Chapter 9 Everything I've Got . . . And More!

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Chapter 9

Everything I've Got . . And More!

Flawdius, and the other little aliens of his eased their way out of the caves in single file to travel behind loose boulders in order to keep out of sight as the battle ensued. Their objective was to get as far away from the battle area in order for Chalorie to safely pick them up. The size of several football fields, enough to hold the aliens if barely: The problem was getting out of here without injury to the victims or damage to the ship.
'As long as Tom and Lauren keeps these guys distracted we should be able to get out of here.' Was the big Namek's thinking.
It was too early to know if Tom or even Lauren would survive.
Tom flew across the plain and clashed with an unimpressed Alkendo. "Brugadoom!"
Alkendo looked over the hand he had used to block Tom to stare full in the Saiyan's face. "You Saiyans think you are something . . . but you are . . . N o t!!" Alkendo punched the enraged Tom in the face. Tom's face swung with the force of the punch, but the young man forced his head to push back against Alkendo's fist to stare the god in his face again.
A Saiyan punch at the god, was parried, and a kick from him was blocked by Tom's raised foot. The Two went at it, and even thought Tom was getting beat up as they went it didn't stop the young man from trying.
The Warden stood watching the fight as he was very tough, but not that fast as they were. Looking around the Warden was hit in the stomach "Oofthhh" by Lauren's punch, and the SuperSaiyan grabbed the giant and was up into the sky.
Warden tried to grab her but failing, he then tried to whack her like a fly with his hammer, but the smart girl dodge and left him and went up higher, before coming down to lash him with two of her hands that she'd formed into one fist.
The huge oath when soaring back down towards the ground, getting smaller and smaller as he went, till he was but a mere speck and then there was a tiny cloud of smoke. Lauren gathered her energy into a ball and sent a big power blast down into the centre of that smoke.
Landing the girl saw Flawdius leading the enslaved aliens away in a long line amongst the rocks. She had to try to keep, Alkendo distracted, but the fighting was so intense and unreal she did not know when to intervene, so she kept watching.
Tom pelted a power big power ball at Alkendo with ease; of course Alkendo dodge it like nothing, and the Saiyan was in the prince's face again, throwing punches. Alkendo dodge, and seeing Tom's ribs exposed for attack, gave the boy a hard punch in his ribs, just as Tom had his power ball returning to hit Alkendo in his back. The god dodged it with speed and the ball ended up hitting Tom "Booooom!"
Dust was engulfing Tom and Alkendo had shot higher up, only to see the train of aliens escaping. Lauren saw and the SuperSaiyan was quick to let go two small blasts and then a very big one at the god. Alkendo slapped the two first balls away and then slapped her big blast ball towards the line of aliens.
Lauren was flabbergasted. Quickly the girl concentrated and tried to redirect her power ball telepathically.
Alkendo was about to attack her when Tom came shooting out from the smoke enraged still. Sending punch after punch which the god dodge with ease, but his attacks on the Saiyan was not dissuading the boy . . . only enraging him even more.
Flawdius saw the incoming blast ball and jumped in front of the ball Lauren was now turning, to push the ball over the workers heads.
Lauren took the ball high up into the sky and then brought it down full speed towards the god's head.
Alkendo fought and slapped, and beat Tom, but the boy was like an enraged pitbull that would not be deterred.
"So you want a piece of me do you?" ALkendo formed a powerful blast ball himself and Tom blocked with both hands and created a small shield around himself, the shield grew bigger and bigger, as the blast ball grew closer and closer.
The same moment ALkendo realised that he had got him, "Ssswham!!" Lauren's blast ball came crashing down on his head.
Unhurt . . . but very angry Alkendo turned to go for Lauren, but one quick look back at the clearing dust, he saw Tom . . . bleeding bad and looking completely furious. "Huuurrraaahh!" Tom's muscles bulged even bigger, and green rings shoot of from the boy. "Uuuurraaahhh!" Tom flew at the god with highly increase speed, to punch the god in his chest. "Wham!"
ALkendo looked down at Tom's fist on his chest, still unimpressed, and gave the boy one kick to 'his' chest, sending the big boy flying backwards.
By this time Flawdius and those with him were now making distance from Tom and the others.
"Yes, Flawdius . . .?"
"Set the ship down on the far side of the planet."
"You got it Namek."
He just needed Tom and Lauren to keep the prince distracted long enough.
Toms feet touch the ground as he fell backwards, and the boy again became more enraged, releasing even more inner power, and growing far more powerful, and far more faster, but in his rage he could not see anything in his eyes worth saving.
Lauren flew up behind Alkendo and let go several of her strongest blast balls, which the god licked away effortlessly "Swumppnn!" Tom snatched the prince out of the air and headed sky words.
Alkendo in a still relaxed state, held forwards his head and then butted backwards hitting Tom in his face, doing so again and again, until the Saiyan let him go. What a mistake that was, as Alkendo spun around, and kicked Tom who grabbed onto his foot.
Alkendo pulled in his held foot to kick Tom in his face with his other foot, but Tom leaned quickly back and kick volleyed Alkendo on the top of his head.
The god was sent down wards but stopped in mid air. Alkendo, moved about his head to take the kink out of his neck caused by the kick.
"Time to put an end to this!" Alkendo shouted and zoomed up to grab Tom from behind and pull him into a head dive. Tom tried to head but but Alkendo was too low. He tried to pull away the god's hands but unable. Faster and faster the two soared towards the earth head first.
Alkendo hovered in the sky, and as the dust cleared Tom lay unconscious in the dust.
"Stupid Saiyan . . . you nor yo . . ."
"Swum." Lauren hit the god in his back again, with little effect.
Alkendo turned and flew upwards to her, and seeing the dangerous god coming Lauren, grabbed as much power as she could and threw down power balls as fast as she could.
The god lashed away some as he approached and then created a power shield over his head as he soared head first towards her.
This was no joke . . . was she about to d . . .
The was a big earth quake . . . and huge power started coming from the ground.
Alkendo stopped to look back down at the ground, and there was Tom, slouched over and punching the ground.
"You think you know me!!!" The angry boy shouted, "Just because you are a 'god'!" . . . "You . . . know . . . Nothinggggg!!!"
Power shot out of Tom all over the place, beams of light. The boy was growing even bigger, muscles bulging even more . . . "hhuraahh!" "Bshshshshshsshshsh!" And now . . Tom was also a SuperSaiyan, and a far more powerful one at that.

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