Chapter 6

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- Cute Lesbians -

That same day, Janis went home feeling very excited to get ready for the date she had with you, she didn't expect for you to like her back because if she was being completely honest, she thought you were straight, but you're just very good at hiding it.

She got home, cancelling her plans with Damien which he wasn't very happy about, but Janis didn't care, she was just feeling very excited to go out with you,  she pulled out her phone, texting you that she can pick you up but she won't come to the front door.

She put on her makeup, she was staring at herself in the mirror, she felt all the nerves in her body get stronger as the time went on, she sighed deeply, looking away from her reflection then going to her room, heading straight to her closet, Janis let out a massive sigh, she had a suit to wear but she was worried it would be to formal, she decided to where it but not the blazer or tie.

Since it was a date, Janis' mom let her borrow her car, she walked down stairs and her Mom smiled at her, "You finally have a date!" She smiled, Janis rolled her eyes, "Mom!" She exclaimed as Janis' Mom tickled her sides. Janis looked down on her wrist, her eyes went wide when she checked the time. "I need to go!" She said loudly, rushing outside, "Be careful! I'll set everything up!" Her Mom yelled as she ran out.

Meanwhile, you were getting ready but being quiet as possible because you didn't want Gretchen to hear you, sitting on your bed, waiting for her to get here as you nervously make sure Grtechen won't see you, a few minutes later you got a text from Janis saying that she was here.

You quietly get off your bed, slowly walking out of your room then sneaking down the stairs, you slowly walk towards the front door, opening it while cringing at the loud sound it made. You thought you had successfully gotten out but you hear your sister's voice which stops you in your tracks. "Y/n!" you nervously turn your head, smiling at your older sister, "Yes?"

Grtechen looks you up and down before saying, "Where are you going?" with a small smirk, you quickly try to think of something to make up, "I'm going out with my friends." She looks you up and down again, "Okay.." Grtechen said with a suspicious tone, walking upstairs.

You let out a heavy sigh in relief, closing the door she rushed to the car that was parked outside, you open the door and see Janis there with a bright smile on her face. "Hi." She smiled, you hop in the car, she drove off back to her house, Janis helped you out of the car,and walked you to the backyard of her house. You smiled brightly when you saw that there was a table with candles set up.

You hear Janis let out a heavy sigh, you turn your head to her, "What's wrong?" You ask, she frowns, "I know it's not much, but i didn't want to go to a restaurant because I know your closted." You smiled, grabbing her chin, making her look at your, "Janis. It's perfect." Her frown turns into a smile instantly, the two of you walk to the table, she pulls out the chair for you, then sits down on the opposite side.

"My Mom made us some food." You nod, you were okay with her Mom knowing, she wouldn't tell anyone. A few minutes later her Mom came out with two plates and two drinks, she didn't say anything, she just put them on the table and left.

You started eating the food and it was actually really good, it was a massaman beef curry, the two of you were awkward at talking at first, it was as if the past few days didn't exist and you have never seen each other before, but after a while, the two of you go used to each other's company and started talking about whatever came to mind.

You started to talk about what you did in the summer, Janis noticed so many little features about you, she loved how your eyes sparked and the bright smile you wore when you talked about things that you loved. You did the same thing to her, you stared into her eyes while eating your dinner, making sure to listen closely to everything she was saying.

After talking for what felt like hours, you had both finished your dinner, there was a short moment of silence before Janis spoke up, "This has been nice." You nod, agreeing to her words, she grabs your hand and strokes her thumb across your palm, "Look I really like you.." She starts, "I would love to do this again." You smile brightly before saying, "Same!" Her mom then comes out, takes away the dirty dishes, slightly smirks at Janis then disappears back into the house, leaving you confused.

"Right.. We can either watch a movie out here, or I can drop you home." You pretend to think about it which worries Janis but from the start you knew what you were going to pick, you happily say, "Let's watch a movie!" Janis jumps up and runs inside the house to grab a few things, she has to make a few trips because she told you to wait outside and close your eyes. "Can I open them now?" You say with a hint of a whine.

"Just a sec.." Janis says, finalising what she needs to set up. "Okay. Now you can open them." When you open your eyes, your heart melts, you see two bean bags and a few blankets set up facing a white sheet with a projector reflecting towards it. You run towards Janis and give her a massive hug, followed by a quick kiss on the cheek which leaves her in a blushing mess.

The two of you sit down and cuddle up quite close because it is slightly chilly outside, picking a movie you both think looks interesting. You have a few butterflies inside you because Janis' hand is placed on your thigh. You also really want to kiss her but you're not sure if she feels the same way, during the movie you look at her for a few seconds in hope that she will look back and get the hint but she never does.

As the credits are rolling, you decide to try again, so you look at her for a longer time, you don't look away. She eventually looks back at you and picks up what you're suggesting instantly, Janis grabs the back of your neck and pulls you in for a rough kiss, your lips move against each other in perfect sync, you feel more butterflies forming as you feel her other arm moving around your body, then eventually resting on your waist.

After a while, the both of you pull away, you're smiling but you're also blushing and slightly embarrassed, Janis see's this and giggles softly before pulling you in for another kiss, soft and short this time. When she pulls away she stares into your eyes and notices how your eyelids are starting to slowly close, Janis sighs loudly, wrapping an arm around you to help you stand up, she whispers in your ear, "I'm taking you home now."

You nod, slowly walking with her towards the car, you had a really good time tonight, you can only hope you will do it again, on the way home you think to yourself, 'how many more dates do you and Janis need to go on before you can ask for her to be your girlfriend'


Well. That happened. I have so much lore to add to this story, thinking about what is going to happen is crazy.

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