Chapter 5

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Oliver drops you at Janis' house, you know where she lives because you went to her house once for a project last year. You slowly walk up, your feet hurt from being in heels for so long. You knock on the door, a smiley Janis opens it and pulls you in for a hug, "You came." Janis says, pulling away. You nod, walking in the house, taking off your shoes, "Do you want to change into something more comfortable.

Nodding happily, she walks somewhere to get your clothes, you pull out your phone and tell Gretchen you will be staying at a friend's house.

Janis comes out with a oversized top and some track pants, throwing them to you, you thank her and change into them, coming out you see Janis and Damien on the couch, Janis moves over and pats the place next to you, smiling, you sit down, you smile at the movie they a watching, taking some popcorn from the bowl in Janis' lap, smiling when she looks at you.

She puts her lead on your shoulder, you feel a blush form on your cheeks, watching the movie you don't realise but Damien has fallen asleep, you look over, wanting more food but you see he's asleep and Janis is looking into your eyes.

She takes her head off your shoulder, you both look into each others eyes, she looks down at your lips, you look at hers, you notice she is slowly leaning in, you grab her face and lean in, your lips touch and they slowly move against each other, after awhile, you pull away and stare into each other eyes.

Janis felt so happy at this moment and only prayed that you feel the same way, you did but you were scared, "J-Janis." You whisper, starting to panic slightly, she touches your shoulder, "It's okay, I won't tell anyone." You look at her with happy eyes, "Thanks." You smile, closing your eyes, shortly falling asleep.

The next day, you wake up to Janis and Damien moving around, you had no Idea what time it was but it looked like it was almost time for school. "Morning sleepyhead! I got you some clothes." Janis said happily, throwing the clothes at you.

You smile at her, wondering if she was thinking about what happened last night, you get up and walk to the bathroom, changing into the clothes that she gave you, they were a tad small because Janis was slightly shorter than you.

When you came out of the bathroom, Janis was standing right there, you looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before you got butterflies inside and you had to look away.

You walked past her and made your way to the kitchen, Damien smiled at you, handing you a plate of pancakes. "Thanks." You smile, sitting down on the table.

The three of you sit down on the table, "So." Damien started, "How was the date?" You finish the food you were currently chewing, "Shit." You start, he looks at you sympathetically but you shake your head. "It's okay, I wasn't really interested in him." He nods, "What went wrong? Was he an asshole?" You shake your head, "No he was actually a gentleman." jhn

Damien gives you a confused look, "Well then what happened?" He asks, you sigh, "I found out that Gretchen made him ask me out." He gave you an apologetic look but you weren't bothered by it, the only thing on your mind was what happened with Janis last night but you were way too scared to bring it up.

The three of you finish your breakfast, you thank them for letting you stay the night. You call Gretchen, asking her to bring your stuff to school so you can just go with Janis and Damien. You walk outside, and head over so you can walk to the bus stop.

The three of you wait for the bus in silence, It's quite cold so you're hoping it comes quickly. When it finally comes you're so thankful, you hop on the bus and notice it's not that crowded, "Where is everyone." You say, asking Janis, "This is one of the first stops." You smile, now you just feel dumb.

The three of you sat at the back, the bus was a long trip and you felt like it went on for hours. After what felt like forever, the bus finally pulled up to the North Shore. You all hurried off because it was already slightly after school started.

You awkwardly run into class and sit down after apologising for being late. The whole class you can't think about what the teacher is saying, the only thing you can think about is Janis, you think about what it would be like to be in a relationship with her, the idea makes you happy.

The thought of rejection makes you want to crumble inside, you have no Idea what she was feeling like and if the kiss was better or worse. You didn't want to bring it up so hopefully, she will, but what if she didn't like your kiss? All these thoughts made your insides turn.

In reality, Janis was thinking the exact same things, but she has been thinking this before and knows how she can talk to you but some of the nerves of you not wanting to continue to be with her is making her stomach turn, but she pushes through it and decides to do it.

The bell rings, Janis rushes out to where you and your friends always sit and waits a bit for all you to sit down, once all of you were there, she came out from where she was hiding, walking up, making eye contact with you, which makes butterflies form inside of you.

"Y/n. I need to talk to you." You nod, quickly getting up and following her into the bathroom that no one ever goes in. "About last night.." She starts, you nod, "I really liked the kiss." You nod along to what she's saying, showing that you're listening, "And I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date." You smile, nodding your head, "Sure! But.." Janis, nodding, finishing your sentence, "We will do it in secret." You smile, "How did you know?" Janis smiles, "I was closeted once too." 


Short Chapter, I know, I'm sorry, Its gonna be a while b4 you interact with Regina but there will be a lot of drama so, Do not skip!!

What do you think will happen? I need ur theories 

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