Chapter Fifteen - Camila

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When Camila's mother shook her awake in the middle of the night, she knew something bad happened—or was about to.

"You need to get up," Mom whispered. "They're coming for you. Your father is going to try and hold them off as long as possible, but you need to hide."

"Who? What?" Camila asked groggily, barely able to process anything her mother was saying.

Her mother pressed a finger to her lips. "We'll get you to the field and—"

"And take a nice casual stroll?" a young man's voice said from the doorway. He wore the dark, red leather uniform of the Inero Royal Guard. The darkness hid most of his features, but she recognized the dark eyes gazing at her. It was the same priest from the night of the fire, and she instantly realized he was also the young man in the bakery. That was why he seemed so familiar. If I'd have figured it out before, then I could have had more time to get away.

Camila glared at him, clinging to her bed sheets as if those could protect her. "What do you want?"

"You've been chosen to be a part of the Elite," he said, a small smile on his lips. An arrogant smile at that, like he thought he was bringing good news instead of completely destroying her world. "I sure hope you weren't planning on running away. That would not end well for any of you. Defying the dragons' will never does."

She swallowed, shivering with fear. "Can I get dressed, at least?"

"Sure." His gaze wandered over her for a moment. "Being presentable for the ceremony wouldn't be a bad idea."

"Get out then," she seethed.

He stepped into the hallway. "Don't try anything stupid."

Think. There has to be a way I can get out of this. Maybe I should jump out of the window. Hurt myself. She got out of bed, and gazed out the window at the ground below, seriously contemplating the idea. When her mother's hand gently touched her shoulder, the idea faded. "If I don't obey, they'll hurt you." Camila hated the thought. "We could all be killed."

"We could," her mom whispered.

Such a gesture would be vain. Her pride wasn't worth losing everything. "I'll come back. They...they let the Elite come back and visit."

"I know." Mom sniffled, then surrounded Camila in a suffocating hug. "It'll be okay."

"I should have listened," Camila whispered. "I should have stayed in."

"We couldn't protect you from them forever." Mom stepped away and started to search through Camila's closet. Eventually, she pulled out a long red sundress. "This will be good. You're the Elite, you should look the part."

Camila snorted. "This is far from a designer gown."

"You'll set a new standard. You'll display a different kind of class."

With great reluctance, she put on the dress and let her mother braid her hair. The whole time she sat, her body fidgeted. Hands open and closed into fists, clutched the fabric of her dress, grew more sweaty. Legs bounced restlessly as she tried to keep herself from crying. She didn't want to do that in front of anyone—especially her parents. Once she was presentable, she stepped into the hallway.

"What are you doing with my daughter?" her father demanded angrily from the kitchen. She winced, hoping Dad didn't make things worse by trying to attack the guard. They were known to lash out if they felt it necessary. They also punished entire families and towns for one individual's mistake.

Thankfully, the members of the guard were not insulted by his question. "She's Elite," he replied, stating once again how she had been chosen by the dragons themselves. That she was holy and divine and worthy of greater things. Flattering to say the least. Camila certainly did not see herself as any of those things. Perhaps this is my "reward" for being good. For obeying. For being kind. She almost laughed, because if she'd known this would happen as a consequence to doing the right thing, she might have done the wrong one instead. The Elite might have gotten to live in luxury, but there was something off about the women. A darkness surrounding them. A darkness she wanted no part of.

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