Chapter 25

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- Question -

"Will you go to the winter dance with me?"

You hesitate, taking a deep breath. "Umm. I don't know." You say you are looking down; you have a lot of trust issues after what your past partners did to you, so you don't want to say yes, but you still have feelings for Regina.

She sees your panicked state. She sighs, rubbing your hand with her thumb. "Hey, You don't have to answer; it was a stupid question." Regina says, looking down. You sit up, shaking your head, and say, "No, it's all good, I just." As you pause to slowly process what you were saying, Regina grabs your other hand, holding both of them tightly.

"Yeah, it's okay. Just think about it." Regina smiles, and you smile slightly back at her, nodding your head. You let go of her hands and slowly got off the couch, grabbing your crutches. Regina frowned, but she let you go. When you got to your room, you sat on your bed, and you thought that the winter dance wasn't something that the school organised; it was something that Regina's parents organised for the senior year.

The whole situation was moving way too fast for you. Leighton, or whatever her name is, doesn't know you the truth about her. The dance was a week before winter break , and you were already feeling overwhelmed by the secrets and expectations surrounding it. As you laid back on your bed, you couldn't help but wonder what other surprises Regina had in store for you.

You wanted to go with her, but you needed time to think about it. The talent show was tomorrow, and you wished that you had time to write something, but you didn't. You laid on your bed for what felt like hours, tossing and turning at the question you had in your mind. Should you go with Regina?

Just as you were about to close your eyes and finally fall asleep, the door opens, you squint your eyes at the light coming in, you let your eyes adjust to the light, and you sit up and face Gretchen. "Hi." Grtechen smiles, walking in to sit at the end of your bed. She smiled at you, and you smiled back. "Hi." You said it tiredly, and she smiled at you, waiting for you to say something else.

You smirked at her, looking her up and down. "So you and Karen?" You asked, smiling, and she blushed deeply. You giggle at her, but she rolls her eyes. "What about you and Regina?" She asked with a smirk on her face, and you gasped, covering your mouth with your hands. She just smirked at you as you looked down with a blush on your face.

"We are nothing! She just asked me to dance!" You exclaimed in a panicked tone, making Gretchen giggle. "I'm just messing with you!" She exclaimed, rolling her eyes. There was a second of silence before she spoke up again. "Are you going to say yes?" She asks, and you lay down, letting out a groan.

"I don't know! I have to break up with Leighton first." You say, and Gretchen sighs. Standing up, she rubs her forehead. "It's okay; don't stress about it too much." She says, kissing your forehead, and you nod your head, closing your eyes as Gretchen goes up to leave.

You were finally able to . Get to bed. When you woke up, you felt happy that it was the talent show today, but you also felt scared and worried. Regina asked the question, knowing you had to confront Leighton today.

You got changed, put on a comfortable and warm outfit, and waited for Regina to pick you and Gretchen up. You followed Gretchen to the car when you heard the horn beep. Gretchen walked over to the passenger seat, but Regina shook her head. "No. Y/N is sitting there." Regina sais with a smirk on her face. You look down at your phone when you feel a notification; it was from Leighton; she was breaking up with you over text.

You felt your heart sting; even though you were going to do it yourself, you still felt hurt by it, but you didn't let any tears fall. You put your phone away and got into the passenger seat, with the help of Gretchen, waiting for Regina to start driving as you tried to push aside the pain of the breakup. Regina started the car and pulled out of your driveway.

You were looking out the window; you weren't really paying attention to what the others were talking about. Regina's loud voice made you jump and come back into reality. "Hey! Y/N," she exclaimed. You turn around, looking at her with a smile on your face. "Yes?"

She smiles back at you, then turns to face the road and says, "The girls and I are getting ready for the talent show at mine, if you want to come. " She says, and you smile brightly, nodding your head, "I'd love to!" You say, she giggles in response, and the rest of the car ride was in silence.

Regina pulls into the school parking lot and parks in her dedicated parking spot. She gets out first and walks around the car to help you out. The day goes by really quickly, you must have been really excited to go to Regina's house and watch them practice and get ready for the talent show. You can't wait to see what they have prepared., well, you already know the dance, but you can act like you don't.

You head on out, carefully walking on crutches and throwing the crowed hallway. It took you forever, but you finally made it to Regina's car. She helped you in again and drove to her house, where they got ready.

Your jaw dropped when you saw Regina. She looked good every year, but there was something different about her this year, her body looked amazing, you waited for Karen and Gretchen to leave the room before you spoke up.

"Regina," you said, loud and clear. She looks at you with a smile on her face, asking, "Yes?" You take a deep breath and say "I'll go to the dance with you."


This book is almost over :(

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