DO or DIE (babe x way x Charlie)part 2

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charlie: "Here's your food. Eat up and go."

babe: "When will you give up? Don't you feel it?"

charlie: Without turning "Feel what?"

babe: "My love for you. I admire you and everything about you."

charlie: "I'm not saying you're not a good guy or that you have faults. You're nice, but you're not for me."

babe: "If I was a nice guy, I would be for you. Who are you kidding?"

charlie: "Yeah, maybe I'm lying to myself. Stop bothering me. It won't work."

babe: "I..."

Before babe could say something, Charlie left. Today, it was different. Charlie seemed dead serious about it.

babe: "It wouldn't hurt if he opened his heart to me."

Meanwhile, inside the kitchen...

charlie: "It's not that I can't open my heart to you, but I can't love an unstable person like you. Love isn't for kids, babe."

Charlie couldn't shake off the heaviness in his heart as he watched Babe leave, their conversation echoing in his mind. Despite his outward bravado, he couldn't deny the turmoil within him. As he closed the restaurant early, he found himself wandering the empty streets, the city's buzz a distant hum in his ears.He realized that his harsh words to Babe had stemmed from his own fears and insecurities. Deep down, he knew that he cared for Babe more than he dared to admit. But the fear of vulnerability, of opening up his heart only to be hurt, had held him back.

 Charlie's thoughts consumed him, he wandered absentmindedly across the street, oblivious to the world around him. Suddenly, the screech of tires and the blare of a horn pierced through his reverie. Instinctively, he stumbled backward, narrowly avoiding the speeding car, but not without consequence.

Pain shot through his knee as he fell to the ground, a sharp gasp escaping his lips. Dazed and disoriented, he barely registered the sound of the car screeching to a halt and the hurried footsteps approaching him.

"Are you okay? Can you walk?" a concerned voice asked, breaking through the haze of pain. Charlie looked up, his vision blurry, and saw a figure standing before him. Despite the pain, he couldn't help but notice the man's striking eyes, a mesmerizing shade of blue that seemed to pierce through the chaos around them.

For a moment, Charlie forgot about the throbbing in his knee as he found himself lost in the depths of those captivating eyes. They held a warmth and sincerity that instantly put him at ease, despite the chaos of the situation.

"I... I think so," Charlie replied, his voice shaky as he attempted to push himself up from the ground. With a helping hand from the stranger, he managed to stand, though his injured knee protested with each movement.

"Thank you," Charlie murmured, his gaze still locked with the stranger's. It was as if time had frozen around them, leaving only the two of them in a world of their own.

I'm really sorry about this," the stranger said, his tone laced with sincerity as they made their way to his car. "I was on the phone and I didn't see you until it was too late."

Charlie shook his head, offering a weak smile. "It's not your fault. These things happen," he replied, trying to reassure the stranger despite the pain shooting through his knee with each step.

As they reached the car, Charlie couldn't help but notice the elegance of the vehicle. It was clear that the stranger was no ordinary passerby; everything about him exuded sophistication and refineme

As they sped toward the hospital, Charlie couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. Who was this man who had come to his rescue? And why did he seem so out of place in the chaos of the city streets?

As Charlie finished his treatment for his injury at the hospital, he felt a mix of relief and exhaustion wash over him. Despite the pain in his knee, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the care he had received.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride home?" the man asked, his tone gentle yet persistent.

Charlie hesitated

 As Charlie learned that the stranger who helped him was a doctor, he wasn't entirely surprised. There was an air of confidence and authority about him that seemed to fit the profession perfectly. Despite his simple yet expensive appearance, it was evident that he commanded respect from those around him.

As they stood outside the hospital, Charlie finally mustered the courage to ask the stranger's name. With a small smile, the man replied, "I'm Way. You can call me that."

Charlie nodded, committing the name to memory. "Thank you, Way," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Before he could say anything else, Way gestured toward the approaching car. "My friend will leave you in my car. He's just a few minutes away from the hospital," Way explained.

Charlie couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude toward Way, overwhelmed by his kindness and concern. "I appreciate it," he said, his gaze lingering on Way's face, still mesmerized by his presence.

As Way's friend arrived, Way greeted him warmly, addressing him as "babe." Charlie's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected familiarity between them. Before he could process this revelation, Way turned to his friend and made a request, causing a look of panic to flash across "babe's" face.

"Babe, can you do this for me?" Way asked, his tone serious yet tinged with urgency.

Babe's attention immediately shifted to Charlie, their eyes filled with concern as they approached him, bombarding him with questions about what had happened, who had caused the injury, and why.

Charlie felt a rush of embarrassment at the sudden attention

Before Charlie could respond, Way stepped forward, his expression troubled. "It was my mistake, on my way to the hospital he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I was in a hurry, on a call, and I nearly hit him. But luckily, luck was on his side."

Babe's gaze shifted between Way and Charlie, their eyes filled with a mixture of care and worry. When Way asked if they knew Charlie, Babe hesitated for a moment before replying, "He... is a friend."

Charlie couldn't help but feel touched by Babe's declaration

as Babe reached out to caress Charlie's head, 

Charlie: pushes Babe's hand away "I'm fine."

Babe: hurt, but trying to remain calm "Charlie, I'm just worried about you. Please, let me help."

Charlie: defensive "I said I'm fine. I don't need your help."

Besides Babe being worried about Charlie  still choosing to push Babe away was the peak of charlie showing how much he was scared of getting his heart broken

Way observed the interaction between Charlie and Babe with a mixture of concern and understanding. Sensing Charlie's discomfort and Babe's hurt, he decided to intervene. With a gentle expression, he knelt down beside Charlie and handed him a small packet of medicine.

"Here," Way said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "Take these. They'll help with the pain. Reapply them after six hours."

Thank you," Charlie murmured, his voice tinged with gratitude as he accepted the medicine.

Way nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You're welcome. Just take care of yourself, alright?"

Charlie nodded in response, his heart feeling lighter despite the lingering pain in his knee.

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