Chapter Thirty-Two - Rei

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"I'm tired of being sick," Rei grumbled to no one in particular. She may have been surrounded by other women, most of them her age even, but none of them were interested in anything she had to say. Such was life at the pool. The women gathered to gossip and flaunt their perfect lives. Sometimes they'd at least pretend, but most wouldn't give Rei the time of day. I'm back for the first time in weeks, and it's like everyone's forgotten who I am. Where was Lenora when she needed her? At least she cared. They hadn't seen each other as often since Matt was home. Hopefully, her friend wasn't mad about that. No, she understands. She's busy, that's all.

Annoyed, she left her spot by the water to find Camila. She wasn't an easy woman to find. While Rei sought out friends, Camila didn't mingle with anyone. The only reason she showed up at the pool was probably because she had to. No laws were in place saying the Elite had to spend their time there, but it was an unspoken rule all the same. The pool was safe, and appropriate. What little Rei knew about Camila suggested she didn't like to raise any red flags. Both she and Eian kept as low key as possible. Out of sight, out of mind. Too bad, because Rei would have loved to be her friend.

She found Camila sitting down on the grass with a book, her back to a tree. Next to her, also with a book, was Navi, the wife of the Great Dragon Lord. Rei had seen the two of them together before having brief conversations, but she didn't realize they were close friends.

Slapping a smile on her face, she walked over. "Camila, hi!"

"Hello," Camila said quietly. She read for a moment, turned the page of her book, and then closed it. Setting it into her lap, she stared up at Rei curiously.

"Miss Navi," Rei said and bowed to the other woman. "What are you both up to?"

"Reading," Camila stated the obvious. Rei had a hard time telling if she should leave them alone, or engage them further.

Navi finally spoke, making the decision for her. "How are you today, Rei? Well, I hope?"

She knows my name! "A little under the weather. I have been for a couple of weeks." Doesn't anyone remember what happened? What I went through? Camila was there for the first day of it. Rei gave Navi a hopeful smile, wanting to bond with the woman so badly. Smiling was the only thing keeping her from bursting into tears.

Navi returned the smile, but it came across as forced. "I didn't experience much of a transition, but I'm sorry to hear it's affecting you so strongly—especially after so much time has passed. We'd been hoping the worst was over." She pointed to Camila and herself.

"You're married to the lord of dragon kind! I would think your transition would be the most intense of them all." The way Matt and Lenora spoke of Lynx, she'd thought the man was practically a god among men.

"He only rules the Inero actually," Navi clarified quickly. "He and I, clearly, don't love one another to the same degree as you and Matteo."

Rei only nodded. She didn't know what to say in reply. Was she implying that Matt didn't love her enough? Or maybe the reason she still felt so sick was because he did love her more than anything. She'd have asked, but didn't want to risk upsetting Navi by implying her relationship with the Great Lord was shallow.

The women fell quiet again. None of them seemed to know what to say. Camila and Navi were nothing like any of the others Rei had met. They weren't interested in only talking about their men, which was nice, but it left her at a loss of what topic she should bring up. Lenora knew how to fill in those gaps with ease, so Rei didn't have to struggle with the task herself. With Camila and Navi, especially Navi, she got the impression she was only being annoying. They don't like me. I thought for sure Camila would want me around. Maybe she does, but won't say anything because she doesn't want to make Navi mad at her. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. One word to her husband, and that's it. My life would be a nightmare, regardless of his affection for Matt.

And still, no one said a word. Rei finally gave a small wave. "I'll see you later, I guess. I'm going to try and eat." Or something. She desperately grasped for any excuse to leave that wouldn't make her look so desperate.

Camila frowned, and opened her mouth to speak. Navi gave her a sideward glance and said, "Okay see you later," before Camila ever got a chance.

I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry. No, I won't. No. No... A tear trailed down her cheek as she walked back toward the gate. Shoot, I am crying. I should go find a place to hide. If any of the others see me, it'll be so embarrassing. Where could she hide? Was there a way for her to leave without anyone seeing her actually go? She needed to go back to her room, lay down, and be alone. She felt alone, so she might as well. Maybe if I go quickly enough, no one will see enough of me to notice how upset I am.

Tears blinding her as she ran through the courtyard, she didn't see Lenora standing in front of her as she proceeded to plow into the woman. Expecting some kind of an outburst, Rei sprung back slightly with a wince.

"I'm so sorry," she started and was about to pour out a lengthy apology when the woman held up her hand.

"You're fine," she said. "I was coming to you, actually."

Rei sniffled, not wanting to, but unable to control it any longer. "You were?"

"Yes, I saw you talking with Miss Navi. I see you are upset now," Lenora said. "She's cold to everyone. Don't take it personally. She thinks she's better than everyone else because of her marriage. I suppose it's been a year, which is a lot longer than most." She smirked. "There've also been a lot of women who've lasted much longer. He will find another soon, and then where will she be? Nowhere. All of her special treatment will be gone. Same with all of her friends. No one spends time with her because they actually like her. You do realize that, right?"

"I...I guess I hadn't noticed." Rei wiped away the tears that remained. "The only person I've seen her with is Camila."

Lenora rolled her eyes. "Because Eian worships the ground she walks on. Navi's, not Camila's. The poor boy has had a crush on her since she first arrived. It's very sad. Poor Camila."

"Yeah," Rei echoed.

"It's too bad there's no way to show Camila what kind of a monster Navi actually is. Once Lynx is through with her, it wouldn't surprise me if she tried to snatch Eian up from under Camila's nose. She's that kind of a woman." Lenora shook her head. "We'll have to come up with a plan together. I wasn't lying when I said Eian and Matteo were important to me. I'd hate for Camila to be hurt too. We need to protect her. Bring her under our wings."

Rei managed a small nod, but now her heart was breaking all over again. This time, for Camila. She hiccuped. "Great, I'm going to start crying again."

"Let it out, darling." Lenora pulled Rei to her chest, stroking her hair.

That was all the comfort Rei needed to feel calm once more. "I thought you were mad at me."

"Why would I be mad at you?" Lenora laughed.

"Because I haven't been around."

"I'd lock my husband in the bedroom if he'd left me a day after we got married too. Teach him a thing or two and make him think twice before leaving me again."

Heat flushed Rei's cheeks. "I was too sick to do much of anything for a while."

"I know, Matt kept me informed of your status. We were all worried about you."

"No one seems to care that I'm back, so I doubt anyone was," she mumbled, pulling away from the embrace.

Lenora's jaw tightened. "Navi. She's been whispering. You are nothing more than a flighty girl to her, and she knows I am here to guide you just like I would guide Camila if I ever get the chance to pry her away."

"Why would she do that to me?"

"To control you. You're married to Lynx's favorite son." Lenora stroked her cheek. "If she controls you, she can control Matteo, and thus—"

"Lord Lynx." Rei laughed sourly. "I can't believe how stupid I am."

"You want to be loved. You've never had that." Once again, Lenora drew her into a hug. "It's dangerous being married to the most powerful man in the country. In the world. Don't worry. We'll set things right. I promise."

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