Chapter 33: I Spy with my Little Eye Something that is Gay (Callaway)

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Content warning: Descriptions of alcohol and drugs. Brief mention of prostitution.

Author's Note: FINALLY! CONTENT! I am very very sorry for my mini hiatus, but finally I am on summer break and I have a lot more spare time which equals more writing time!

Guess who accidentally wrote 5000 words? Oops? There may also be quite a few typos in this, and for that I apologize. So if you see anything, let me know!

Thank you all so much for being patient, and hope you enjoy!

Chapter 33: I Spy with my Little Eye Something that is Gay (Callaway)

And I like large parties. They're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy.

        -F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby


"I can't believe I'm doing this for you."

I smiled thinly at Aly, checking the hour for the millionth time that evening.

"I know. It's so stupid." I laughed despite myself. "But I'm incredibly grateful."

She rolled her eyes. "If anyone would have told me that I'd be going to a party to spy on the gay boy that the bisexual guy I'm completely in love with is completely in love with, I'd laugh in their face." She frowned. "And yet here I am." 

I scowled, getting only one thing out of the whole remark. "It's not spying."

"What is it then?" She asked, face unamused.

"Um," I started. "Passively observing?"

"So spying."

I sighed, "Yeah, spying."

I watched as Aly swept a brush across her face, applying some kind of powder. I fiddled with my fingers on top of my comforter, simply watching as the girl before me got ready. Her face was angled close to a random mirror in my room as she prepped, eyes peering at me through the reflection.

"This would all be easier if you just came to the party."

"I haven't left my room for four days. You really think I could go to a party?" I shivered in repulsion at the thought. "And besides, I don't know what would happen if I actually saw him."

"That's alright. I was probably going to go to the party anyway. But now I've just got a job to do."

I couldn't help but stare at Aly; eyes carefully studying her face. Her cheeks were flushed and here skin seemed to glow. She looked like a rose. I cringed at the thought, despite knowing the truth behind it. And though she bloomed like a flower, there was somberness creeping upon her features, a light dust setting into the expanses of her skin; hidden to many, but clear to a careful observer.

"You look nice."

I wanted to say more, but I was incapable of forming the sentences on my lips. And I was left with three little words; hollow and minute.

"Thanks." She reciprocated my smile, voice emitting a light quiver.

"I'm sorry." The words finally left my mouth after a moment of silence.

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