Chapter Twenty-Three - Camila

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"This is Navi," Eian said with a sweeping gesture toward a young woman. His gaze stayed glued to her and Camila felt a small twinge of jealousy rise up inside of her. For a moment, he gazed at the new woman, smiling, before pointing to the man standing behind her. "Oh, and her bodyguard Chris."

Eian had brought Camila to the castle grounds, though they never entered the building. Something she appreciated since she planned to stay outside of it as much as possible. The castle was too suffocating, though she couldn't figure out why. It was a fascinating place. She should have a greater urge to explore. For a long time she'd wanted to visit, having always seen pictures and read books about some of the rooms inside. Now she had her chance, and she didn't want to take it. The one night she'd spent there was more than enough.

She and Eian stood just outside the castle in a patch of green grass. He promised her a better final destination for their picnic. Not her idea of a good time. For the time being she would humor him. He claimed it was important, and he still hadn't given her a reason to doubt him yet. Eian brought the blanket. The new woman, Navi, had a basket of food. Probably for the better since combined, Eian and Camila could manage a bowl of cereal and maybe a sandwich. If the bread was toasted, then only the cereal. I have to learn something. Eating take out is going to get old fast.

The young man, Chris, trailed behind Navi and never stood closer to her than three feet, but never farther than five. Why would Navi even need a bodyguard to begin with? What was so special about her that she needed constant protection?

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Camila said politely. She eyed this other woman carefully. Navi certainly seemed nice enough. The way Eian kept staring at her, however, had her on edge. Like he's in love with her. That's what's bothering me. And if that's the case, why isn't he with her instead of me? Then I wouldn't have to be here.

"Navi is my step-mother," Eian continued. "One of them I should say. The one who matters the most. She is my father's current wife."

Camila raised an eyebrow. She looked awfully young to be married to someone old enough to be Eian's father. Dragons supposedly aged slower than normal humans, but she didn't think they were eternally young and beautiful. He certainly hadn't made a mention of it. Then again, he hadn't told her much of anything beyond him actually being a dragon. Something he still had to show her, and kept putting off. He promised me he'd do it today. Hopefully, he'll answer some more questions. Like how this whole aging thing works.

The woman took Camila's hand and curtsied. "You as well." She then faced Eian. "I like that she disrespects me. It's refreshing."

"I didn't realize I was being disrespectful," Camila said with a frown.

Navi laughed before mimicking the raised eyebrow Camila had given her. "This is not a look I get often. I don't mind. Most of the women I meet are too fake or afraid of me. Apparently, they think I'll complain to my husband or something?" She glanced at Chris, and snorted.

With a noncommittal shrug, Eian changed the subject. "Navi has kindly agreed to help you out. Anything you need, go ahead and ask her. Because she's married to my father, she holds a lot of weight. He is the Lord over all the Inero, after all." There was a slight bitterness to his voice that Camila didn't understand. Wouldn't his father being in charge of a nation be a good thing?

"Perhaps you can tell me some more because he," Camila pointed to Eian, "isn't."

"Oh, Eian," Navi said with a smile and wagged a finger at him. "I expected better from you."

Eian shifted from foot to foot, his gaze averting to the ground. "There's...a lot."

"Which is why you should be telling her more," Navi pressed. She moved closer to Camila and linked arms with her. "Ask it all, don't hold anything back."

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