MY MAFIA(kenta x kim)Part 4

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The next day, Kenta was resting, still awake, when he heard the clinking of the bead curtains. He opened his eyes only to see Kim standing there.

"Have you seen Sonic? We can't find him anywhere. He said he would watch me practice archery, but now he's not here," Kim pouted.

Kenta shook his head. "I haven't seen him since maybe 4 PM yesterday."

Kim looked disappointed. "Is that so? Then he must have gone inside the dance valley. Okay, I guess I have to wait for him." Kim turned to leave, clearly let down.

"Wait... wait!" Kenta called out.

Kim stopped and turned back, looking curious. "What did you call me for?"

Kenta hesitated for a moment before saying, "Yes, I did. I can watch you if you want."

"Can you?" Kim's face brightened.

Kenta, still a bit uncertain, replied, "Y-yes."

"But do you even know about archery? How it's done?" Kim pondered for a moment, then continued, "Hmm, but still, you can watch. Let me think... okay, let's go! I will teach you if you can't do it as well. I'm really good."

Kenta, feeling a mix of happiness and admiring, responded, "Oh...kay.

At the archery range, Kim handed Kenta a bow and quiver of arrows. "Alright, let's start with the basics. First, you need to stand like this," Kim demonstrated the stance, and Kenta mimicked him. Kim adjusted Kenta's posture, his touch gentle but firm. While he was busy teaching, Kenta couldn't take his eyes off Kim. He was trying his best to concentrate, but all his focus kept drifting to Kim's face.

"Now, nock the arrow like this," Kim continued, showing Kenta how to place the arrow on the bowstring.

Kenta tried to follow Kim's instructions, but his gaze kept wandering back to Kim's expressive eyes and the way his hair fell softly around his face. Kim, noticing Kenta's distraction, smiled knowingly but didn't comment.

"Okay, now draw the bowstring back, keeping your elbow up," Kim instructed, stepping behind Kenta to guide his movements.

"Like this?" Kenta asked, his voice a bit shaky.

"Yes, exactly," Kim encouraged, his hands gently adjusting Kenta's grip. "Now, aim and release."

Kenta smiled at Kim's guidance, gladly acting as if he had never touched a bow before. What Kim didn't know was that Kenta had been a big fan of archery since he was ten and was actually a professional in it. Still, Kenta pretended to be a novice, enjoying the opportunity to be close to Kim and share this experience with him.

"You're doing great," Kim encouraged, completely unaware of Kenta's true skill level. "Just keep your elbow up and your focus steady."

Kenta nodded, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "Like this?" he asked, drawing the bowstring back with exaggerated caution.

"Exactly," Kim replied, stepping closer to adjust Kenta's posture. "Now, remember to breathe out as you release the arrow."

Kenta took a deep breath and released the arrow, deliberately missing the target by a small margin. "Oops," he said with a sheepish grin.

Kim chuckled. "Not bad, but let's try again. You'll get it." He stepped closer, adjusting Kenta's posture. As Kim guided him, Kenta took the opportunity to slide his arm around Kim's waist, their faces just inches apart.

Kim's cheeks flushed slightly, but before he could react, a voice interrupted them.

"Ha, hilarious! He's so bad at it. The posture sucks, and the hold is unstable. Looks like he—"

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