Chapter 19 Kudos To You (Top Angel Daishinkan)

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Chapter 19

Kudos To You

As darkness began to approach, the little Saiyan made his way pass a big deep green lake . . . Getting the 'creeps' as he walked by, the boy tried his best to ease as quickly and quietly for to the tallest tree close to him.
Something moved in the green liquid. Trunks kept looking forwards but also tried to look at the big pond out of the corner of his eyes.
"Bbbbbbleessh . ." Something like a tentacle eased out of the water. Trunks tried to print a little faster, not knowing what danger was also ahead of him.
"Bbbublessh. ." Another tentacle came slithering out of the greenery, followed by another, and another . . .
By this time Trunks was sprinting fast past the hideous creature with one big and one small eye. Deciding to take flight was too risky, for more obvious reasons. So the boy just kept running and 'high-tailed' it out of there.
Suddenly something bigger moved in the tall shrubbery ahead. In between minds of if to fly, or if to try to get to the tree on foot, was a back and forth decision as the boy kept running for the trees.
Eyes focused more now on the moving foliage, "Buddushsh!": A huge long tooth beast of a creature, forty feet high bust out of the undergrowth, to attack his incoming food.
Trunks didn't waste any time but turned SuperSaiyan quick as a flash and shot to the sky with the leaping beast's jaws barely missing his feet by inches.
As Trunks continue upward for the tippity-top of the tall trees, the beast landed on the ground to watch his food flying away. "Buddudabadusch!" A huge tentacle landed on the beast and tried to wrap itself around the big animal which fought to get away . . . But it was too late as another huge tentacle came and latched around the land beast, and another.
The beast squirmed and fought and bit down into the tentacles in a futile effort to get away.
Trunks came to land in the top of the trees, looking around, to see if there was any danger near him in the trees. Satisfied that he was safe for now, the boy looked back towards the tentacles drawing the beast into the greenery. Suddenly a big slimy creature rose out of the greenery to meet its struggling prey.
The animal, looked back at Trunks, now tasting a bit of its own medicine. Suddenly the boy had an idea, and quickly flew back towards the two creatures and started to zap the tentacles. Just as he thought, the octo-creature didn't like the burns, and reluctantly it released an injured tentacle, then another, and another as Trunks burnt them, only to sink back into the greenery.
Trunks made sure to keep his distance in the sky from the land creature. And after watching it licked itself. The animal made no attempts to attack Trunks but instead stared and watched him in the sky.
Heading back to the safety of the trees, he waited and watched the last light of a nearby sun go down, and then it was pitch black, except for where the radiating light of his SuperSaiyan power allowed him to see.
'Who would want to come here?' Trunks thought as he stared off into the pitch blackness . . . wondering, if something or the other would 'pop out' of the darkness to get him.
It was a risky move, but he could better withstand an attack in his SuperSaiyan form . . . if his power didn't drain out before morning.

Back on Earth in this existence

Goku and Vegeta came to land outside of Bulma's nice home. Berus and Whis had already eaten and were calmly standing around.
"You two took you cool time getting here, didn't you", Berus surmised. "And you to do look a 'little' buff. You been working out, I take it."
" . . . ." Goku smiled his awkward smile and rubbed the back of his head, as he usually did when he was hiding something and had been found out. Vegeta grinned slyly for a second, and then his face went serious as death.
"Why did you call us here?"
Whis stepped forward. "Well, I was told that one of you will be allowed to go into the 'New World'."
". . What?!" Goku exclaimed all excited like child getting his favour toy. "For real?!"
" . . ." Vegeta wanted to talk, but decided to keep his peace for the moment.
"The grand Daishinkan has stated that one of you will be allowed to enter the 'New World'."
"No thank you." Vegeta stated calmly.
" . . . W-why do you not want to go any more . . ?" Goku asked Vegeta sullenly. "I mean it's all . . ."
"Shut it, Kakarot!" Vegeta shouted annoyed, at Goku's simple way of seeing things.
" . . . Well I . . ." Goku went to speak on, but a very, very stern look from Vegeta prouded the usually happy Saiyan into thinking something was up. So Goku decided to keep down his 'enthusiasm' for now.
"Well . . . If that's the case . . . Then you won't be going then Vegeta. It's no skin off my back." Whis laughed in his usually 'reserved' manner.
Berus was confused for a moment as to what was going on . . . and then he remembered that he was Berus, god of destruction, he didn't have to care. "I think I'll have one of those sweet things to suck on Bulma. Do you have any more around?"
"Oh, you mean a lollipop. Yes, I may just have some. I'll be back . . . Don't go destroying anything." And Bulma was away.
"Daishinkan . . . You can show yourself now." Vegeta stated, his face not looking in any specific direction.
"Bstuiek." Daishainkan appeared, standing in the sky.
Whis went to stand beside his dad in the sky. Berus on the other hand bowed low. "Welcome grand Daishinkan, welcome."
Goku stood wandering what was going on and presently forgot his manners.
Vegeta on the other hand had his hands crossed, not looking in any particular direction, though his gaze was downward.
"I, see that you are very perceptive." Daishinkan spoke up.
" . . ."
Goku stared at Vegeta and then at Berus, Whis, the high angel, and then back at Vegeta. 'How did Vegeta know that the grand Daishinkan was standing there. 'I didn't feel anything.'
"I finally give you your wish . . and you refuse?"
Vegeta just stared off into space, and then at the priest angel. "We Saiyans are sent out as babies into dangerous places to clean up planets of their inhabitants all of the time . . . It's about time Goten and Trunks learn what that's like, instead of playing irresponsibly all of the time."
Goku wanted to interject because he wasn't like that even though he was a Saiyan as well, the same thing had happened to him as a baby, but he held back, attempting to see where Vegeta was going with this.
" . . . I see." Daishinkan replied in as if thinking about it.
"If there is nothing else . . ." Vegeta stated starting to turn to fly off. " . . Kakarot?"
". . . . ." Goku (Kakarot) stood in a panic, looking at Vegeta, and then at Daishinkan and Whis . . . ". . Okay . ." And Goku turned to fly off.
"Well, I guess that's it. Whis?" Daishinkan queued his angel son Whis that it was time to go, before he himself disappeared into his speed travel.
" . . .Well . . . That went well." Whis replied. "Berus, shall we go."
"I'm not quite ready, yet Whis. Bulma do you have . . ."
Whis tapped his staff, ignoring Berus' reply, and both Berus and Whis disappeared into their speed travel to a far, far away place.
Goku was coming up behind Vegeta now more confused as ever. 'Why didn't one of them go and save Goten and Trunks . . ?' 'What was Vegeta doing?' 'Did he really believe what he said about Saiyans needing to be sent of into danger still?'
Vegeta sped on in front, as they headed back in the direction of their training dome . . . which did not make any sense as they had no more Sensu Beans left and their training was complete. Vegeta had bluffed the Daishinkan. 'I am pretty sure that they didn't want one of us going into that 'New World' for what ever reason. . . but why the change of heart?.' Suspicious about the Daishinkan and possibly Whis' involvement in some 'cover-up' Vegeta continued towards the training dome . . . increasing his speed to get there.
"Butuuit!" Someone appeared in front of the travelling Saiyans to block their path. The two Saiyans stopped immediately to prevent themselves crashing into . . . top angel . . . Daishinkan.

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