23. | Pharmacy.

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- N O V A L I A -

Gently raking my fingers through his soft dark brunette hair, I see his eyes flutter open.

His eyes settles on mine and the warm charming smile spreads across his face.

Quickly raising my hand I boop his nose which makes him glare at me.

That just made me do it again until he removed his head from my lap and got off the couch.

"Good Morning to you too, grumpy." I grinned in amusement as he rolled his eyes at me in return.

I flipped him off and scrambled off the couch and darted into my room.

I checked the time to see that it was only 6:23 am, I could still get a few good minutes of sleep or even hours.

Even the slight ache in my lower stomach agreed to the sleep.

Throwing my sheets open and quickly hopping into my bed, I finally find my eyes fluttering back to sleep.


The sleepy fatigue feeling still hadn't gone.

I had just woken up from my little nap, the time was now 10:12 am.

The dull ache from earlier had increased drastically, I had a feeling my period would arrive sooner than I thought.

Lazily dragging myself to the bathroom, I search for the pads I thought I had packed in.

Normally I would always make sure that I packed my essentials but I don't know what's gotten into me this time.

Groaning, I quickly walk back into my room and grab a new set of clothes so I could shower.

After the shower I would make a quick visit at the pharmacy nearby and get some pads or whatever.

I didn't shower for too long as the cramps really started attacking me for no reason.

Slipping on my sweatpants and a grey hoodie that I stole from Sirius, since I didn't have any women essentials I just rolled some toilet paper and used it as a pad for the short moment until I got my pads.

I quickly put on my shoes and walk out my room. Sirius's head turned towards me and offered me a small smile.

He was resting on the couch as he watched some movie.

"It's almost night and you're finally out of your room." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Haven't you heard of vampires?" I taunted.

"No I haven't." He said, sarcasm lacing his tone.

"Anyway, I'll be back in a few minutes." I said and he frowned.

"Want me to join?" He asked as he got off the couch and started strolling towards me.

"No!" I blurted out a bit too quickly for my own liking.

"Can I atleast know where you're going?"

"Just to the pharmacy nearby." I shrugged and slightly winced at the sharp pain that shot through my stomach.

"Are you sick?" He asked and scanned my face as if he could diagnose me on the spot.

"No, I just need to go buy some stuff and I'll be back." I muttered.

"Tell me what you need and I'll go get them for you." He said.

"You're not going to be embarrassed are you?" I muttered and laughed nervously.

He gave me a confused look and I took a breath in.

"I need pads."

"There's no reason for me to be embarrassed about that, I'll gladly do it." He stated, his tone as reassuring as possible.

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