DO or DIE (babe x way x Charlie)part 1

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song:Tate McRae - exes 

WARNING: If you are sensitive to discussions about throuples or polygamy, please refrain from reading further. This content may be distressing or uncomfortable for some individuals. Remember, everyone loves in different forms, and it's not our place to judge them for their choices.

Losing someone is truly not a choice. It's agonizing to witness someone we love lying lifeless before us, devoid of the smiles we cherished. It's incredibly tough to reconcile the love we shared with the harsh reality of their absence. Loving is hard, but leaving is even harder...

Way: Nick, I'm ready. We were going for a picnic. Look at me, I dressed in your favorite color, see?

Babe: Way, look at me. What are you doing? What is this? You should get a hold of yourself. Nick is no more, he's not here anymore. He's dead.

Way: What do you mean he's dead? He's not dead! You're telling me he's dead when I know it's not true!

Babe: Way, look at your hands. The smell of him is still there. You buried him with your own hands, see for yourself. Look at them, you put him down in that grave yourself.

Way: No, I didn't! Nothing like that ever happened! He and I had a deal, he said he would be back in an hour and then we would go for a picnic. Look at those baskets, I prepared his favorite sandwiches.

Babe: Stop lying to yourself. I can't lie to you. You have to accept what it is. You have to live, just like you lived with him. Don't you think he would be sad seeing you like this?

Way  Tears fell from his pearly brown eyes on his sheer dewy skin as he realized everything.

1 year later

babe:  chill, chill, chill, ladies. I'm not running away, hahaha. I'll be here until all of you get your drink and a touch of me as well.

customer 2: What do you mean you go first? It's my turn.

Customer 1: No, it's my turn. I paid more than you ever can.

Customer 2: Keep your money with you. It was my turn anyways.

Babe: Aha, what's wrong here? Why are the ladies fighting? Can this gentleman ask you?

Customer 1: Babe, look at her, she's coming in my way when it was clearly my turn to be served by you.

Babe: Oh, I see.

Customer 2: No, it's not like that. I just came here; she wasn't standing in place at all.

Babe: Ok, ok, ok, ladies, chill. As I said, this handsome won't run anytime. You don't have to fight. How about I get both of you drinks and we'll talk about life, shall we? Hey, the drinks are on me, okay?

Both the girls agreed and were happy with Babe's offer.

Customer 3: I heard he's one of the best servers. Even many ministers' wives come to him for service.

Customer 4: Yeah, me too. He's known to be the gentleman to ladies.

Customer 5: Yeah, I heard he made like 100k or more. That's quite money.

Babe: You girls need something, maybe a massage?

Customer 6: Oh, me, me, me!

Yuri: Okay, girls, girls, please, let's let this handsome go, his shift has ended.

Babe: Aw, Yuri, why so fast?

Yuri: Babe, it's 3 in the morning.

The crowd wailed and booed seeing Babe go.

Babe blew kisses to every woman as he hung out in the evening.

Babe: That was fast, Yuri. This is the wage of the night.

Yuri: It's yours, why give it to me?

Babe: I looked in your room, you had bills in debt.

Yuri: I can pay them off, of course. They were just there, and you earn more than anything.

Babe: Okay, okay, I know I earned it, okay? I'll see you later.

Yuri: Going to that restaurant again? When will you leave this chef's place? He's tired of rejecting you.

Babe: I'll do it until he won't give up. See you later.

Yuri: Go, or I will hit you.

Yuri is the owner of Telepatia  Club, her own club in Thailand, and also a sister to Babe. She has seen Babe since he was 15, and they truly love each other as siblings. Yuri always loved and cared about Babe, and Babe always respected Yuri as his big sis. Babe works as a bartender and server at the club. He's one of the most famous of them all and is known to be good with ladies, making them feel relaxed and loved after a hurried and tired day. Ladies come here in the night to chill and be treated like princesses, and Babe is perfect at doing this.

Babe entered the Sundown Restaurant, owned by a famous chef of Thailand known for his aromatic and beautiful culinary creations. The chef had won several awards and cooking competitions, and his food was described as a bowl of comfort that tantalized the senses. Not only was he a skilled cook, but he also possessed an adorable and cute appearance, making him even more endearing. At just 22 years old, his name was Charlie.

It all began when Babe first visited the restaurant with Yuri, and Charlie served him some incredibly delicious food. From that moment, Babe was smitten. It felt like love at first sight, and he made it his mission to win over this puppy-like chef. However, Babe soon realized that Charlie had a preference for rougher-looking guys, and every time Babe approached him, he was turned away, with Charlie claiming that Babe wasn't his type.

Undeterred, Babe refused to give up. It became a routine for him to visit the restaurant and pester Charlie, not realizing initially that the charming server who had captured his heart was also the talented cook behind the delectable dishes. As time went on, Babe eventually discovered Charlie's dual role, adding a new layer of intrigue to their interactions.

Today, the restaurant was empty as Babe entered. He looked around but couldn't see Charlie anywhere. After placing his order with the waiter, Babe couldn't resist the urge to sneak into the back of the kitchen area to find Charlie.

As he peeked from behind the large fridge, Babe couldn't help but admire Charlie's ethereal presence as he cooked. With a pounding heart, Babe approached quietly, his eyes fixed on Charlie's graceful movements.

Suddenly, he grabbed both strings of Charlie's apron and tightly knotted it around his waist, pulling him into an intimate backhug. Charlie, startled, turned to see Babe standing behind him.

Charlie: "How did you get in here?"

Babe: "By walking, obviously."

Charlie: "No, I mean who allowed you back here?"

Babe: "My feet, of course. They allowed me to walk here."

Charlie, exasperated, reached for a wide spoon and brandished it at Babe.

Babe: "Whoa, calm down! I was just trying to help. Sorry if I startled you."

Charlie: "You won't stop harassing me! You rotten maggot, you pancaked penguin! I'll demonetize you! you nincompoop get out now right nowww you hooligan STOPP BOTHERING ME ...SIGHHHHH calm down Charlie everything is fine You are a gentle and good man GET OUTT

Babe couldn't help but laugh at Charlie's colorful curses.

Babe: "What kind of curses are those? Haha!"nicom what 

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