Chapter 4 Just Cause

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Chapter 4

Just Cause

The pod slowly lifted back up to the sky and on to its destination . . . the space ship that lay waiting in space.
“We have gotten the help we need.” Flawdius informed the others. Presently entering the ship Flawdius was followed by a tall and handsome teenager. Though he remained quiet, a quick glance directly in Ariochi’s direction . . . showed that he already knew who the strongest person was on board the ship.
Lauren came in last we the massive bruises on her hands showing quite easily.
“What happened to you?” Chalorie was quickly by her side and reaching for some healing ointment.
“That’s it.” Flawdius informed the others, beaconing Tom to sit where he liked. “Chalorie is the ship’s captain and she usually flies and maintains the ship . . .”
“Ariochi is usually our back up . . .” Flawdius pointed to Ariochi sitting quietly in a corner. “And you have already met Lauren, a Saiyan like yourself . . .”
“That is Pain over there . . .” Flawdius pointed out the young Namekian, who nodded pleasantly towards Tom. “and I am Flawdius.”
“We can pay you thirteen ore . . .”
“I’ll take ten ore . . .” Tom replied.
Flawdius winced a bit. Thirteen ore was a lot of money . . .
“. . . I needed to get away a bit . . .”
“Oh . . okay . . . I guess that worked out for us as well,” the Namek said becoming at ease. Any alien that didn’t want money badly usually had integrity . . . or they had something more ‘valuable’ in mind.
“So, now let’s go save Goten.” Chalorie said happily.
“We will get to that but first we need to see to a bigger problem. . . Set Course for planet Nepulan.” Flawdius ordered.

The Saiyan’s Training Location back in Sector Seven
“Okay Kakarot . .” Vegeta spouted to the other Saiyan as he got to his feet . . . all bones, all injuries, healed, the the exhilarating feeling of a stomach full of food. “It’s my turn.”
“Okay Vegeta. I hope you’re ready.” It was obvious by now that Vegeta’s plan was working . . a little better than he could have imagined.
“huuaaaaaaaaaaaa . . .”
“Kakarot. Stop fooling around already.”
“I . . I’m trying.”
“Youv’e done this a thousand times already . . . and you want me to believe that you can’t even turn SuperSaiyan?”
“I . . . I . . .”
“Kakarot!” Vegeta was now suspicious that his protege was now doing this on purpose.
“. . . I . . . just give me a minute . . . Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh . . .” Goku fought and looked inside of himself for that once familiar ocean of yellow . . . but where . . . was . . . it? Looking in the base of his being right there on the floor was a single drop of yellow. “I . . . I . . . think I’ve found it . . . aaah.”
“Bsshh!” A huge blast of power shot out of Goku, who struggled and barely contained that single drop of immense power.
“Whooa!” Vegeta shouted out blocking his face from the flying debri that came with the huge blast in power. He could feel it; The great difference in their normal transformation.
Vegeta grinned. “I told you Kakarot, our haste to become SuperSaiyan caused us to have a huge handicap . . . and it was all you fault, Kakarot!”
Goku rubbed the back of his head with one hand as he tried to figure out how it was all his fault. That fateful day his best friend Krillin had died, Vegeta had died, his son Gohan was being threatened with death, and all he loved was at risk of being taken away . . . forever . . . “No Vegeta, it was not a mistake . . .”
“So how do you explain our huge handicap against Pierce and the others in that other ‘exisitence’?”
“Maybe . . . it was meant to be like this . . .” Goku was getting annoyed with Vegeta’s accusations and constant insults . . . no wonder they had to be forced to train together by whis. It was painfully obvious that their rivalry was their biggest offset, ever.
“. . . .”
“ . . . Okay . . . Kakarot . . . I am ready.”
“Don’t you want me to go to SuperSaiyan two, like you did to me?”
“It’s not necessary Goku . . . If I am right, you at SuperSaiyan now, is far more powerful than you were at SuperSaiyan two or even possible SuperSaiyan three.”
Goku could feel it . . . but it was amazing how Vegeta had it already worked out. Clasping his hand in a fist he felt he could punch Vegeta in half with just one punch.
“Come Kakarot . . . let’s not waste time with your trying to work out the logistics. We have work to do.”
“You sure Vegeta?”
“. . . Quit stalling . . . you know I don’t break that easy.”
"Okay . ."
Goku was gone and just as siddenly his fist was buried deep in Vegeta’s face, sending the man skidding across the hard terrain.
Vegeta got up very irate. “You can’t use instant transmission Kakarot!” Vegeta shouted, all bruised up at one punch.
“I . . I wasn’t.” Goku informed. “In fact I was kind of wondering why you weren’t blocking when I attacked.
‘He can’t be that fast, can he?’ Vegeta thought trying to keep from rubbing his damaged jaw. ‘I have to get that power and I mean, now!’ Vegeta shot forwards.

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