Chapter 17

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- Comes back to her -

You look over to your side to see Oliver, who is still oblivious; he doesn't know that you have discovered his secret. "Um, can you just drop me home?" You ask, and your voice is quiet.

He looks over at you for a few seconds, then his eyes go back to the road. He hesitates for a few seconds before saying, "I think you should come with me." You feel a sense of unease as you wonder what Oliver's true intentions are. Despite your instincts telling you otherwise, you reluctantly agree to go with him, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

You throw his phone in your lap, showing him that you found out his little secret. He goes completely silent; he says nothing more; he just drives back to your place, which breaks your heart.

You don't let the car come to a stop; you just jump out and head up to your room, tears quickly coming out of your eyes. As you slam the door behind you, you hear his voice calling out your name softly from the car. Ignoring him, you collapse onto your bed, feeling a mix of anger and sadness wash over you.

You see Regina and Karen sitting on the couch; Gretchen must be in the kitchen, but you ignore them, walking straight into your room. Regina and Karen exchange worried glances as you pass by, but you don't acknowledge them. You lock the door behind you and collapse onto your bed, trying to process what just happened.

You sat on your bed and cried; you didn't know how to stop. You felt so heartbroken and sad that he would do this to you. You couldn't believe he had been keeping this from you all along. The betrayal cut deep, leaving you feeling lost and alone in your own home, even though you weren't alone.

Three people had already deceived you before Christmas even arrived. Oliver and Bella used to be your friends, and Janis was your girlfriend, but they all just backstabbed you.

You wondered if you would ever be able to trust anyone again, feeling like your heart had been shattered into a million pieces. The pain was overwhelming, and you knew it would take time to heal from this devastating betrayal.

What if this was Grtechen's plan? She set him up for this. Your mind had so many questions that you just wanted to sink to the ground and disparage

Your face was in the pillow, and you were screaming into it as loud as you could. You hear the door open, assuming it was Gretchen. You groan, "Leave me alone!" You yell.

"I'm sorry," You hear the voice of Karen. You turn to see that she is confused. She sits on the end of your bed. You huddle up to get as far away from her as you can. She frowns, getting closer to you. "I didn't mean to intrude; I just wanted to check on you," Karen says softly, reaching out a hand towards you. You flinch away, not ready to be comforted by anyone right now.

"What's wrong?" She asks, wiping your tears away, and you smile slightly. "I just feel betrayed. By everyone." You say. Karen looks down, feeling really bad for you. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I have always liked you." She confides in you, surprising you with her honesty. You look up at her, feeling a glimmer of hope in the midst of your pain.

"What do you mean?" You ask, and she jumps up with a big smile on her face. "When ever Regina would take you, I would always get excited because I like listening to your stories." Karen smiles, and you smile back at her. "Thanks." You smiled. There were a few seconds of silence before she spoke up again. "Are you participating in the TV show?" She asks, fixing her bra, and you giggle, shaking your head.

"Why? I have heard you sing! You are good!" She states, making you smile, "Really? Thank you." She smiles, nods, and says, "Yeah, you are really talented!" She exclaims, You smile again at her. You sigh deeply, thinking about the talent show. "I don't know what I would sing." You confess; the tall girl rolls her eyes.

"You should make up your own song! Maybe about all the people who hurt you?" Karen sujects, and you nod, thinking that it was a good idea, but you don't know if you were actually going to go through with it.

"Karen! We are going!" The loud voice of Gretchen said from Downstaris. Karen looks at you silently, asking if you want to come, but you shake your head, not wanting to be close to Regina.

You get a notification from your phone, and you roll your eyes, seeing that it's from Oliver. You were so close to just blocking him, but you decided to give him one last chance.

You know what? I'm sick of this.

I was forced to do this.

Forced? Blackmailed? Idk?


Someone made me treat you like this.


Cant say.

Oliver, you fucking outted me. Tell me who

Fine, but don't be annoyed.

There can't be anything that will ruin my day anymore.




Wdym, she blackmailed you.

We were dating, and she caught me cheating; she filmed it, and she said she would leak it if I didn't do exactly what she said.

I'm confused

I thought you were gay.

That was a lie.

I assume everything else was

Well, yes, it was for me.

Are you and Bella still dating?


Fuck you, I don't feel bad. I hope that video gets leaked and you realise how much of a lowlife asshole you are.

You were so fucking confused, why would Bella do this to you? She seemed to tie in and be involved with everyone who had hurt you this year, it made you think that maybe she could have done the same with Regina? 

You wanted to ride to her house and figure it out but a call from someone interrupts your thoughts, it was Leighton you smile, picking up the phone.

"Hey pretty girl." Leighton says, You smile at her sweet voice, "Hey Leigh." You say happily, giving her a nickname. "I called because I miss your voice." She confesses, making you blush. 

"I miss you too, I can't wait for our date."


I feel like this story is going nowhere sorry if you guys don't like it, I'm trying to think of a plot for my next story if you guys want that, I'll think of ideas and you guys can vote.

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