Chapter Thirteen - Eian

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Without his brother at the table with him, breakfast was almost unbearable for Eian. It forced him to take the best spot, next to their father, which left him open for awkward conversation and glares from his brothers. When Matt was around, he spent more time talking to his siblings than he did Lynx. Matt also had a great way of making conversations a lot more relaxing. Three days in a row without him was testing Eian's abilities to make small talk. If only he and Lynx could have a normal father/son relationship like Matteo did.

"Are you excited for the selection?" Lynx asked.

Eian wasn't sure how to answer. Lie? He hated to lie. Telling the truth was getting a bit deep for breakfast given that so many others could listen in on the conversation. "I'm a little nervous, but it'll be a good adventure for me."

"I like the way you word it: a good adventure. That's the perfect way to view marriage."

You'd know. You've been married how many times? Eian didn't actually want to know. The answer was: enough times to make the sanctity of marriage a joke. He realized a long time ago the only reason Lynx even bothered to marry any of the women he bedded was so he could have legitimate heirs. Wives were nothing more than a tool for him to expand his empire with, the same as everyone else. And I still love him anyway for some reason. I still want to try and have a good relationship with him. Why am I such a sucker for misery?

Eian nodded, showing he was paying attention. "Can't think of any other way to describe it or the way I'm feeling. It'll be a big change." That was about the only thing he could be confident in. Change. It was also the only fear he knew he could express without being chastised. In truth, he was afraid of a lot of things. Intimacy, the unknown, being hated. The list went on for a long time.

"Part of being an adult is facing our fears, right?" he asked, not expecting much of an answer.

"Part of being an adult is coming to that conclusion," Lynx replied. "You've always been wise beyond your years. It's one thing I've admired about you. I'm glad to have passed on that piece of me to someone."

Again, Eian only nodded, though he didn't agree. Lynx was wise, it was true, but it wasn't something he'd taught to Eian or passed on through some special genetic combination. Eian was wise because he listened to the multiple women who had helped raise him. The discarded wives who sought to remain purposeful to their now estranged husband. He respected them and absorbed everything they'd learned through their different experiences and then he made a note to never do any of the things Lynx had done to hurt those women.

"What do you imagine your bride to be like?" Lynx asked.

Eian swallowed. "I can't say I've thought too hard about it. I don't have a type I'm most attracted to. Like, I don't prefer blondes over brunettes or redheads. I'm not sure how I'm going to figure out which one to choose. They're all going to be wonderful in their own way, yeah?"

One of his neighboring brothers snorted, choking on his food as he held back laughter. Luke. He'd always been arrogant and jaded.

Lynx actually glared at the young man. "Don't lose that."

"Lose what?" Eian frowned.

"The way you see the world. It's refreshing. I should get your perspective more often."

Everyone at the table seemed to stop what they were doing for the sole purpose of staring at Eian, which he hated. He got enough of those whenever he was with Matt. Dragon twins, identical ones at that, were incredibly rare. The fact that they were Touched, or blessed with extra magic, only added to the mystery surrounding them. With Matt, the burden was shared. Solo, he wasn't sure how to handle it. He slouched some in his chair to try to make himself less noticeable.

He cleared his throat. "It's an honor you think so highly of my insights, Father." Why do I feel like he's buttering me up? He's been saying I'm soft, sweet, and well-intended for a while now, but never in a good way. So why now? "I'm sure when I see the girl who is supposed to be my bride, I'll just know. Fate, destiny, all that. Those are all supposed to come into play during the selection process."

"Yes," Lynx said quietly. "They certainly did for me at mine. Though, I was more like your brother. I already had a girl picked out who I...loved. Of course, the concept of the Elite didn't exist back in my day. Things were similar, yet so different."

Eian raised his gaze to look at his father. "Oh? How so? If you don't mind my asking, that is." He loved history, hearing stories. When Lynx told stories, it was when they got along the most. Plus, it would keep his father talking so he didn't have to.

Laughing, Lynx spread butter onto his last piece of toast. "Beyond that we didn't have cars and all of this technology? Dragons were not as respected. We hid from the slayers. They did not like us taking the human women. Everything about the selection had to be carefully timed. It was a much more complicated and secretive process. Now that the slayer problem is under control, we've been able to glamorize the ceremony while maintaining our secret. It helps to have the girls be less afraid. Their excitement makes them more willing to perform their duties."

A few snickers could be heard from various brothers around the table. Eian rolled his eyes. "I'm sure."

"By duties," Lynx said louder, "I mean being accepting over their new status as wife. Women like to be cared for. They should be cared for, not controlled or an object of lust. A willing wife who is loved will be a much better companion than one who is forced into anything."

The married brothers at the table nodded, no doubt knowing exactly what he was talking about through firsthand experience. Eian knew at least half of them were on their second wife. So sad. I don't want to go through that. I don't want to go through any of this. He also didn't want to be alone. For a long time he'd wanted a female companion just as much as any of his other brothers. Someone to love and rely on, everything else would be a bonus. The problems started when he couldn't imagine what she was like. There was no dream girl in his mind's eye. That lack of vision made him hesitate in committing to the idea of marriage. Shouldn't he at least know something?

Matt said to trust my gut. To let my heart see and figure it out for me. He stuffed a roll into his mouth so he didn't have to talk anymore. I'm over-analyzing everything. Again. It's a good thing I wasn't told to rely on my brain for this because it clearly doesn't know anything.

Thankfully, the other brothers at the table were engaging Lynx in conversation and daring to ask for his relationship advice. Eian still wasn't convinced his father was the best man to get it from, but it kept him from having to continue the conversation, so he acted like the great lord was an all knowing guru on the subject. I suppose if you've failed enough times at the same thing, it does sort of make you an expert.

All he knew for sure was he would be glad when the whole thing was over and done with. Not the sort of feelings he should be having about his upcoming nuptials.

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