Chapter 23 A Touch Of Class (Whis)

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Chapter 23

A Touch of Class

Vegeta, trapped in the midst of the expanding New World, fought, and fought, and strained to pull free from the bonds . . . but it was no good.
Desperate for his freedom, and not knowing how long he was going to be there, the proud Prince settled himself, to relax . . . and think.

Trunks Location
The sun was quickly rising as the blue haired boy looked down from his perch in the air. Except for nature's music, the atmosphere was very peaceful. It was a very beautiful day, but the young boy wasn't going to be deceived by the beauty of it all . . it was a very, very dangerous place to be.
"Okay," Young Trunks said to himself. He had been trying to hatch out a plan before he had gone to sleep.
During his sleep he had sub-consciously returned to his normal state, and a good thing too because, up in the sky, to his left, hovered one of the Saiyans, looking around as if trying to find something.
Quietly, Vegeta's son eased behind a thick bough out of sight.
Suddenly, the bushes moved and out ran a Saiyan in SuperSaiyan form, releasing a huge blast at the other Saiyan in the sky.
The one in the sky braced himself and formed a shield quickly to quench the attack.
The SuperSaiyan on the ground ran past the one in the sky from below, which became confusing to the one in the sky, as he turned to face the SuperSaiyan. 'Just because a person was SuperSaiyan in this realm, did not mean he was more powerful . . . it all depended on what point . .'
The SuperSaiyan now a good ways away in the distance fired another blast, which was so easily dodge because of his far distance, it didn't make sense.
"Barakaracks!" "Butt . . dutt." Something big broke through the trees, almost the same height as Trunks position and jumped up in the air. The Saiyan in the air had just dodged the blast, still confused at the SuperSaiyan's strategy for fighting, when, "Kra-chomp!" Everything went dark. "Kra-chomp!" "Kra-chomp" and that was the end of him.
Trunks had drifted out from hiding as he felt like helping the eaten Saiyan, but that was too late now . . . and being out in the open a little. The SuperSaiyan in the distance spotted little Trunks small size near the top of the trees.
Instead, he just fled . . .
Now it was, ten left to go.
Trunks decided to just stay put for now. He had to find the old man . . . but he wasn't willing to be chased by the hungry giant beast.

The powerful SuperSaiyan had landed on the planet with them, but as look would have it, got out of his pod. Powered up, and took off back into outers-pace himself, to land on the same planet as the second strongest Saiyan. Trunks could see and feel his power as he shot off back into space.
So with two more opponents not on the planet, Trunks now had to face the gruelling task of getting rid of the other seven opponents, if their was that amount (some could be dead by now or out of 'commission') before one of the other two most powerful Saiyan's got back.

