Chapter 15

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sorry for last chapter, HAPPY APRIL FOOLS LMAOOOO

2 in one day as promised

- Discover -

Leighton and you had a few classes together, and she would spend them sitting next to you because she had no other friends at the time, but that wouldn't last long. Many people aspired to be friends with her because she was like a magnet, but her desire for friendship was solely directed towards you.

Leighton was drawn to your quiet confidence and genuine personality, making you stand out among the crowd of people vying for her attention. Despite the many offers of friendship she received, she always made time for you, solidifying your bond even further.

You noticed that all the stuff she owned was desirable; she was rich and she was pretty. You couldn't help but think about what it would be like if you were to date Leighton. - Lunch came around, and you were going to take her to sit on a desk by yourself since you have no one else to sit with. Leighton didn't mind that at all.

Meanwhile, Regina George was fuming and visibly annoyed as she looked over at you. Gretchen noticed this and snapped her out of it. "Regina? Can you stop looking at my sister like that? It's gross." Regina rolls her eyes and makes eye contact with her short friend.

"Who is that chick next to her?" Regina asks, with bitterness in her voice, "She's in Karen's English class; I think her name is Leighton?" Gretchen says, looking over at you and the blonde, smling when she sees Leighton playing with your hair.

She turns back to face Regina, who is looking at you and Leighton with evil eyes, then she looks over at Karen, who is looking between Leighton and Regina. "You guys look similar." Karen says, and Regina shakes her head, "God, no, don't say that; that chick is ugly." She rolls her eyes as she continues to eat her lunch, but she can't stop looking in your direction.

Meanwhile, you were discussing recent events with Leighton: "My girlfriend cheated on me, and then my high school crush used me to make fun of me. I'm considering taking a break from dating; I think I might develop trust issues." You speak, and Leighton nods, rubbing your back and playing with your hair. You look up, and you see Bella and Janis kissing. Even though you were over the situation, it still hurt to see.

"Y/N!" Jennie exclaims, catching your attention. You smile when you see Jennie and Charlie on the other side of the table. "Hey guys!" You smile. "Charlie, Jennie, this is Leighton; Leightion, this is Charlie." You introduce your friends to your new one, and you see Charlie and Jennie look at each other and smirk, making you confused.

Charlie turns to you; she grabs your hand and says quickly, "Jennie told me what happened with Bella; I'm so sorry." She says sympathically, and you shake your head with a small smile, "It's okay; I'm over it now."

You notice the tension in the air. You take a deep breath before saying, "The only thing that is on my mind right now is who owns that account." You say, and the three girls nod, "We will figure it out at mine today." Jennie says, you smile and nod, "Leighton? Charl? You wanna come to?" Jennie asks, looking between the two girls, and they both nod because they want to figure it out just as much as you do.

The bell rings, and the four girls stand up from their lunch table and head to class, while Regina is still sitting down, staring in your direction. Grtechen notices this and waves her hand in front of Regina's face. "Do you have a crush on my sister?" She asks, with hurt in her voice, and Regina gags, "God, no, I'm not a dyke."

Gretchen takes a deep breath. She looks over at Karen, and the two girls head to class, leaving Regina alone. Regina looks at her timetable and smirks when she realises she has a free period; she knows you also have one at this time; she knows you spend your time in the library; she waits a few minutes before she heads off to the library; she sees you studying alone, which makes her happy; she walks over to you and sits on the table you were sitting on.

You notice a sudden presence on your table, so you look up and gasp in surprise when you see Regina standing there, uninvited. Without a word, you get up. She grabs your wrist and pulls you back down. "Wait." She says her voice was stern; you knew she wasn't fucking around. "What do you want, Regina?" You ask, rolling your eyes.

"I just wanted to talk to you," Regina replies, her eyes searching yours for a reaction. You can sense a hint of vulnerability beneath her tough exterior, adding a layer of complexity to your interaction with Regina. "I've been wanting to apologise for the way I treated you before. I was wrong, and I'm sorry." Her words catch you off guard, and you can feel the tension between you slowly dissipating. You were caught off guard by her apology and needed some time to sort through your mixed feelings,  "I'm not buying your bullsh*t again, Regina." You anserwed.

Getting up, pulling away from her grip on your wrist, and leaving. You walked somewhere where Regina wouldn't be able to find you; your best option was a space behind the bleachers. You sat there, thoughts racing as you waited anxiously until the period was over. It was a long time of just hoping that it would end, but when the bell finally rang, you rushed out to the parking lot.

You stood quietly by Jennie's car, patiently awaiting Jennie and Charlie to come out. For what felt like hours, the three girls came out, slowly walking to you.

"We looked for you in the library, but we couldn't find you." Jennie says, hoping in the drivers seat, Charlie hums in agreement, "Yeah, where were you?" She asks, getting into the passenger seat. You sigh, hopping into the back seat. "It's a long story." The girls nodded. They know if you wanted to tell them you would, so they don't ask anymore questions.

When you get to Jennie's house, you sit around with her. Charlie and Leighton spend a few hours linking everything up, and your main suspects are Janis, Gretchen, Bella, and Regina. You hate that your sister is up there, but it makes sense. You just hope it isn't true; you just want to find out who the person who outed you to the whole school is.

"If it's Gretchen, I will lose my mind," you say, frustration evident in your voice. Jennie places a comforting hand on your shoulder, offering a sympathetic smile. "We'll figure this out together, no matter who it is," she reassures you. With renewed determination, you all start brainstorming ways to gather more evidence and finally uncover the culprit behind the betrayal.

After another hour of discussing the alibis and motives of the suspects, you feel like you have gotten nowhere. Jennie and Charlie sigh. "We are going to the store to get snacks, Leighton; please look after her." You nod, feeling grateful for your friends' support. As Jennie and Charlie leave, you turn to Leighton, feeling a sense of determination wash over you. "We can't give up now," you say firmly. "We will find out who did this, no matter what it takes." Leighton nods in agreement, and the two of you dive back into the investigation, determined to solve the mystery once and for all.

It feels like they have been gone for ages. You were hungry, and you needed a break from this whole thing. Sensing your distress, Leighton stops what she's doing and moves to sit next to you, showing her empathy and support. She placed her hand on your thigh, which made your heart race and your face turn red. "Let's stop this; when they come back, we will have a break. I can sense that this is very overwheling."

You take a deep breath and nod, feeling grateful for Leighton's understanding and unwavering support during this challenging time. As you sit there together, the weight of the investigation temporarily lifts, and you feel a sense of relief wash over you. The tension in your muscles begins to ease as you lean into Leighton's comforting presence.

Her hand was still on her thigh, and even though she was scolling on her phone, you saw an opportunity, and you decided to try and take it. "Leighton?" You said, voice barly above a whisper, that you would be surprised if she heard you. "Yeah?" She asks, lifting up her face from her phone and turning it off to face you.

There was intense tension between you two; your faces were close together, her hand was in your lap, and you were desperate to break it off. In an attempt to hint at her, you glanced at her lips before looking back into her eyes. You were hinting at something, and she noticed. You both began to lean closer, and she smirked and moved her other hand to grab your waist.

Before your lips could touch, the door opened. "We are back!" You heard Jennie yell.


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Massive Deal; Regina George x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora