Chapter 12

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- Phone Call -

You're heartbroken. There are only three people in the school who have known this before, and those are Bella, Gretchen, and Janis. You felt arms wrap around you, pulling you in for a hug. You wanted to push them away, but you couldn't bring yourself to do so. You were feeling too heartbroken.

He whispers soft things in your ear, telling you everything is going to be okay and he is here for you. Shaking your head, you stand up and walk back to the hospital; you get on your bike and head to Bella's house; you knock on the door; and you don't stop knocking until she answers.

You shove the phone in her face; she looks confused and surprised. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" She asks, and you roll your eyes, knowing she is avoiding your point. "Did you post this?" You ask, and she quickly shakes her head, stepping back as you step closer.

"I don't believe you." You say, Bella, grab your hand, but you quickly pull it away, looking at her in shock, turning around to leave because you were sick of her behaviour. She rapidly shakes her head in self defence. "Y/N, you need to trust me." She says you turn to make eye contact with her, showing betrayal and hurt in your expression as you step closer to her.

"I trusted you before, Bella," you say, your voice filled with disappointment. "But you keep lying to me." Bella's eyes widen with realisation, and she reaches out to grab your arm. "Please, Y/N, I swear I didn't do it," she pleads, her voice cracking with emotion. You pause, torn between wanting to believe her and the nagging doubt in the back of your mind. "I need some time to think," you finally say, pulling away from her grasp and walking away, leaving Bella standing there, looking heartbroken but with a hint of hope in her eyes.

"Acutally, fuck that; I don't want you in my life." You say, walking away, that you slammed the door behind you, leaving Bella there. As you ride away from Bella's house, all the memories come flashing back to you, and tears fall down your eyes as you think back on your friendship.

You mainly remember the days when you and Bella were inseparable as kids, playing in the backyard and sharing secrets under the stars. It's hard to believe that things have come to this, with doubts clouding your once unbreakable bond. But as you ride away, you can't shake the feeling that maybe it's time to let go and move on from the past.

But there was a certain memory that remained in your brain, and it hurt the most to think about.

It was the day you came out to Bella.

You remember the fear you had inside you, revealing a part of yourself that you had kept hidden for so long.


Bella was sitting on your bed, scrolling through her phone as she looked at the guys she was trying to match you with. "I think you and your brain would be cute." All you could do was nod at whatever she was saying; the limited feedback you gave her made her annoyed. "Y/n, I am trying to help you.

You take a deep breath in and look at her in the eyes, only seeing trust and love. "The truth is." You start making eye contact with your best friend. You take another deep breath in and finally let out the words that have been latched inside you for so long. "I'm Lesbain."

There was silence; it was a long period of silence, and you thought she was reacting in a bad way, so you started to cry, thinking that you just lost your best friend, but then you feel arms wrap around you and pull you in for a hug.

"It's going to be okay, Y/N."

End of flashback

"It's going to be okay." You repeat the words your once best friend told you—the same words that have kept you going for all these years. You throw your bike down and walk inside; luckily, your parents or Gretchen weren't home. As you collapse onto the couch, tears streaming down your face, you realise that you are not alone in this difficult moment. A familiar voice whispers, "I'm here for you, Y/N." The comfort of a friend in your time of need brings a sense of relief and hope.

You open your eyes and realise it's just your imagination; you are really alone, you are stuck, and you have to go to school and face everyone that follows the account.

You have already received a few messages from people at the school; mostly people were asking if it was true, and others were saying that you had nothing to worry about.

You were shocked by the message from Jake Smith. He was the popular quarterback—the one everyone wanted to be friends with. His message simply read, "Hey, I heard about the account. Don't worry, I've got your back." The words brought a wave of relief, knowing that at least one person believed in you.

You kept scrolling through all the texts people were sending you.

One message stuck out: it was from Aaron Samuels.

You're not lesbian; you are just confused. Come to my house, and I will make sure you get the best of your life. ;)

You gag at the message, and you don't bother responding. You throw your phone away and shove your head into the couch. You can't believe that someone would try to take advantage of your vulnerability in this way. It's a reminder of how important it is to be cautious and protect yourself, especially online.

You hear your phone go off, and you grow loudly, forcing yourself off the couch and crawling to grab it. You gasp when you see that Regina is calling. You didn't remember giving her your number; Gretchen probably gave it to her. You reluctantly answer the call, preparing yourself for a conversation you're not looking forward to. As you listen to Regina's voice on the other end, you feel a sense of unease creeping over you.

"Hey loser." She starts, What a warm greeting! You muffle a soft "Hello." She giggles and starts talking again: "My Halloween party is in a few weeks, and I want you there." You sigh deeply. Deep down, you don't want to go because of what happened at the last party, but you knew she wouldn't take no for an answer, so you sigh deeply and say. "Okay, I'll be there." You try to sound enthusiastic, hoping that this time things will be different.


This chapter was short and boring ik but it was important, THINGS START TO GET EXCITING AFTER THIS.

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