14. The Weeping Man | Vortex

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"She danced all night, to the tune
In feilds of green and maroon
So love bound, by the sound
Of the man upon the moon

Who could not seem to fall asleep
No matter if he counted sheep
Stuck up high, above the sky
Humming out a lonely weep

So unaware that every tear
Had fallen to a planet near
Planted a rose, right by her toes
And made her sorrow disappear

Had he known, she loves him so
This lonely man, in her shadow
He'd hold on tight, keep her in sight
And never would have let her go

For this sleepless man atop the sky
Felt so unloved he did not try
To stop his weep and go to sleep
And thus all night he'd cry

He cried so much, throughout the years
From one full moon, till next appears
A heartfelt sound, until he drowned
Within a vortex of his tears

And only then, he finally knew
When sucked under the earths deep blue
The lonely dame, singing his name
But now she's weeping too."

-Arabella Katt (xCaptainCl3mentinex)


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