Chapter 10 The Greater Good (Pierce)

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Chapter 10

The Greater Good

"So tell me . . . Why did they attack your ship . . . Gohan asked sternly. "And what were they looking for in the rubble?"
"Me . . ." A voice came from somewhere between the two Space patrolmen.
"Who . . . Where are you?"
A tall alien appeared. He had been cloaked in some invisibility cloak of some kind. This meant that the two officers had been protecting this alien the whole time.
"Why were they looking for you?"
"That is confidential." One of the battered officers spoke up.
"I didn't ask you." Gohan fumed . . . Only a minute ago he was risking his neck saving them, and now this.
". . . Why were they looking for you?" This time it was Leopold asking the question.
The two space patrol officers looked at each other.
" . . . Answer!" Leopold shouted in a very authoritative voice.
"Those aliens you saw there . . . their skin is what is used to make cloaks like you see I was hiding behind . . ."
"Their sk . . ."
Leopold gave Gohan an angry look, and the young man cut short his question to keep silent.
"Yes, their skins . . ."
" . . But wh . . ."
Leopold gave Gohan another angry look as if to scold the Saiyan and tell him to keep quiet.
"Who gave the order?" Leopold asked, as if there was nothing wrong with skinning innocent aliens.
"Jarpold of course." The other space officer informed. "This mission would have been a success, if we hadn't been interceded by those who attacked us . . . apparently some of them had sneaked aboard our craft . . . when we were away . . ."
"But we officers do not do such duties . . . Why would Jarpold tell you to do such a thing?"
"Well," the first officer spoke up. "We don't do such things . . . . . . We were to be the escort for Roaba . . ."
"So . . . Roaba here is a villain who is sentenced to one of our prisons for some crime or the other, and Jarpold yourrrr . . ?
"Lieutenant." One of the officers filled in.
" . . . Lieutenant, ordered him released into your custody, so you can protect him whilst he steals, some . . ."
"Not stealing . . ." One of the officers replied looking at Leopold, his face turning red. "Retrieving . . ."
"No . . . Stealing!" Leopold said sternly.
" . . . But you do not understand . . . it is for a good cause." The other Space officer defended.
". . . And what good cause could that be . . .?" Leopold asked wondering what could make space police turn to criminal tactics.
" . . . Well . . as you can see . . . We are no match for the villains . . . I mean thousands of years ago, we were, when our recruits were hired by His Late Majesty himself . . . But with no one succeeding him . . . well the throne became . . . up for grabs . . . and we barely got by. In fact, lots of officers left the armed forces . . . . . Because a lot of god princes of the Royal household were in fact found doing corruption."
". . . That's preposterous!!!" Leopold shouted . . . His Majesty cannot die . . . " Well . . . then how come he hasn't intervened."
"Do . . do you mean . . . the 'God of all'."
"It's not what you think Gohan. The GOD of All is Existence itself and cannot be harmed or die . . . However, of recent . . . there has been a lot of 'standings' for His Majesty. You see, the GOD of All has never been seen, but experienced and heard, and because of this, many people have deemed that they are 'working for the 'God of All'.
Being 'unchallenge' by the GOD of all, the have assumed that HE is dead. So apparently the Universes have been running on their own, with the weak taking advantage of the strong and each world and universe bears its own truth . . . But The God of all existence cannot be dead . . ."
"Why are you so . . . sure, Leopold." Gohan asked sheepishly.
". . . Because we would not exist Gohan."
"So what is going on then . . . and why is so much evil left to run amok?"
"I, . . . I don't know . . ."
Leopold looked back over at the two officers. "You are removed from your ranks, for breaking sections of our code that prevent the wilful harm of the innocent. You are hereby stripped of your duties as officers, and you will accompany me to your head quarters where you shall give a report of your doings and face a Court of Justice where you will be heard.
The two officers again looked at each other . . . and conceded.
"You will return to prison, where you bel . . ."
Gohan knew that this time Leopold had spoken when he should have kept silent. For the expression and the rising power on the alien criminal Roaba showed that he had no intentions of returning to prison.
"You three officers better get back to the ship." Gohan instructed, keeping a keen eye on Roaba.
The other officers did not understand what was going on, as Leopold realised, and ushered them towards his ship in haste . . . Leaving Gohan face to face with Roaba, the alien who skinned aliens for the hides.
"You won't find me so easy to beat as these 'puny' creatures." Roaba snickered with an almost sinister grin, and once again, hid behind his invisible cloak, and disappeared amongst space.

