Chapter Twenty-Five - Eian

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There were only a handful of things left for Eian to pack up and then all of his life would be moved into the new house. A strange feeling, because he never thought he'd be leaving so soon. Going out on his own was more exciting than he'd originally thought. Time to take the first of many new adventures, and he had Camila to thank for the push.

He surveyed the room where he'd spent so much of his life. Being right next door to Matt was about the only part of castle life he was going to miss. Compared to the house, the suite where he was expected to make a home was so...tiny. Why did he ever think it was big?

Shaking his head, Eian opened the door while somehow keeping the large box in his arms from spilling. It was filled to the brim with clothes and old mementos. Most of it he hadn't touched in over a year. He was trying to shuffle the door closed again with his foot when his father reached around him to help.

Eian almost dropped the box as he lowered his head in a bow. "Thank you, Father."

"Of course," Lynx said. "I'm happy I caught you before you left the grounds for the day."

"O-oh?" Eian perked up, surprised and happy his father went out of his way to visit. Just like he said he would. Hadn't he mentioned wanting to spend more time together at breakfast the other day? Why did I ever doubt him?

Lynx gazed at the box in Eian's arms. "Have you heard from your brother, by chance?"

"No." Eian hid the instant defeat that flooded over him. Of course that was why Lynx sought him out. Matt was away, Eian had a more direct link to him. It made sense. "Normally, he doesn't tell me anything until after he comes back from a work related task. Helps him stay more focused, or something along those lines. When he finishes, I'll be sure to—"

"I didn't come to have you convey a message to him," Lynx said, his tone gentle, calm. Too calm. "I came to speak to you. I was only curious. You two do have a special bond. He must tell you a lot."

"Sort of," Eian confessed. "Most of it is related to his personal life. When it comes to work, he keeps a tight lid." Normally, he'd have not confessed such a thing to his father. The questions the man chose to ask him gave Eian the inkling that perhaps Lynx was testing both of the twins' loyalty to the empire's secrets. He knew Matt lived for their father. Eian would talk him up as much as possible. After all, it said a lot about a person when they kept information from their own twin.

Lynx nodded, his expression hard to read. "I know he's courteous to your sensitive soul. Since I sent him away, I wasn't sure if he was perhaps angry with me for separating him from his bride."

"He wasn't thrilled. I got the impression he understood." Eian ignored the comment about his "sensitive soul". The way his kin spoke of it always made him sound so weak for preferring reason over violence. How was that sensitivity? He thought it smart.

"Only curious," Lynx said. "I came by because I wanted to help you move. Unfortunately, it looks like I waited a bit too long because your room is rather...empty."

He's been watching the surveillance footage. There's no other way he'd know that otherwise. Unless he entered my room while I was away. What am I thinking? He probably only took a peek as I was shutting the door. Eian laughed away his paranoia. "Did a little yesterday afternoon before training, a little more in the evening. Ended up not having as much as I thought. Next move will be more involved. I'll have an entire house to pack up then! So many things in the kitchen alone."

Lynx chuckled, and pointed at the box. "Here, I'll take that. You relax."

Eian gladly handed it over, not needing the break, but so elated his father wanted to do it. How could he say no? Lynx didn't do random acts of kindness for anyone he didn't care about. "I appreciate it. All of this. You're bound to have a lot more pressing matters to attend to."

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