Chapter 28: Peppermint Hot Chocolate and Ginger-DEAD

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CONTENT WARNING: Mild homophobia present in this chapter.

Author's note: This chapter was very hard to write. Because the whole time I was trying to write my dad was blasting 80s music. (More specifically; "Call me" by Blondie on repeat.) Thanks, Dad.

It was also hard to write for other reasons. Let's see if you can figure it out.

Chapter 28: Peppermint Hot Chocolate and Ginger- DEAD

"He was content to be alone--he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and as far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling."

- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby


I felt bad for not wanting Callaway to stop kissing me.

You know, considering we were right in front of his whole family.

Well, at least Jasper seemed to be okay with it. Though, judging by the sharp gasps slipping from Mr and Mrs Lawson's lips, they lacked any similar type of acceptance.

So, begrudgingly, I pushed Callaway away from me, turning to Mrs Lawson and sputtering, "I am so sorry."

She looked shocked; face blanched and eyes wide with an ardent fear.

Callaway did nothing but smile at his parents, leering, "Mother, father - meet my boyfriend Chance."

A shocked silence hit with unabashed force.

"Chance - He . . . he can't be serious, right?" Callaway's mother laughed, nervous.

At a loss for words, I just smiled apologetically, hoping it would put the message across.

And judging from the horror cascading across her face, it did.

"Callaway," she snapped, stepping to the individual in question. "What did you do to this poor boy? Blackmail him?"

Surprise lodged itself within my mind at her words.

"Blackmail?" Callaway sneered, amusement in his eyes. "Chance will gladly inform you that this relationship is utterly and wholly consensual, right?"

Callaway inched closer to me, eyes meeting mine with a knowing smirk. And that was definitely a hand on my ass.

I coughed, stepping away from Callaway, suddenly scared of what he might do and trying to remain polite. "Mrs Lawson - let me inform you that everything in regards to my relation with your son is voluntary and my decision. "

Mrs Lawson continued to look dubious. "Jasper? Did you know about this?"

A head looked up from a bowl of cereal. "Damn right I did! I was basically responsible for this." Jasper gleamed, proud of his involvement. "You're welcome."

Callaway's mother gaped, mouth twitching as she tried to organize her thoughts. "Not that I'm not . . . Glad that you're engaging with other individuals in a manner such as this, it's just . . ."

I waited for the inevitable disaster

" . . . You're not exactly a good influence. And Chance just seems like such a nice boy and -"

"Disparaging your own son?" Callaway laughed. "My parents imminent love for me is truly remarkable."

"Callaway," Mr Lawson finally spoke up. "Please don't speak to your mother like that."

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