Goku appeared on Berus' planet retreat, and strolled up to Whis and his trainee, relaxing after a day's meal.
"Hi, Goku." Whis stated. "We weren't expecting you today were we?"
". . . ."
"Come on Goku, speak up . . We haven't got all day you know." Berus boasted from his lazy retreat.
"I've come here for a fight Whis."
Whis laughed. "You mean, 'to train' Goku."
". . . . No Whis . . . I came here for a fight."
Whis' humour calmed down, as he started to take Goku's demand more seriously.
" . . . And who do you propose to 'fight', Goku." Berus asked, still picking his teeth with a tooth pick; the seriousness of a god of destruction crossing his tone dangerously.
". . Yes, Goku . . . And who will your 'opponent' be?" Whis asked, returning to his humorous self. Slowly, Whis' eyes wandered over to look at the still relaxed Berus.
Berus the god of destruction, feeling the strong stare at him look sideways to see Whis staring at him.
Berus jumped up and yelled at Whis "Surely you don't mean to make me fight him again!?"
". . . . Why not?" Whis replied calmly. "He did say he came here for a 'fight' right? Why not accommodate your guest."
"Suppose I killed him, Whis? Berus opposed the angel firmly. "Have you even thought of that? Bulma would be vex, and all of their Supersaiyan buddies; and what about the great Zeno?"
Daishinkan suddenly appeared behind his son Whis. "That is not a topic for discussion Berus." Zeno was off-limits for fear that the powerful being would show up and erase them from existence.
" Great Daishinkan, please, forgive me . . You, know - what I mean." The god of destruction stammered.
"So you came here for a fight, Goku?" No one wanted to admit it, but because of the great Zeno's love for his friendship with this Saiyan, no one was too quick to erase him, even though they 'poised' often that they would.
Goku suspected such, but because his friendship with Zeno was such a happy carefree one, he too was very reluctant to cause the powerful being distress, not wanting to disrupt the order of this existence.
"Or, since you are so power hungry Goku, would you consider fighting me?"
Goku in his heart of hearts, would have gladly said yes, but he knew for now Daishinkan posed no threat to him, and was not possibly sure that he was anywhere near his level of power and experience.
Goku rubbed the back of his head . . . and skinned his teeth like an idiot. "Welllll, I was hoping that me and Berus could go at it a bit, you know . . . spice things up a bit."
"What is it exactly that you want here?" Whis cut in.
"Well . . . I was hoping that . . . if I beat Berus you'd consider allowing me to enter the other world." Goku stated, still grinning, whilst rubbing the back of his head with his eyes closed.
Whis looked around at his father. "What do you think . . . shall we?"
Daishinkan looked at his son, and then at Goku and Berus.
As the Top angel, he had trained all of the angels and had administered them their posts through out the Worlds of Existences, placing them over a 'selected' god of destruction to make sure that existence was boundaried by controlled amount of existence to prevent 'chaos'.
This had to be done every time a New World of Existence was being born, and a New Zeno was being born. But this literally was above Goku's and Vegeta's 'pay grade'; Though the two had grown to such an enormous, and annoying height of power, that they could not be erased or ignored, without consequences. They had even one over Berus and Whis, long enough to grow even stronger under such odd friendships, them being mere Saiyans, at the bottom of the heights of gods.
"You are not 'permitted' to enter the New World . ." Daishinkan stated firmly with both hands resting behind his back. ". . . ."
Goku looked dismayed and was waiting to see if he would have to 'execute' plan 'B'.
". . . However, I am willing to make an 'agreement' with you . . . Which you 'Will' honour Goku."
" Hhum." Goku answered listening carefully to the terms of the agreement.
"You will not be fighting Berus . . . But, instead, my son 'Whis' here will be your opponent."
Goku was both excited and flabbergasted at the same time. Because Whis trained, himself and Vegeta, and during training Whis could not be touched unless he allowed them for 'practices' sake. And that was with both of them attacking furiously at their highest level of 'god blue'.
"The objective is for you to touch any part of the angel Whis."
Goku thought about it for a bit, with his martial arts battle mentality. "And what if I do manage to touch Whis?"
"Then you will be granted a limit of one hour in the New World. After which you will return here until any further permission is given by myself . . . or the great Zeno."
Now the Saiyan had a button to call Zeno at any time he wanted, which was granted by Zeno himself, however, that was for emergencies only. And for Zeno, an emergency, meant the unwavering destruction of everything. So there was no help there.
" . . . And what if I can't touch him?"
"Then you go back home, and you do not train nor interfere in any way with what ever is going on in the New World."
'. . . . . . .' Goku thought for a moment. "And what are the boundaries?"
Well aware that his son Whis was practicably untouchable, "Any suggestions Goku?"
"Well, it is Whis we are talking about, let's just go at it. I mean, unless you would like to make it harder for me?" Goku grinned at Whis.
Whis stood and grinned back at Goku.
"I think the terms are fair father . . . I wouldn't want Goku to think that we were trying to give him a 'handicap'."
"Okay . . . Are you ready Goku?"
"As ready as I'll ever be, Daishinkan."
"And you are ready Whis."
"Sure, why not father. Let's see what you can do Saiyan."
And before Whis could finish his sentence, Goku was in Whis' face reaching for the touch.

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