Chapter 5: Can I Find Nick's Heterosexuality on Google Maps?

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Authors Note: So sorry about updating so late, I've been very busy. Thank you for reading though! Be warned, this chapter is a little different, it only includes Chance's point of view and is a bit shorter than usual. Hope you aren't disapointed, next chapter will be all Callaway!

Chapter 5: Can I find Nick's heterosexuality on Google maps?

"There was music from my neighbor's house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. "

- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby


This was just marvelous.

Not only was I capable of totally ruining Callaway's tolerance of me, but also now he thinks I'm a homophobe. I'm not homophobic though, I've just always had a weird feeling about homosexuals and I have no better way to explain it but 'being uncomfortable'. I'm all for equality and rights, which includes gays, it's just I would rather not actively discuss about their sexually orientation.

Who am I kidding? I sound terrible. I assure you, I am not a homophobe. You just have to trust me on this.

I'm sure Callaway hated me; my opinion probably was in the top ten of "The Universal Hipster Code of Opinions and Other Things to Judge People On". I'm sure he was all for the whole hugging trees/gays thing.

All of this went through my head as I tried desperately to actually find the proof of Callaway's topic within the novel.

While I was skimming through the chapters, at first, I was confident he had simply imagined it and had no idea what he was talking about; Nick Carraway was a manly guy and I was almost certain that he had something going on with that Jordan chick.

On the contrary, as the novel progressed, slowly Callaway's suspicions seemed to becoming more and more obvious.

And whoa that was most definitely a guy in only his underwear sleeping with Nick.

I stared at the book in shock.

Not only was he gay, F Scott Fitzgerald made it almost blatantly noticeable. He might as well have had Gatsby holding up sign clad of rainbows saying, "GUESS WHO'S GAY? NICK CARRAWAY!"

It was that evident.

How had I never noticed?

As I experienced this minor epiphany, Callaway began to look at me funny, so I quickly closed my gaping mouth and stared back at the book intently.

" You just read the bit about Mr. McKee, didn't you?" Callaway taunted from across the room as he made his way to the other side of the couch I was sitting on.

" I don't have any idea what would give you the idea that he's gay," I spoke quickly and a bit forcefully.

Callaway looked at me as if to say: what would make you think I would ever believe a word you're saying?

I looked over at him from my book and sighed deeply as I sat up from my previous reclined position on the couch.

" Fine," I looked at Callaway for a second and then glared down at the floor. " Carraway is hella gay," I spoke, my tone drenched of defeat.

As I made this embarrassing admission, Callaway smirked one of his seemingly forever-reoccurring smirks.

"Now that we have that significant fact acknowledged, I believe we should commence working on the written portion of the project. As well as the example you've undoubtedly noticed, there is many other indications of Nick's sexual orientation. One of them is how he describes each gender within his point of view, this is very noteworthy because..."

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