Feel Alive [babexcharlie] Part 6

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The next day, Babe arrived at the office around noon.

Babe: "Aniya, where is the meeting schedule?"

Aniya: "Sir, it's right here."

Babe glanced around and noticed Charlie's absence.

Babe: "Where's Charlie?"

Aniya: "Sir, he's sick and taking the day off."

Babe: "Alright, bring the files inside so I can sign them for you."

Aniya: "As you wish, sir."

Babe thought about Charlie's mental health.

GEM: "Has he tried to harm himself again? Aniya, you should know. Did he?"

Aniya: "Gem, you have no right to ask about that today. Don't make me punch you. He's just sick, and he's doing better than you actually."

As Aniya entered Babe's room, she noticed he wasn't there.


Aniya: "Hello, BOSS?"

ANIYA: "Aniya, is everything alright? You were not in your office."

Babe: "I'll call you back in a while. I have to go somewhere urgently."

Aniya: "Okay, si..."

Babe abruptly ended the call as he drove to Charlie's apartment.

Hurriedly ascending the stairs, Babe easily found the address in the office files.

Babe: "Apartment 23...23...23. Where is it? Ah, here it is."

As Babe was about to ring the bell, he realized the apartment was unlocked.

He grasped the handle and entered, encountering pitch darkness so dense it was difficult to discern anything. As he ventured further, a faint light caught his eye—a candle burning softly. Gradually, his vision adjusted, revealing Charlie deep in contemplation, fixated on the candle's flames. Everything remained shrouded in darkness except for the table upon which the candle sat, casting a solitary glow. Leaning against the table, Charlie appeared lost in his thoughts, as if searching for something long lost.

Upon seeing this, Babe swiftly flicked the lights back on. Charlie, still dazed and oblivious to his surroundings, spoke.

Charlie: "I've always felt like this candle. It illuminates the room, but it burns until it's extinguished. And when it's not lit, darkness pervades. So, I stopped burning, and the darkness crept in. Eventually, at the end of burning, it melts away and never returns. I was on the verge of burning out, so I stopped and embraced the darkness.......Why are you here, boss?"

Babe: "We need to talk, Charlie. You're my employee, and you have no right to take time off without permission. Are you even listening? Why are you so stubborn? You refuse to confide in anyone. Do you enjoy darkness so much that even sunlight can't penetrate it? You need to ask for help. Are you crazy? Prioritize work over staying at home just because you're sick. What if the project gets delayed because of your absence? Come with me and finish your work now."

Charlie stood up.

Charlie: "You can leave, boss. I'll be there in half an hour. I understand work is important, and I should be there. This won't happen again."

Babe: "There you go, Charlie. Instead of standing up for yourself and admitting that I was wrong and that health comes before work, you agree to something as wrong as this. What else have you agreed to before? Where is your self-respect? Can't you see that I was wrong, and your agreement will only hurt you? Charlie, I'm talking to you."

Charlie: "Sir, I told you I'll be there in half an hour. Please leave. You're not allowed here."

Annoyed, Babe stepped forward, trying to get Charlie's attention. He placed his hand on Charlie's shoulder, shaking him.

Babe: "Why aren't you understanding this, Charlie? Charlie...Charlie..."

Charlie: "Why do you care, sir? I'm no one to you. It's only been a week since you've known me, and I don't even want that. Please, if you try to work harder, this company will flourish. I don't care about what's useless now. Will you leave, or should I?"

Babe: "Fine. You want it this way, let it be this way. If this week was a bother to you, then sure, I will never care for you after this, not even as a fellow human."

Charlie: "Thank you, sir."

As Charlie spoke, Babe turned away in a storm of fury. His frustration and disappointment simmered beneath the surface as he stormed out of the room, his steps echoing with determination

Babe stormed out of Charlie's apartment, his frustration boiling over as he marched towards his car. The anger inside him was a tempest, swirling and churning with each step he took. As he reached the vehicle, he yanked open the door and slammed himself into the driver's seat, his hands trembling with pent-up fury.

"Why don't you understand?" he growled, his voice thick with emotion. With each word, he punctuated his frustration by slamming his fist into the steering wheel again and again. The sound of metal against flesh echoed in the confined space of the car, a symphony of rage and desperation.

one question lingered in his mind like a haunting refrain: Why couldn't Charlie see the truth? Why couldn't he understand?

After an hour, Charlie finally arrived at work, his demeanor aloof as he immersed himself in his tasks. Babe watched him closely, his gaze betraying his inner turmoil despite his attempts to appear indifferent.

Babe's frustration bubbled beneath the surface as he struggled to maintain his composure.

Babe: [in mind]"i may act like I don't care, but seeing you sick like this  makes me worried as hell."

Babe's concern lingered like a shadow as he observed Charlie from across the room. Despite the pretense of indifference, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

As the day wore on, Babe found himself stealing glances at Charlie, each one filled with a mixture of worry and frustration. He wanted to reach out, to offer support, but the barrier between them seemed impenetrable

Babe: "Aniya, I need you to take over Charlie's workload and let him leave early. Don't mention that I told you to do this."

Aniya, ever efficient, acknowledged his command without question, assuring him that she would handle the situation discreetly.

Aniya: "Understood, sir. I'll take care of it."

With a weight lifted off his shoulders, Babe turned his attention back to Charlie, a sense of relief mingling with his lingering concern

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