Chapter 42

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What the fuck is you out here doing? I yelled at Bri as I pulled into the driveway.

What? I'm shoveling! I was trying to make sure you had a pathway and somewhere to park.

Girl get yo ass in the house. I took the shovel from her hands. She just pissed me off. It's a whole storm out here and she shoveling. She thought the shit was funny! She ran back Into the house and I started shoveling, shit was so pointless though.

I finished what I could and parked my car. I noticed all the lights in the house go out as I was getting done. The lights on the street was too and a few house next to us. I locked my doors and went in. Bri was lighting the candles all around the livingroom and kitchen.

What happened to the lights?

I think the storm just knocked the power out. I made you some hot chocolate so you can get warm a bit. I have two small generators in the basement and some space heaters.

Ight let me warm up a second and I'll go get them.

Relax baby I'll get it, here. She handed me the cup of hot chocolate as I took my sweat suit off. She ran down to the basement and I herded her fumbling for a few things. She returned with the generators. I was impressed that she was actually prepared for shit like this cause lord knows I wasn't. She plugged the tv up, two heaters, a blanket warmer and a lamp. She put the blanket warmer around me and ran a cord to the kitchen before going upstairs.

It was cold as fuck but these space heaters and fire place she had was warming up quick. As fuck. It was real fire in the fireplace so I sat my ass in front of it and turned the tv on and drunk this hot chocolate to get warm.

Okay baby, the shower is running with hot water, it's a heater in the bathroom and I got your clothes in front of it so they can warm up a bit.

Thanks bae! I took my ass upstairs and it was cold up here. I closed the bedroom doors to conserve the heat. I jumped in the shower and it felt good. Between the hot water and the heater I ain't even wanna get out. I stood in the water letting it hit me as emotions just filled my head. I never had anybody do no shit like this for me before. She tried to make sure I was able to get in the house as cold as it was out there, then wanted me to relax when I came in, we have no power but she just made a way out of no way to still make sure I had hot water and was warm.
This was a lot! I was greatful as fuck I have someone like her and I know nothing in this world can take back what and how I did her except time and I can't do that. From this day forward I will never ever do treat her how I did again. That shit just hurt me thinking back to that.

I got out the shower and dried off and put some lotion on. She had me a long sleeve shirt and sweats nice and warm. I went back downstairs and she was fixing plates.

I can't cook what I really wanna cook so I made homemade chicken noodle soup, is that okay?

Yeah that's straight baby, thank you! I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her cheek as she was making the bowls. "I gotta talk to you!"
I sat down pulling her between my legs.

What's wrong? Are you mad from earlier about the working together thing?

Nah not at all! I'm actually impressed that your thinking like that and I respect it! Just know whatever you need I got you.

Thank you! Her eyes was filled with relief and then love.

I'm sorry!

For what?

The way I treated you for damn near the last year and a half. I haven't given you a real apology and everything you just did for me I want you to know that I truly, I mean truly am greatful for what you just did. That shit made me think about us from the beginning and if I can take all that shit back I would of. We been through a lot so far and I'm sorry everything I put you through and how bad I hurt you. I can imagine the hurt you was going through and I'm sorry for it. I love you!

You wanna make me cry?

No I just really want you to know I appreciate you and I love you.

She wrapped her arms around my neck trying not to cry. "I love you!" She whispered against my lips as she stroked my hair back.

I know! Now let's eat cause this shit smell good. How the fuck you make soup smell good!

I don't know! She giggled grabbing our bowls and taking them over to the couch. I grabbed two bottles of water and sat next to her as she flipped through Netflix to find something for us to watch.

I washed the dishes when we was done and the bedroom wasn't getting that warm still so we decided to stay down here. She pulled out a blow up bed and I laughed at her survival skills. Impressed was an understatement. I pulled her in my arms as she cuddled under me. She layed her head on my chest and before I knew it she was sleep.

I stayed up staring into the fireplace as thoughts entered my mind. I wouldn't want this Shìt with nobody else.

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