Chapter 26 Three, Two, One . . . Action! (Whis And Beerus)

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Chapter 26

Three, Two, One . . . Action

Planet Glebe
Goten, Supersaiyan three form, was fighting furiously, punching, kicking, and trying to dodge so many incoming punches and kicks, that the young Saiyan just concentrated on sharing out as much punches and kicks that he could.
The four aliens who were attacking him also attacked him with such speed and vigour that one of them, the strongest, just stopped and watched as the other three fought with the you SuperSaiyan, till blood came from his nose, ears, head . . .
"Aaaaaahhhnneeeaaaaahh." Goten started to scream in pain as his body was now being disabled by the painful blows he was taking from the trio. One of which was far stronger than that of Threilow.
The three stopped to watch the limp bodied Supersaiyan boy barely able to float in the air, his hands hanging down at his side and body bent over.
"Coouuhuck." Goten coughed and blood came out of his mouth, still he hung on to his SuperSaiyan Three form . . .
The trio rushed in and together kick finished the boy in to the really hard side of the wall of a mountain. Hangs spread outwards, feet spread outwards, Goten was planted firmly into the wall of the mountain so much, that he was wedged in, his SuperSaiyan Three long hair gone, and all that remained was an unconscious looking little saiyan boy.
The three alien men looked over their work . . . This boy was really tough for a Saiyan. No Saiyan that they had ever met would have even been able to take on one of them . . . let alone three.
The strongest alien of them all, approached from where he had hanged back, to look closely at the Saiyan boy. 'A fine specimen indeed.'
"What is is Glouder? . . Is he still alive?"
Glouder lifted two of his fingers and something shot out, forming a ring around one of Goten's wedged in hands. Then another ring, and another, and another, till all of the boy's hands and feet were held firmly in place in the rocky mountain wall.

Somewhere on the space ships, were many escaping aliens . . . suddenly, the thought of Goten came into their thoughts, and they could feel him coaxing them, coaxing them to help him.
Little by little, the aliens, started to hold out their hands towards this pull of energy for assistance. It was Goten . . . He must have gotten in to a terrible fix, and was asking for help form them.
The urge drew them to hold out their hands . . . which slowly, many and then every one of them did, allowing the call for energy to draw energy from their life force. However, these aliens were slave workers, and all those years of hard work had filled them with power for their jobs at hand . . . what better way to repay those who oppressed them . . by handing over that same power to Goten . . . Would it be enough? Who knows . . . but he was going to get as much as they could help out their struggling friend with.

"What should we do with him?" Glouder turned to ask his boss who was way back seated and watching the show, unafraid.
"We could let him go . . ." The man stated, standing up, and tapping his long staff on the ground, the familiar staff, on an angel. "Or . . . we could take him to the master."
"Could . . . could he be the one?" Glouder the god of destruction asked.
" . . . . No, he's far, far too behind in power . . . But, he might be an asset."
"In our famous tournament of might." Glouder asked with a slight grin.
Before the words could finish coming out of the angel's mouth, power was felt as a silent surge, coming from the little boy, trapped in the wall of the mountain.
As more and more little glowing entities of spirit power entered Goten, suddenly, Goten's power Jumped far past his previous SuperSaiyan Three last state, in fact, by the time they were feeling the increase of power, he was well beyond what they thought they were feeling.

Goku was standing beside Whis, with two fingers on his forehead, as Whis allowed him to pick up signal strengths way, way beyond what he had ever felt before.
Now Goku had two choices . . . rush in and grab Gohan, Trunks, and Goten . . . Or . . . he could use Whis to find who best needed help, and keep that going till he really needed to intervene, giving him the opportunity to fight the best, train his sons, and get the most out of his time on the other side. So he obviously choose the latter, using Whis' ability, he felt, Gohan's where abouts; healthy, unafraid, and in no distress at all . . . Goten, was injured, but his injuries were healing in no time and his power was sky rocketing with the ever familiar felling . . . A spirit bomb?
Moving on over to Trunks, Trunks was in a bit of a pickle, but if he intervened, his father Vegeta would be furious . . . So Goku just waited and watch as the events of Trunks came on the ball of Whis' staff, and Whis proceeded to project it like a screen in the sky.
"Shall we get some pop corn?" Berus asked as he stood watching the two hoovering in the sky.
"That sounds like a great idea." Whis added not seemingly bothered by the events unfolding on the screen. "Hey, maybe we can take this over to Bulma's, hungh. She would be so greatful to see her son, that she is sure to give us what ever we ask for."
"Great idea, Whis, Shall we?"
". . We shall" Whis added, his facial expression already showing glee all over it, at the thought of relaxing to some very delightful meal and a movie. "Sounds Thrillilng."
Whis shut off the screen, and called Bulma on her smart hand watch.
Bulma was home trying to get some sort of signal from any of the space ships in the other world, when here the object on her hand started vibrating and lighting up.
"Hi Bulma, it's me, Whis."
Within moments, the four of them were sitting eating popcorn, tortillas, and what ever treats, Bulma's cook and the local twenty four seven could provide.
Everyone sat back to eat on beach chairs, to watch the screen in the sky.
"Wow, I'm so excited." Goku shouted, thinking how wonderful it was to watch their family in a real life film whilst eating the best foods he could find on the surrounding tables.
"Hey, Goku." "Whacks!" Whis lashed Goku around his head, making the Saiyan wince with pain.
"Hey . ."
"Your blocking the screen with your big head Goku." Berus bellowed. "You should get a hair cut . . Who wears their hair everywhere like that, anyway."
"Shh . . the movie's starting you two." Whis said, annoyed at all of the loud bickering.
The screen projection in the sky in front of them showed Trunks, ready to face of against two SuperSaiyans.
"Wow this is great!" Goku yelled in excitement.
"Goku!!" Everyone yelled at the same time.

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