Chapter 3: Take a Chance On Me

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Chapter 3: Take a Chance on me

"I was within and without. Simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life."

- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby


So his name was Callaway. Like the golf company I suppose and I was going to have to work with him on the presentation for English class.

Would seem easy enough, right?

Not really.

That kid was hard to work with.

Sure, he was probably the most advanced student in regards of English in the entirety of the grade, but he was not what one may call the most pleasant person.

If I was being honest, I'd probably describe him as astonishingly rude and selfish and lacking in any normal human emotions, but that was just my opinion. I was certain he was kind, deep, and I mean deep, inside his heart.

As he stood facing me, I desperately tried to question him on the topic of our assignment, but he either wasn't listening or was feigning ignorance.

Either way, he wasn't taking it.

I looked as he pulled out his mobile from the back pocket of his jeans.

We were still in the middle of the doorway of Ms. Riley's class, and I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I grabbed the cellphone he was absentmindedly staring at, quickly exited what looked like tumblr, and went to his contacts.

Without any hesitation, I punched in my cell number and home address.

I looked back down at Callaway, who looked about ready to punch me in the throat, and spoke flippantly, "Look man, I know you don't like me, I totally get it, but I really want to get this thing over with. So if you'll meet me at my house at around four tonight, we could try get this thing done as soon as possible, alright?"

Callaway's scowl intensified and he let out a noncommittal grunt, as he aggressively took back his phone from my hands. He then proceeded to hurry off to what I guessed was the principal's office down the hall.

As I left the classroom towards the cafeteria, I couldn't help but think how idiotic I was; I would've had no doubt finished the project if I hadn't 1) Had been so fixated on the argument with my dad 2) been caught up with Aly for god knows how long and 3) had been spent hours taking out my frustration via art.

I had stayed at Aly's for just under five hours.

Doing what?

I hardly even knew at that point.

Though, I did believe it went mostly along the lines of me simply nodding in agreement while she ranted about the current drama in her life.

She may or may not have been talking about how her friend had found out her boyfriend was cheating on her, and how they broke up. Then, he wanted her back, and how everyone made a huge fuss, and whatnot.

By the end of that story, I still wasn't certain if the two had gotten back together or if the guy ended up being gay and running off to Canada.

Either way, I really wasn't certain of the details of the story, considering I was almost blatantly ignoring the majority of the words spilling from Aly's lips.

Through the whole of her mindless chatter, I stared eagerly at the clock, waiting for a time when it would be appropriate for me to get the hell out of there.

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