39. | Masked men.

677 33 12

- S I R I U S -

My face slammed into the steering, the burning sensation flowing throughout my face as I try to control the steering but it's to no use as the car starts flipping uncontrollably off the road, into a ditch.

I force my eyes to stay open as I turn to look at Nova, whose blood smeared across the dash.

A feeling of panic cascades through me in a quick motion, "Nova!" I exclaimed, my voice differing as I flutter my eyes seeing the masked men at the side of both our doors.

My eyes goes droopy as I feel myself go unconscious.

-R O C C O -

The sound of my phone pinging on the counter makes me place my donut back into the packaging and wipe my hands due to the chocolate icing on my hands.

I quickly pick up my phone, unlocking it to see many notifications from my car's tracker.

My heart jumps a beat seeing the accident detected warnings blowing up my phone.

"No no no." I mutter staring at my phone in disbelief.

From the tracker warnings, I could sense it was bad.

"What's wrong?" Enzo immediately asks seeing my panicked expression.

"Nova- they got into a car crash. Look." I panic and shove my phone into Enzo's hand making him see the warnings.

"Fuck. Call her phone." Enzo cusses and shouts for Roman and Julius.

My fists clenches as my palms become sweaty.

I immediately dial her number as the phone dials but no answer.

I let out a grunt and slam my phone back onto the counter before they all immediately run into the room at Enzo's also panicked voice, looking concerned.

"We need to fucking go, Nova and Sirius got into a crash." Enzo said and grabbed his car keys and darted out the warehouse with us all following.

We all get into Enzo's car as Roman gets out his phone and rings Elijah.

I pass my phone over to Roman who sat in the passenger seat so they could follow the GPS location of the crash site.

"That's fucking nearby." Enzo mutters, picking up speed and swerving around a car that drove atleast quarter of what we were.

As we drive, I spot debris lying throughout the street and just then I spot my car laying on its roof with glass pieces surrounding it.

Enzo immediately pulls off to the side and just as the car comes to a halt I'm already bolting out.

"Nova!" I scream, terrified of the impossible happening.

Once I get no response my hands start to shake as I crouched down trying to get her out through the window but when I look through the broken window I'm met with blood staining the interior with no sights of Nova or Sirius.

"No no no, please tell me she's alright." Enzo exclaims as he comes running over to me.

"She's not her, she's not fucking here." I yell, slamming my fist against the side mirror.

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