Chapter Nine - Eian

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"You're distracted today." Eian watched his twin stare blankly in front of him.

He'd been distant all day. Eian wasn't sure why he expected otherwise. When Matt got overly tired, it showed no matter how hard he tried to hide it. We should have done this another day. Eian didn't bother to mask the thought.

Matt shrugged, still staring ahead of him. "We won't have another day for a long time. I'm trying, I really am, there's just... I can't help it. After I came back from work, Rei needed me. They were trying to hurt her again. She won't let me do anything about it."

"Which must be frustrating," Eian said quietly. It wasn't a secret that Matt couldn't trust just anyone with his feelings. Being a high ranking official had certain perceptions attached to the position. One was strong and stoic. Eian might have been the only person who didn't judge him for having emotions. When Matt opened up, he had to listen, had to be present and able to help his brother, because no one else would. Not until he gets married, at least. That day was coming soon.

Matt groaned. "Incredibly. I went to Father this morning and asked for her to be chosen for this upcoming selection of the Elite."

"Oh," Eian mumbled. "I understand why you had to, but it would have been nice for you to give me a little bit of warning since now that means I have to participate as well. Unless, you've decided to change that plan?"

"No, it's still the plan," Matt whispered. "You're still getting a few days to prepare."

It won't be enough time. That thought, he did keep to himself. Eian needed to be supportive and not selfish. If this Rei girl was indeed in danger, then obviously Matteo had to do the right thing and keep her safe no matter the cost. And Eian couldn't avoid getting married forever. Why couldn't I have met someone special at random in the city like he did? It'd be so much easier than having to marry a stranger. I know I won't be able to completely give myself to a girl I barely know. What if she doesn't like me? What if we can never come to love one another?

Again, all thoughts he didn't share with his twin. They'd only make Matteo feel guilty, and that would only lead to them fighting. Eian loathed fighting with Matt more than anyone else. They were always so intense, raw. At the end, he felt as if part of him had died. Better to not go through all of that unless it was necessary.

"Thanks," Eian said. "I am happy for you. Believe me when I say I hope it all goes well for you both."

"Do you have any idea how many times I've almost told her our secret? I can finally be honest with her and not worry about what kind of repercussions it will have on our kind, or on her safety." Matt sighed, a weight clearly lifting from his shoulders as his body relaxed.

"You think she's going to take it well? Being told you're actually a dragon, I mean?"

"She's not going to care. If anything, she'll be mad because I kept it from her for so long, and that's if she gets mad at all."

"I hope you're right." Eian also sighed and watched the clouds roll over them. The two were in the desert just outside of the city, a place they frequented together. They'd had a lot of wonderful adventures out there growing up. It felt like the perfect place to bring their childhood to a close. Because that's what it felt like: one chapter was ending, and a new one beginning. The time for just the two of them would become nothing more than a distant memory. No matter how many promises Matteo might make, Eian wasn't a fool. He knew that once his brother became a man, all of his priorities would change.

Matt glanced at him. "I'm sure whoever you're with will be just as wonderful and you'll—"

"I'm not exactly looking for companionship," Eian interrupted. He didn't need to hear the speech again. None of his brothers understood his lack of interest in a bride. After all, it was every Inero's dream to participate in the ceremony of the Elite. They would choose a woman from the line presented before them, and make her his own. From there, if love flowed its natural course, then so be it. If not, then they would find another until they figured it out, creating as many offspring as they could along the way.

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