Chapter Twenty-Nine - Matteo

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Rei's screams snapped Matt out of his meditation. They were so violent and loud, he put his hands to his ears to try and muffle the sensation if only so he could think more clearly. "Slow down, what's wrong, I don't understand."

"I don't either. I hurt. Everywhere."

He rocked himself onto his feet, running back to the compound. For the past couple of days, he'd been spending most of the day in the middle of the desert, lost in prayer. The boy prophet urged him to bond with fire as much as possible. Aside from lighting himself up with flames, Matt could only do that by surrounding himself with the dull, dry, heat of the sun. He prayed for hours, needing guidance on how to lead his people into victory. No answers came, and he couldn't help but wonder what he was doing wrong. Why the silence after such a vivid display of power from God?

Enough was enough. "I'll be home soon. Are you alone? Do I need to call for help?"

"Lenora is with me," she whimpered. "I...I think she's...found..."

"If it hurts too much to speak, don't." He pressed his lips together. It was all he could do to keep himself from letting the worry in his gut take control. Throwing up his pathetic excuse of a breakfast in front of his men would not look good at all.

As he got closer to the compound, he saw the prophet waiting outside of a car. The boy bowed when Matt was within hearing range. "She'll be okay for a few more hours. You'll have enough time to get home."

"How..." Matt sucked in a sharp breath. "Yeah...okay."

"Transitioning is hard," the prophet added.

Duh, of course that's what's wrong. "So she'll be okay."

"If your brother helps, she'll live."

"He's not the one she's bound to," Matt said.

The boy put a hand on Matt's shoulder. "Trust me."

Jaw tightening, Matt returned his attention to Rei. "I'm on my way back to you. Help is coming. Please, keep holding on."

"Don't leave me," she begged.


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