Chapter 18

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- Mistake -

After the call with Leighton, you sat down on your desk and decided to study for the English test coming up, which you really weren't understanding, and you felt bad to ask anyone, so you decided to stay silent and figure it out yourself.

You thought more about what Karen said and how you could really showcase your talents by writing a song.

So that's what you did; you decided to ditch studying and work on this song.

You weren't really good with lyrics; you had been sitting for an hour, just staring at a blank page. You sigh, looking over at the time, realising that it was late. You decide to go to bed and hope that you will have better luck with studying tomorrow.

You surprisingly got to sleep quite quickly; you usually spend hours trying to get to sleep. You woke up quite early the next morning, but you decided just to get up anyway.

You struggled in English class; you tried to ask questions about the test, but the teacher didn't answer the questions correctly. You noticed how everyone else in the class was understanding, which made you feel more embarrassed to ask for help.

You decided to go to the library at lunch to study, and you texted your friends so they knew where you were.

"Y/n!" You heard the voice of Leighton say, and it made you smile: "Hey Leighton." You smile, turning back to your paper. She frowns, pulling up a seat to sit next to you. "Are you okay? Do you need help?" You shake your head; she frowns again but doesn't question it.

"Do you like theme parks?" She asks, and you look at her with a bright smile and nod your head. She just smiles, kisses your cheek, and leaves.

You then get a text from Gretchen; you look down and reply right away.

Hey, I'm going to Regina's house to rehearse. You wanna come?

No, I'll just go home.

Somehow, some way, you ended up at Regina's house. Gretchen must have gaslit you into going there, but you weren't enjoying yourself.

Just the presence of Regina was making you feel sick, and you couldn't talk to Gretchen about it because you didn't want to ruin your friendship with her.

The three girls went over the same tiring dance for what felt like the millionth time. You were so exhausted, you just wanted to go home. "Take five!" Regina yelled, and Karen and Gretchen ran into the kitchen to get drinks for everyone, leaving you and Regina alone.

Regina turned to you with a smirk and said, "Are you having fun yet?" You forced a smile, feeling trapped in a situation you couldn't escape. You roll your eyes but don't say anything, knowing that Regina was just trying to provoke a reaction out of you. You take a deep breath and remind yourself that this dance rehearsal will be over soon.

You couldn't help but stare at how good she looked. Even though she was a bitch, you couldn't deny the fact that she looks absolutely amazing. Her tits looked amazing in that tank top, and her ass was undeniably perfect in those leggings. You quickly shook your head, trying to refocus on the dance routine and not get distracted by Regina's appearance.

"Stop staring." Regina said, making you roll your eyes, "I wasn't staring." You say, making Regina chuckle, "I can tell when you are staring; you have been since middle school." She confesses, and you blush. You mentally slap yourself for doing so. Regina's playful tone catches you off guard, making you realise that maybe there's more to her than meets the eye. As you both share a laugh, you feel a sense of camaraderie forming between the two of you, despite your past differences.

She sits down so her eye level is your height; she is extremely close to you, and you begin to get nervous. "No. I'm not doing this again." You say, moving away from her, and Regina rolls her eyes. "What do you mean?" She asks.

You look at her, dumbfounded. Is she joking? Does she not remember what she did to you?

"You kissed me, then called me pathetic when I kissed you back." You say this, reminding her of the events of Halloween. Regina giggles in response and leans closer to you, saying, "Honey, that was a dare." She says this, licking her lips.

You couldn't deny the fact that your heart was getting faster and the butterflies in your stomach were forming even more, but you were scared because this could be another one of her poems.

"I actually really like you." She says, leaning closer again, "And I am lesbian." She adds, You lean back as far as you can until your back touches the wall. You look up at her and ask, "How do I know you aren't just lying to me?"

She giggles, grabbing your neck to pull you in for a kiss. It was a long, passing kiss, and it did not feel one bit fake. It felt like she meant it, especially when her hands would roam around your body and when she would pull you to sit in your lap, not pulling away from your lips once.

After what felt like ages, she pulled away, started at you for a few seconds, smiled brightly, and you smiled back, leaning back in to kiss her again.

You do admit that you did feel bad about Leighton, but you weren't together yet, so it's not like she will ever find out. As you continued to kiss her, you pushed aside any guilt and allowed yourself to get lost in the moment. The chemistry between you two was undeniable, and for now, that was all that mattered.

Hours passed, and you stared at Regina when she occasionally looked your way and smirked at you.

"It's time to go, Y/N," Gretchen said. You nodded, quickly getting up and following her upstairs. Just as you were about to go upstairs, Regina grabbed your wrist.

"Don't tell anyone about what we did.'" She said, her voice was stirred and scathing, and you nodded nervously but smiled when she pulled you in for another kiss goodbye.

You go up, and you can't help but smile at yourself. What the fuck just happened?


Sorry for spelling mistakes!

I explained the lore of this book to my girlfriend and it took like 10 minutes and I missed so much.

Plot to my new story, after massive deal. 

New Girl (basically mean girls plot but Y/n replaces Cady) Where Regina is in heavy denial about being gay.

Karma's a bitch

Massive Deal; Regina George x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now