hospital was a crucial step for Babe. He understood that being in that environment could potentially exacerbate Charlie's trauma and hinder his recovery. By opting for minimal human interaction, except with those who provided a safe and supportive space,

Babe's smile wavered slightly as he tried to coax a response from Charlie. He understood that Charlie's trauma ran deep, rendering him silent and distant. Still, Babe couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at the lack of communication.

"Charlie, I know it's hard," Babe continued softly, his voice tinged with empathy.You don't have to carry the weight alone.

Despite Babe's gentle encouragement, Charlie remained unresponsive, lost in his own world of pain and memories.

With a sigh, Babe gently squeezed Charlie's hand, silently vowing to be there for him no matter what.

they moved to netherland  

1 month later 

Babe's words hung in the air, heavy with longing and frustration. He had poured his heart and soul into trying to bring Charlie back from the depths of his trauma, but despite his efforts, progress seemed elusive.

With a sigh, Babe rested his head on Charlie's shoulder, feeling the weight of exhaustion settle over him. The past month had been filled with endless attempts to reach Charlie, to coax him out of his silence and into the light. Yet, each effort seemed to fall short, leaving Babe feeling helpless and defeated.

But despite the lack of improvement in Charlie's condition, Babe refused to give up hop

Babe's voice was soft, carrying the weight of his unspoken "If I could disappear, if I could trade my existence for yours, I would do it without hesitation," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I would give anything to see you smile again, to hear your laughter fill the air," Babe continued, his voice trembling with unspoken grief. "But no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I wish for it, I can't seem to reach you. And it tears me apart, knowing that I'm failing you."

Tears welled up in Babe's eyes, blurring his vision as he clung to Charlie's inert form.  All he could do was hold on, hoping against hope that somehow, someway, Charlie would find his way back to him.

Every night, Babe would sit by Charlie's side, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unshed tears. He would whisper secrets into the stillness of the room, pouring out his hopes and fears to the silent figure lying beside him.

"I miss you, Charlie," 

3 months later 

As the stars twinkled in the fading night sky, Babe sensed a subtle shift beside him—a delicate movement that stirred his soul with a newfound sense of anticipation. Slowly, he turned to behold Charlie, whose presence seemed to shimmer with a radiant glow in the early dawn light.

Babe's heart quickened with hope as he gazed upon Charlie's serene expression, a faint smile gracing his lips as he looked out onto the balcony, where the first rays of sunlight kissed the horizon.

"Babe," Charlie murmured softly, his voice a gentle breeze that caressed Babe's spirit. "Do you see it? The beauty of the world awakening before us?"

Tears welled in Babe's eyes as he nodded, overcome with emotion at the sight of Charlie's resplendent joy. "Yes, I do charlie ," he whispered, his voice trembling with reverence. "I see it, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed." (looking at charlie)

Author's Note:

You may call this a story that's not much focused on love, but for me, this is love. I tried my best to portray what trauma is like. In dramas, it's often as unrealistic as it could be. Healing trauma that is deep is not easy. It's not possible to become a better, improved human in just a month. Only the littlest smile takes months to appear on the person. If you want to leave the story, you can, because this story is all about healing and love that heals. There are no explicit scenes in it.

today a short chapter this story going to end soon if you have any request I am here you can request...

bye bye ...

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