"And your name is, Trunks, you say."
"Yes . . ." Trunks answered, as he walked beside Comrade as the three made there way through the Saiyan streets. "Well, you have shown yourself worthy of being a Saiyan . . . but it is time you learnt what it means to be a royal prince.
" . . . . ." Trunks did not have a clue what they were talking about.
The streets they walked ended in front of a big circular door. The door slid open, and three very big men stood in the doorway all three had their tails curled neatly around their wastes.
". . . You will learn as you go along . . . Trunks . . . but for now . . . the first lesson you will learn . . . is . . . to stay alive."
"Who will you be registering, Pierce . . . ?" a smaller but more dignified looking Saiyan came out from behind the bigger ones.
Pierce stepped aside to reveal Trunks who was standing a little behind him.
" . . . " The old man leaned forwards, looking Trunks directly in his face, in his eyes . . . "Okay . . . If you are certain . . . this is the course you want to take."
The two big built Saiyans almost laughed their heads off, but fought to keep still and professional looking.
Pierce and the old man ignored them. "How much this time uncle?"
The old Saiyan looked close at young Trunks again . . . "This time it will cost you fourteen ores."
"Fourteen ores . ?!" (Equivalent to One million four hundred thousand U.S. dollars). This time Pierce wanted to ask the old man if he was crazy . . . but fought to keep himself poised. 'What is this old man seeing in the boy that he didn't already see?'
The guards looked at one another and at the boy in shock and wonder. The highest ever bet laid was four million and that was Tom entering pretending to be some Saiyan stranger returning to his home Planet after leaving at birth. Hardly was any Saiyan worth more that half an ore's bet.
Pierce threw down fourteen ore. He knew it would cost him a few ore . . . maybe one or two put in a fighter . . . but 'fourteen ore?' The lad was even able to grow a hair for beard as yet . . . why so high.
"Okay . . . but the payout must be four times that . . . or I'm not in."
"It will be . . . it will be . . . or more . . . the Old man snickered and went away into the inner rooms.
"Okay Trunks."
Trunks, stood there fuming. "You brought me all the way here to have me fight for money, in a stupid game?!"
". . It's not what you think, Trunks." Pierce tried to reason with the boy.
Comrade who normally looked disinterested, looked over at Trunks and and nodded, as if to reassure him that something was up.
Taking the boy out of earshot of the guards, Pierce whispered to the you lad. "You came here to look for someone, did you not?"
"Yes, Goten."
Pierce and Comrade looked at each other; They have never heard the name before . . . but that was besides the point.
"Trunks, I don't know if you have noticed . . . but our universe is in chaos . . . And we . . mean to . . set thing . . right." Pierce was trying to choose his words very carefully . . . Which made Trunks all the more suspicious.
"I am not buying it." Trunks pouted, and stuck up his face in a stubborn manner, folding his hands as if to secure his stand point.
Pierce looked over at Comrade who just stared blankly back at him as if he was waiting to see what the two of them came up with.
"Okay, okay . . . Hear me out Trunks." The tall Saiyan tried to reason. "Do, this, and win this tournament . . . And our first mission will be to find your . . . brother . . . or . .
"My friend . . ."
"Right . . your friend . . Goten . . . and mind you, we won't stop even if we . . ."
Comrade swiped his head from side to side as if he was telling Pierce not to lie to the boy.
" . . .I mean . . we will see if we can help you find the little runt . . . Is that okay with you?"
Trunks looked over at the two and then at the building with the guards . . . 'How hard could it be' Trunks thought . . . "Okay, you have a deal."
The three walked back over to the round door. The old man came back out. "You thing you're up for the fight little one?"
Trunks nodded the affirmative already made up his mind.
"I . . . can tell you're a Saiyan . . . Maybe even a 'SuperSaiyan'?"
Trunks leaned back away from the old man . . . That was his hidden move for the fight . . . 'H-how did he know . . . Maybe Pierce told him over some intercom or something. The boy relaxed himself with that thought.'
Trunks followed the old man down a corridor and out into a small open ring thirteen pods sat pointed at the sky around the rim of the place.
The old man stopped and looked at Trunks . . . Each of those pods has a fighter in it except for two . . . and they are all Saiyans.
Trunks jaw almost dropped . . . He had thought that a Saiyan or two might be in the mix . . . but every one of them a Saiyan.
"Oh . . . the old man informed little Trunks . . ." And I will be the fourteenth person to enter making the ring complete.
"Y-you are one of the 'fighters' as well . . ?" The little boy asked shocked, as he looked over the old man's frailer looking body.
"Yeah . . . . . . Don't you go taking it easy on this old man, Trunks . . . Cause I just might not return the favour."

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