Chapter 29 Fast Moving Hands

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Chapter 29

Fast Moving Hands

The last thing Goten saw, was an angry Mehbol staring at him with venom in his eyes, and a fist tightened into a death grip.
“!Wham!!” The hard blow landed in the palm of a pale blue hand . . . Whis’ hand. The angel fought hard to contain the punch, but instead diverted the force of it away with a flick of his hand.
Goku went flying into the side of a mountain upside down, and Berus anticipating the urgency of their arrival tried to slow himself down, and as he flew out of control through the air, his rat like figure past the scary masked face of Glouder, as if time had slowed down, god of destruction staring at god of destruction.
Normally Berus would have joined Goku, splattered into the side of the mountain, but this time Earthstein’s god had a point to make. Hopping very skilfully from rock to rock to bounce of of the sides of the mountain, Berus controlled his crash with the utmost skill.

Goten’s eye lids finally opened and in the blink of an eye so many things had already changed. Right in front of him was Whis, facing Mehbol, and looking around . . . Goku with but a small spark of energy blasted his was out from inside of the wall, as Berus stood with folded hands, looking from Mehbol over to Glouder.
‘It’s no wonder Goten and Trunks were having a hard time escaping from this place.’ Berus told himself, as his tail twitched unsteadily from side to side.
Mehbol’s other hand was quick forcing Whis to dropped his floating staff in order to block the fist coming to his face, with that hand.
Now two hands locked into two hands. Bad angel Mehbol stood facing Angel Whis, up close . . and personal.
The two pushed away and broke apart. Whis moved slowly to float in front of his staff. Berus couldn’t understand why Whis didn’t just dispel of this stranger as he had many others who had gotten in his way.
Goku looked at the situation. It was obvious that something was wrong . . . Whis and Mehbol stood facing each other, their eyes not leaving each others sight. ‘Why wasn’t Whis taking this guy on?’ Then Goku realise . . . this guy has got to be another angel . . . and a bad one at that ‘. . . but he doesn’t have any staff . . .’
Goten floated quickly up to his dad, “Dad.”
At the shout of his voice the two angels flung themselves together “Buhhm!!” “Buhhm!” “Buuh-Buhhm, Bumm!!” Each hit was an explosion in the air.
Goku could not see them because they were moving too fast. Berus looked up, barely able to keep up with the two.
“CccKrackatooom!!” There was the sound of thunder and something zoomed past them to crash into the mountain like a bullet, as it made deep whole into the Earth . . . But what was it?”
Goku turned to look into the sky , as Berus stood with his mouth open in total shock, as Mehbol stood in the air.
‘This is bad.’ Goku thought as if he could read Berus’ mind.
No one moved . . . if felt like any sudden movement could trigger the alien to send any of them to their demise.
Turning to Berus, the angel of destruction, Mehbol was about to attack, when Whis came crawling out of the hole in the ground.
Luckily, where Whis had been grounded was but a few paces from Berus.
“Get my staff . . .” Whis coughed as never before seen bruises were scattered all across his face and body. “ . . . And tell him . . . what has happened here.”
Berus’ mouth was still hanging open in complete shock.
“Goten, we’ve got to go.” Now hugging the boy proudly, Goku was getting ready to use his instant transmission . . . he just needed a distraction.
Berus the god of destruction withdrew his lower jaw, and got ready for a ‘real’ fight.
“Bbbrrrrrrrr. . .” The mountain trembled, and Whis took off like a shot. Berus ran for Whis’ still floating staff. It appeared Whis was also using his abilities to control and protect his staff, whilst fighting. Just as Whis grabbed the artefact, “Whap!” Glouber placed a very firm punch across his face, sending the god floating in slow motion (to them) sideways.
The punch was so very hard, that Berus’ grasp on the object came loose.
Whis heard the punch and knew Berus had just received a blow, but there was nothing that he could do, as he fought hard to fight off Mehbol and still try to keep his mind on protecting his most worthy possession.
Berus stopped trying to grasp the escaping staff and in anger raised his power level, to start his attacks on Glouber.
Goku, realising that everyone was now distracted, decided to try and use his instant transmission, when the Saiyan saw the staff floating away from the fighting. “Hold on Goten.” In an instant Goku appeared beside the flying staff and grabbing hold of it, as Goten held onto him, Goku again used his instant transmission to catapult him out into space, and towards the outer reaches of the closest star.
As the two was being catapulted into the red hot star Goku fought hard to find a group of life forms that did not have a dangerously high reading of power. “There!” The saiyan shouted as they entered the sun’s pull.
And appearing on the same ship as the other aliens who had just left the slave planet Glebe, Goku released his son, and smiled warmly at the ship’s other inhabitant.
“Goten!!” Gori and Plumula shouted, very happy to see the boy back, safe and sound.
Goten released his dad, to greet the others with smiles, as his bruised body told the tale of his earlier struggle.
“Goten, son, I have to go.”
Goten looked around at his dad, almost in tears. “Aren’t we going home dad?”
“. . No, not yet, Goten . . I only have a little time. I will try to come back and get you, but I need to go help Berus and Whis.”
Goten’s face lowered in sad disappointment, at hearing that he was yet again going to have to survive this horrible side of life . . . but, then the little boy looked around at the over worked faces of the old and young aliens who had suffered this fate for so very long . . . “Okay, dad. Go save, Berus and Whis . . .” We’ll be alright.”
Goku’s mind did a flicker at Goten’s latter statement. I was obvious that the boy had faith in him . . . but he didn’t dare tell the boy that both Berus and Whis outclassed him but a lot, but instead, the man smiled warmly and lovingly at his son, placed the two fingers back to his forehead, and before you know it, Goku was again standing on planet Glebe, and Berus and Whis were in the fight of their lives.

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