Please dont murder me

7.9K 388 299

So as you can probably tell from all of . . . that ^^

I'm not going to be updating today. Nor am I going to updating next week. Because I only have 700 words written.
(I also spent 8 minutes editing that cake, but that's beside the point)

Things have been incredibly busy with final exams and life in general, and I really hope you all understand.

So once all my school shit is over I'm gonna try my best to get back on track with writing. But I'm going to be on vacation this summer and I don't know how updates will fare out.

So my only commitment right now is that I promise I WILL be updating, but I don't know how regular the updates will be.

At most, I'd say once every three weeks.

And at least, maybe I'll be able to do it every week!

Either way, I'm just gonna wait and see.

I love you all and I can't even describe how thankful I am for all of you. Having 67,000 reads is honestly a dream come true and I'm so grateful.

I feel really bad, so herE ARE SOME FUN FACTS:

-My dad reads my book. And he keeps complaining about it lmao. He's on chapter 14 and I am soooooo excited for him to read chapter 23. (Pray for me.) He keeps complaining about how boring it is and how he doesn't "like romance. Especially not gay ones."

(If you're reading this, sorry dad.)

-My dad told my school principal about my book. And I almost shit myself at the prospect of people finding it and reading it. But turns out he didn't tell anyone what it was actually about and what it was - yay! But now my principal and various teachers keep asking about my writing. Fml.

-I forgot that Zander existed????? Like completely?????? I am the worst author wow. (Maybe chapter 33 will just be "Chapter 33: Return of the Zander haHA I CANT THINK OF ANYTHING ORIGINAL KILL ME")

-I have playlists for Chance and Callaway on my Spotify - I have a few of songs that remind me of them on there. AND ALSO! I want song suggestions for each of them - so please tell me some and I will add them to the playslist! My Spotify is @ eve_is_in_everything and you can check out the songs I have on there if you'd like. Thanks guys!

-(Are people going to hate me for this?)


LIKE, don't get me wrong, they're both my sons, but Chance just holds a bigger place in my heart. Oops?????


-UNPOPULAR OPINION: I don't mind Aly. Because, I know she's fucked up a lot. Like, a LOT a lot. But she comes from a good place, and a lot of bad stuff has happened in her life that she has trouble dealing with. ("The Gay Gatsby 2: All about Aly")

-I am, and forever will be, thankful for and amazed by all of you guys! I'm just a lame fifteen year old who loves her own characters and her thesaurus just a little too much. And I'm beyond ecstatic that so many have shown interest in my work.

Thank you, I love you all, and I shall be providing you with content soon!


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