Chapter 34

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I tapped my foot impatiently as I waited for the door in front of me to open. I banged my fist on the door after a minute of waiting.

"I'm coming!" Said a voice from inside. I heard shuffling behind the door before it opened, revealing the person I wanted gone ever since that damn night.

"How fucking could you!" I stormed into the loft as I pushed my way in. "How. Fucking. Could. You," I said slower, letting my anger coat every word.

"Samantha." Shock rolled over the astonished figure. "What are you doing her?"

"Cut the bull crap. You know exactly what I'm doing here." I tried to calm my breathing before continuing on. "The only people that knew about Asher and I were my parents, my best friends, and you." I sneered, pointing a finger at the girl I never wanted to see.

She tugged her silk robe tighter around her curved figure, and walked closer to where I stood.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She stood right in front of me, and all her features became visible as she stepped into the light.

Her blonde hair cascaded to her shoulders. She looked different since the last time I saw her, yet her eyes were still the same emotionless, honey eyes. Why did I ever consider her my friend? I should've known how she was. The girl that liked to go after any guy her heart desired. I should have backed away from her when I found that out.

"Cut the bullshit, Olivia!"

"I'm not bullshiting at all. I have no idea what you're talking about." Olivia folded her arms in front of her chest and stood up straight.

"You're the only one that knew and that would tell someone."

"I'm the only one that would tell someone?!"

I took in Olivia's frustrated state. She looked mad at my accusation.

"Yes," I bluntly answered.

"Well, sorry to break it to you, but I haven't told anybody about what happened. Not only will it ruin my reputation if that information was in the wrong hands, but also Asher's. Do you really think I would ever stoop that low as to put all of our reputations in danger?" She had a point if people found out about her being a home wrecker. No one would want her to work for them. Her modeling career would go down the drain the instant that news was out.

I gave her one last look before walking over to the door.

"You're right. I guess it was wrong of me to falsely accuse you of something without really knowing. Goodbye, Olivia."

I walked out of her loft in a hazed state. If it wasn't her, then who was it? Screw Devin for keeping his damn mouth shut, and screw whoever was behind this whole mess in the first place. Why was I still worrying about this anyway? After Devin came to the conclusion that doing business with an ex of mine was a bad idea, he said he was cutting the partnership.

I walked over to my car, and drove to the only person that could help me figure things out. Sidney.

Devin's POV

I tapped my pen impatiently as I recalled today's earlier events.

I had smoothly lied to both my mother and Samantha about my whereabouts when I was away. Instead of saying my I was in Australia forgetting about my life back here, I told them I was out in Europe. Specifically, Sicily.

I was surprised my mother didn't catch my lies, since she had seemed to be doing pretty good at doing that lately.

I switched course of thoughts and pondered on the call I had receive before leave.

I was oddly surprised when the women on the other end was trying to reach Samantha. She somehow ended up reaching me, saying she thought it was finally a good time for Samantha to see Bella. After asking a couple questions, I was able to find out who this Bella was. I was shocked when the lady on the other end claimed Samantha was Bella's biological mother.

I had wanted to confront Samantha before I left, but I couldn't. I also had the opportunity just now, but I didn't take it. How was I suppose to tell her that the adoptive mother of her child called saying she could go visit her daughter who I had no idea existed?

After that call, I went straight to Samantha's parents house and pried out all the information I could from Mrs. Hult. I could tell she didn't want to tell me anything.

After knowing so much, I left for the airport to board my jet. Yet, there were some issues with it.

The stress at that moment was killing me and I went over to Pablo's to get some advise. It didn't work out as I planned, since he was drunk all by himself sobbing about how his girlfriend broke up with him. I soon left, only to find Samantha in my private room. What had she found in there?

I internally groaned as the drawings I had drawn of her came to mind. Had she found them?

The only reason I had drawn her was because of anger. That's what I did when I was angry, draw or paint and it just so happened she was the muse to those drawings.

I laid my head on the desk and just let the events sink in. There wouldn't be a partnership between Asher Lockheart and my family's company anytime soon. I would just have to wait those two years for Mr. Hult to come by.

I lifted my head as I heard my office door slam. Samantha walked over to the chair in front of me and slumped in it.

"I hate people who make me waste my energy for nothing," she mumbled as her blue eyes stared daggers into me.


I'm sorry I couldn't update anytime sooner but writers block just had to step in.

For those of you who celebrate 4th of July happy Independence Day. Let's get the BBQ started. Ohhhh I could go for some ribs..... Okay anyway yeah I hope you enjoy your day.

I got to #7 in chicklit WOOPWOOP! Thank you for all the votes (:

This chapter is dedicated to a good friend of mine on Wattpad cliquecookie. She guessed it right. Samantha's mom spilled the beans. Oops... Go check out her story by the way (:

I have posted a new story called Abducted. I'm really liking it so far and I feel my writings a bit better. Well as better as it can get so go check it out.

Please vote and comment.

Bye (:

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