Chapter 1

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Heyy! Can I talk to you? Quan asked coming up to the nurses station.

I'm not clocked in yet so any medical question you can ask one of the other nurses. I said as I picked my stuff up.

Bri please! He grabbed my arm pulling me towards him. "Your my sister, please!

Was! I was your sister! I turned to walk away. "You know it's crazy not once did y'all ever say sorry! Just begged me to speak to y'all but never said sorry!" I said turning around.

You want me to apologize for something I'd never be sorry for you almost died behind that nigga.

But I didn't! Like was you paying any attention out there that day? He threw his body over me to protect me! To make sure I didn't get shot. A bullet went through him and hit me. He protected me.

I protected you!

By fuckin telling me my boyfriend had another bitch pregnant and making a fuckin fake phone call! I get the whole mad at him because of what happened. I do I get it but the way y'all went about everything was wrong. Y'all took us both away from each other when in reality we needed each other! You fucked my bestfriend and turned around and married her after treating her like complete shit for years. You broke her so many times and I was the one who had to be there for her when she would cry herself to sleep I never did no weird shit to keep y'all apart. I'm the one who encouraged her to keep you around and keep trying to give you chances it was me! The one time I had a bit of happiness yall took it the fuck away like my feelings didn't matter. Everyone around here married and having children what about me? What a fuckin bout me? I have to suffer and watch everyone else be happy except for me! Now go enjoy your life with your wife and child and leave me alone I have a job to do. I walked away feeling so much better. I didn't even notice Trey standing behind him.

I went to the locker room and to the bathroom. I began to ball my eyes out. This was the first time I let any of my emotions out. I cried so hard. I been so angry for months. Every since my mom died when I was a little girl I felt this empty feeling inside of me that I just wanted to fill. I always felt like apart of me was missing. I've never been loved before. My grandmother hated, my dad hated me. My brothers put me in fucked up predicaments in life. I try to do everything to people please everyone else in life. I've never been happy and I don't know what happiness feels like. Except for when I was with James. He made me feel seen. He made me feel loved, he made me feel like that empty space was filled. I mourned that because all my life I didn't think I would get it.

Truth is I was tired. I was tired not being loved. I was tired of giving my all to everyone else and I got back nothing. I was tired of being a friend to everyone and no one a friend to me. I was tired of not receiving the love I deserved.

When Two Worlds Collide Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon