Chapter 46 {Part 2}

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I bit my lip as I looked at the man who sat in front of me and for the hundredth time asked, "Where's Devin?"

The man with grey streaked hair finally looked up. He stared at me with his eyes that were covered by a pair of tinted glasses. I had been in this coffeehouse with this man that Devin had left me with for the last two hours doing nothing. The cashier had been giving us odd glances since all we were doing was sitting and I had an untouched cup of coffee. Devin only escorted me in and told me to sit until he came back. Thinking he would only take a couple of minutes on a phone call, I obeyed. I would've already left this place if it weren't for the bodyguard that Devin had left to look after me.

"Mr. Maker will be back shortly. Please drink your coffee and wait with patience." I already waited with patience for two hours, and I was no longer going to wait more.

I finally stood up and he stood up behind me. I placed a couple of euros for my coffee on the table, and stalked out of the coffeehouse with a large man calling for me. I ignored him and walked down the crowded sidewalk. I bee lined and took a dark alleyway, only to soon regret it when slow and steady footsteps sounded behind me. I turned around to catch a tall and well-built man leisurely stalk toward me. His eyes were concealed behind a pair of ray bands and his hands were buried into the pockets of his jacket.

"Una señorita como usted no deberia estar andando en callejones sola," the man said when he was only a foot away from me. I looked at him in confusion since my Spanish was horrible. All I managed to catch from what he said was that, I as a lady should not, and then I blanked out from there.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak Spanish so well," I said as I managed to take a couple of steps back

"A lady like you should not be walking in alleys all by yourself," he repeated.

I looked at him and noticed he'd taken off his ray bands and his eyes bore into mine. I felt a swing of uneasiness wash over me and I felt my palms start to sweat.

I cleared my throat and said," You're absolutely right." With that I walked around him and tried to escape, only to have him roughly grab my upper arm and push me against a wall. "Let me go," I said as I tried to push him off of me with my arms. To my total disadvantage, I was a weak human being and the man standing in front of me was like a boulder.

"Where do you think you're going, señorita? I haven't even gotten the pleasure to introduce myself." One of his hands caught both of mine in his and he put them above my head. Out of instinct, I went to scream but my shouts were soon muffled by his rough palm.

All I could think about at that moment was why the hell I left that rock of a bodyguard behind.

His stubble covered jaw came in contact with my neck and he buried his face there. Nicking and biting it. I took this opportunity to bite his hand covering my mouth and I kneed his groin. In his moment of weakness, I slipped out of his hold and ran out of the alley, only to bump into a hard chest. Arms soon enveloped me and I looked up with relief when I saw at who was holding me in his arms. I lift my arms and wrapped them around his neck. Who would've thought I would be so glad to see him and have him hold me protectively?

"I leave you in a café with someone watching over you and find you with neither. Why the hell did you just run out of an alleyway, Samantha?" He pulled away and held my shoulders.

"Let's just say I finally got to use seven years of self-defense classes," I gave him a small smile and his features hardened. He looked up to where I had come from and in an instant, let go of me.

I turned around and saw him push his way, until he came face to face with that man that almost assaulted in a minute ago. Devin grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed him against a glass window of a shop.

"Don't you ever touch my wife again or I swear to God, I will kill you with my own bare hands." Devin pushed him back crudely and came back to me. He took my hand in his and dragged me to a car.

"Remind me to never leave you out of my sight again," he whispered into my ear once we were in the back seat of the town car. I looked up to him and gave him a smile.

Living A Fake Life (Slowly Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora