BDSM (Winner x Dean) Part 16

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song: DNCE - Cake By The Ocean 

Most of you weren't comfortable with the supernatural stuff, so I removed everything and started from where we left Winner and Dean in Part 15. Honestly, I'm bored of this story. I don't know what to write anymore. Maybe it's writer's block or something, so I'm going to end it before it gets more boring for me. I started this story with a vast and messy plot, but it became overwhelming to write this much. I hope you understand."

Winner was about to leave when Dean told him to stop.

Dean: "Where are you going?"

Winner: "Somewhere where I don't have to see you, Dean. Let's end this contract. I don't want to see you anymore."

Dean: "But why? Did something happen?"

Winner: "Honestly, everything's wrong with us."

Dean: "Wait..."

Before Dean could say anything else, Winner left.

Winner's father was being too much and said to Winner to throw a party on his private island. Unfortunately, Winner had to call all of his friends, and Dean wasn't too thrilled about it. Winner called North to handle Sonic for him, and Dean as well. North agreed and talked to Prem himself, while Boun, Tay, and New had already agreed. Only Dean and Sonic weren't agreeing.

North: "Supreme Leader Sonic, please, let's go. It's just a birthday."

Sonic: "Don't follow me. I won't go, not after what you did to me. I forgave you, but not like this. Go away."

North: "Sonic, come on. Dean, tell him."

Dean: "I'm not agreeing, so why would I say something to him?"

North: "But we're in sync. Sonic, listen. I'll treat you to a Versace bag."

Sonic: "Will you?"

North: "Yeah."

Sonic: "And will you treat me like before? You did..."

North: "No, not at all. And if ever that time comes, you can kill me with your own hands."

Sonic: "Can I?"

North: "Yes, you can."

Sonic: "And will you do any of the illegal things you were doing?"

North: "I promise I won't. It was a mistake, a complete, stupid mistake."

Sonic: "Well, you were too much."

North: "Okay, I'll do anything and everything with your permission. You know how much I love you, right?"

Sonic: "Stand up. We'll go. But if you even look at New or anyone else, I will kill you for sure."

North: "Fine, it's settled."

Sonic nodded, and Dean followed him, though not with a smile.

North: "Ayyo, baby!"

Dean: "You forgave him?"

Sonic: "Nor is he perfect, nor am I perfect. He deserves a chance."

Dean: "Well, it's your choice."

As all the friends got on the yacht to go to the island, there was a sudden sense of unease and discomfort among them. It was really weird but sooner or later they all starting easing and drinking sooner or later they got to the island and had a great huge party and were all wasted 

the whole night was a banger for them 

in the morning 

only after some time, when they checked and found no yacht on the island . It seemed like they were so drunk and exhausted after the party that the yacht driver mistook their absence for them being inside.

When they woke up in the morning, everyone was shocked to find themselves stranded on the island with no sign of the yacht. Confusion and panic set in as they tried to make sense of the situation.

Dean: "Where's the yacht? Did it leave without us?"

Winner: "This can't be happening. How could they just leave us here?"

North: "Maybe it's a prank? Someone's playing a joke on us, right?"

Sonic: "I don't think so. This feels too real to be a prank."

Tay: "We need to find a way to get off this island. Maybe there's a radio or something we can use to call for help."

Prem: "I can't believe this is happening. How are we going to explain this to anyone?"

Boun: "We'll figure it out. Let's stay calm and think logically."

New: "I can't believe we're stranded on a deserted island. This is like something out of a movie."

tay:really movie new don't you remember like 3 years ago this happened to us like twice


sonic: but still it may take a day or two 

new: so we can  just go back to the rooms that winner got us 

dean; we can't we all were particularly in the backyard so they might have locked the rooms for sure

boun: we can break in 

winner:we can't there are security dogs they aRE GOING TO KILL US FOR SURE 


winner: don't start with me you 

Sonic: "Stop it, both of you! This is not the time for your petty arguments. We need to focus on finding a way out of here."

Winner: "But Sonic, you don't understand! There are security dogs, they could attack us!"

Dean: "Oh, come on, Winner! Don't be such a chicken. We can handle a few dogs."

Winner: "Easy for you to say! You're not the one facing those ferocious beasts!"

Dean: "Well, what do you suggest then? Sit here and wait for rescue while the dogs patrol the island?"

Sonic: "Enough! Both of you need to calm down. We're all in this together, and we need to work as a team to figure out our next move."

Tay: "Sonic's right. Let's not waste time arguing. We need to assess our resources and come up with a plan."

everyone was trying to help except winner and dean they were constantly having arguments and fighting throwing sarcasm over each other they had enough of them 

North: "Oh, for the love of... Winner, Dean, can you two just stop bickering for one second? We're in a bit of a situation here!"

Sonic: "Yeah, seriously, you two are like an old married couple. Can't you save the drama for later?"

Dean: "Well, if Winner would stop being such a scaredy-cat, maybe we could focus on getting out of here!"

Winner: "Scaredy-cat? At least I'm not a reckless daredevil like you, Dean!"

Prem: "Oh, here we go again! Can't you two just agree on something for once? Like, I don't know, maybe the fact that we're stranded on an island?"

Boun: "Yeah, instead of fighting like cats and dogs, let's try to work together 

Tay: "I've had it up to here with your constant arguing! If you don't stop, I swear I'll leave you both here to argue with the crabs!"

New: "Seriously, guys, can't you see how ridiculous you look? It's like watching a comedy show, except we're the ones in trouble! even I am being serious right now 

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