42. | Hope.

508 35 3

- N O V A L I A -

I'm startled awake by the walls echoing with a loud thud as Nathaniel walked into the room, shutting the door as quietly as he possibly could.

"Angelo said I could untie you, so you need to behave or our escape plan goes down the drain." Mathew muttered, twisting the key twice, making the heavy metal chains fall from Sirius's wrist.

Sirius immediately stood up, kicking the chair a good distance behind him before darting over to me.

As soon as he reached me, he crouched down onto his knees as he held either side of my head in his hands, bring a gentle kiss to my head.

"I'm going to get us out of here, I promise." He muttered, his voice soft.

"I know you will." I smiled, nodding my head.

"He's going to pay for laying a finger on you, I fucking swear." Sirius gritted as he stroked his finger over the little bruised but healing cut on my forehead.

I take this as a opportunity to graze over his face.

His hair was disheveled, his skin was pale instead of the olive tone.

His forehead had a cut that seemed to be healing, as his busted lip seemed to be doing the same.

Tears pooled my eyes as I lifted my hand and placed it on the side of his face, gently rubbing my thumb across his cheek, my thumb grazing his subble beard.

"We're going to die aren't we?" I mutter, my heart breaking at the thought of our lives ending.

We hadn't even begun life, yet it was already ending.

"Look at me my love," He soft mutters,
"We aren't going to die, we're going to live. I'll make sure of it. You're going to live."

He props up next to me, making me lay my head onto his shoulder as his arm wraps around my backside.

It wasn't even a second later, when Angelo walked through the metal doors, a smirk cornering his face.

"How nice, how nice." He grinned.

"You know, you look nothing like your mother Vera." Angelo snickered.

I felt Sirius's arm tightening around me as I pressed myself further into his side.

"Relax. I'm only here to tell a little story." He laughs, dragging the chair from across the room, a few meters away from us.

"Emery was a beautiful girl wasn't she? Mhm Nova? Unfortunately beautiful things come to an end too." He spoke, laughing.

"You killed her." I stutter out, feeling my body tense.

Sirius looks between Angelo and I, confused.

"Sirius over here looks a but confused no? Let me tell you a little story."

"I killed Emery, Rocco's former girlfriend is that not?" He smiled wickedly, not one bit of remorse etching his face.

"You're sick, you're a piece of shit Angelo, a piece of shit." I exclaim, trying not to spill the tears onto my cheeks.

"I must admit they looked cute together but all nice things come to an end doesn't it? Just like the two of you will." He sneered, smirking.

"You two will come to a end." He grinned, standing up from the chair he sat on and tugged out a gun from behind his shirt.

My eyes immediately widened as my eyes darted between Angelo's and Nathaniel's who stood behind him.

My eyes caught sight of the extra gun meshed between Angelo's pocket.

Nathaniel looked to the spot my eyes was caught on.

Just as Angelo's gun hunched in Sirius and I's direction, he stilled.

Nathaniel started walking closer towards Angelo as he held a grin on his face.

His hand moved upwards towards Angelo's temple, a gun pressed against it.

"Now you're going to let them go and tell me where my brother is or I swear I'll kill you on this spot. I know you have too much too lose Angelo." Nathaniel snickered.

Angelo's eyes hardened before it turned into a sight of fear at the sound of Nathaniel turning the safety off.

With one pull of the trigger he would be dead and he knew that.

"You'll let me go right?" Angelo stuttered.

"Answer my fucking question first Angelo." The gun was pressed so incredibly deep into his flesh that dripples of blood trickled down his face.

"He's still in the orphanage, he was never your real brother anyway." Angelo said snickered as I could visibly see Nathaniel's face morph into heartbreak.

"What?" He muttered, his voice sharp making Angelo gulp.

"You lived in a orphanage until you were 4 years old, your mother she wanted you back. You lived with her ever since, well until you worked for me." Angelo spoke, Nathaniel grip around the gun was strong.

"She was my mother? Vera was my mother?" Nathaniel mutters, pushing Angelo forward onto his knees, digging the gun into the back of his neck.

I clutch Sirius tighter as I move my eyes to look at him, but his strong gaze was on Nathaniel as Nathaniel exchanged the same look.

I clutch Sirius tighter as I move my eyes to look at him, but his strong gaze was on Nathaniel as Nathaniel exchanged the same look

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