Chapter 8: Sticky Notes? More Like Sticky NOPES

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Content warning: Homophobia and homophobic slurs present in this chapter.

Author's Note : I am absolutely 100% the worst person to ever attempt to ever write a story on Wattpad. I can't even convey how sorry I am about not updating for four freaking months. I give you permission to hate me. Seriously. I feel so bad. This chapter isn't even good enough to be posting after this much time. I hope that it's to some of your liking, I also hope that you don't hate me enough to stop reading my story.

I'm not going to lie and say I'll be updating regularly again, because I can't. Though, because my finals are over, I hope to be able to try to update more often than once every four months.

Again, I am inexplicably sorry for my absence, I hope you enjoy this.

Chapter 8: Sticky notes? More like sticky NOPES.

"He's so dumb he doesn't know he's alive."

       - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby 


I woke up the next morning with an odd sense of contentedness.

I tried to pinpoint its origin as I stared at myself in the mirror. I inspected my face and saw dark circles under my eyes, undoubtedly caused from staying up so late the night before. I was exhausted and spent almost five minutes staring at the mirror with my eyes out of focus.

After a moment of staring into oblivion, I attempted to tame my hair. I rapidly brought my small brush through my short, wavy hair until I deemed it presentable. I didn't usually bother to put any product in because honestly, that stuff was expensive and it made my hair feel gross.

I was about to leave my bedroom, but then remembered to put a black and red flannel over my grey t-shirt; I had to stay warm during these terrible winter months.

As I made my way down the hall to the kitchen, my eyes were met with the trainwreck that was my dad. Unlike me, his eyes held a type of tiredness that was only caused by a lifetime of hard work.

I froze, staring at him. I had almost forgotten that we were in the middle of a fight.

Despite this, he looked up from his random classic novel and smiled at me.

"Chancy! How's it going, bud? Seems like I wasn't the only one who had a late night," he joked as he motioned for me to sit across from him at the table.

"I was helping out a, uh...friend," I smile thinly, still not ready to formally apologize to him.

I quickly grabbed an apple from the counter and sat down tentatively next to my dad. I placed myself at a safe distance, still showing him that I wasn't interested in being totally amicable.

Regardless, he smirked knowingly, "Would that explain the vehicle located on our designated parking spot?"

Oh no. I had forgotten about that.

" That?" I vaguely pointed out the window to the mass of cars parked at various positions outside our apartment building " Oh that's nothing, I just borrowed a friends, well actually not really but-"

" Don't worry son, I completely understand. You used someone's car to get here. I just hope whoever you brought here was comfortable and that you two were safe-"

" Dad-"

" I know you know, but I'll have you know that protection is very important when taking part in such activities."

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