Chapter 2 Payback is Not a Bitch . . . It's a Kick to the Groin

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Chapter 2

Payback is not a bitch . . . It's a Kick to Your Groin

The space ship exited the rift hole in space and entered the New World Realm. Immediately Gohan could feel all of his power being sapped.
'So this is why little Goten and Trunks need help.' Gohan stated, still in his work uniform. I guess it is time to suit up.
Leopold was now fast asleep in a flat cocoon made for the travellers. Blood stains still remained from not so long ago cuts. It was awry to see him sleeping amidst so much danger. Gohan wondered what the officer had gone through . . . what had he seen . . ?
Looking back towards one of the ship's huge windows, as space and stars came slowly in his direction . . . It looked a magnificent wonder . . . the great beyond . . . and new beginnings.
"Bee-Beep, Bee-Beep . . ." A homing beacon blinked and sounded from Leopold's belt.
Leopold got up. Looked at his belt . . .
"Uhhh, we have to make a detour Gohan."
"A detour? Where?"
"I don't know. This space and time is unknown to me . . . However, because the Space patrol has been around for thousands and thousands of years, it is only natural that or beacons will work similarly in most Galaxy worlds, space and time."
"So what is it saying."
"It is a request for assistance." Leopold informed, looking all the while at the blinking patterns of the lights. Probably a mechanical failure or something of the sort."
"Oh." Gohan replied. He was hoping it was something more important or endearing.
" . . . Although, I have found that some people here use such signals to lure in other galaxy police to trap them and to rob them."
'Wow,' Gohan thought. 'Rob the Galaxy police? What sort of neighbourhood was this?'
"Anyhow, it wouldn't be right of us to ignore the signal."
Gohan nodded in the affirmative.
Leopold decided not to tell him that that was just how he lost Trunks and Goten. After all, his first duty was to the Galaxies, and not to any one person being more important than the other.

Far away on the other side of space. Vegeta had placed down a device which blasted 'Nirvana's Soundtrack- 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' as the two Saiyans started to train.
Goku normal, and Vegeta SuperSaiyan two was at it with the music blasting away in the background as they fought. Goku was getting the snot licked out of him, and thoughts of fear and doubt to this plan of Vegeta's was now turning into Vegeta's psychotic rage and vengence, as each of the man's punches and kicks threatened to break Kakarot's bones with every land of a blow.
[Furious fighting all the while]
Goku had to fight several times to keep from transforming. This was mad man training. He couldn't possibly beat Vegeta.
[Furious moving and fighting all the while, with the quick occasional zap of a power blast our two]
Vegeta on the other hand was placing vengeance in each of his blows. Not only was this training, but this was a very rare opportunity to beat the daylights out of Kakarot, for all of the times Kakarot made him look stupid, for all of the times Kakarot had hid his next power level from him, for all of the times a weakling of normal sociological standing could beat him, a royal prince.
[Furious fighting all the while]
Damaged very badly and scared, Goku looked around frantically for where the mad man Saiyan was going to come front. Suddenly Vegeta was in front of the Saiyan fist heading fast for his jaw. Goku fought hard to bring up his hand that seemed to weigh a ton to stop the man.
"Whack!" . . . He caught it.
Vegeta pulled away and jumped back.
Kakarot was steaming.
Kakarot smiled as pain shot through his face from his broken jaw. "fffew" Goku flew forwards fast as lightning, and the furious fight was on once again.
It was working . . . Vegeta thought to himself, fighting as fast as he could at SuperSaiyan 2. He was still beating the daylights out of Kakarot, but Kakarot was moving so much faster that the Saiyan Prince had to dodge several times. Finally, a punch to the face, a knee to the stomach, and two hands coming down as a fist sent Goku flying like a shooting star into the planet.
Goku hit the planet on his hands and knees. The man looked at his hands, this was unreal. Looking up. Vegeta stood with a big smirk on his face. He just needed the right opponent. All the while he was trying to out do Kakarot . . . when one of the main keys to his success . . . was fighting Kakarot.
Goku rose to his feet to look at Vegeta in the sky, steam rising from the him all of the while.
Goku took off for Vegeta and once again the fighting was on. This time Goku was going to teach Vegeta a lesson in messing with the greatest Saiyan that ever lived.
[Even faster and more furious fighting]
Vegeta was starting to feel like he was being placed against the ropes. How much did Kakarot really have in him. The man was fighting like . . . like . . . this was all that he lived for . . .
Vegeta smiled as he recognised the bubbling of a true Saiyan coming out of Goku. Feeling exhilarated, blood boiling at the hype, Vegeta called on everything that he had in that form and more, and fought the Saiyan like a mad man out of hell.
Goku's frantic efforts was now being returned to him as Vegeta got carried away and beat the man near to death at SuperSaiyan 2.
Goku's almost lifeless body floated head first towards the ground as the Earth's gravity threatened to kill him on impact.
"Aauugghh." Vegeta thought annoyed that he nearly killed Kakarot in the process '. . . but wasn't this the idea?'
Zooming down Vegeta ran for where they had safely stored two Sensu beans and was quickly over to Goku who lay motionless on the Ground.Vegeta moved a mechanical device over Kakarot that showed where his bones were broken, and Vegeta carefully set them in their correct place. Placing a Sensu bean in one of Goku's broken hands he stated calmly. "Eat."
Vegeta stood and watched as Goku fought to bring the bean up to his mouth . . . a tear trickling down the broken man's face.
'I am glad I am not his son.' Was all that Goku could think.

Sitting and looking out a window, Trunks waited with Pierce and his compadre for their ship to dock.
The land was very oddly shaped, with houses and structures attached to what looked like huge pillars of land that spiked the very landscape miles into the air.
It was against one of these pillars that the space ship came to dock.
Welcome, to planet Plant.
'Planet Plant', Trunks thought . . . that name . . . would . . . later be called . . . Planet Vegeta.
Pierce had brought him . . . home.

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