Chapter 20

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I had hired a cleaning service to come in and fix the clinic to get ready to reopen. I worked hard for this and I damn sure won't let another muthafucka fuck me!

I came out my office to go and grab some coffee and I heard yelling coming from the front. As I walked towards where I heard everything I seen my security guards blocking some lady.

What's going on? I asked sitting my stuff down coming around them.

I had to call security cause she came in here demanding to talk to you and being rude. I tried to tell her she'd have to make an appointment to see you but we're not open at the moment. She started throwing a fit yelling and demanding to see you. Tina the front desk receptionist said standing up.

Ms. Smith do you know her? Ron the security guard asked.

I waved him off stepping In front of him. "What can I do for you Mrs Carter?" I asked annoyed folding my arms. Cause like why the fuck is this lady here.?

I'm here to talk about my son!

And what about him? He's dead!

I called the city morgue and they said they don't have his body! Where did you take him?

If they don't have his body I assure you that I don't. No one has contacted me with any information yet about his body being found in the explosion.

BULLSHIT! You did something with my son and when I found out what you did I will have yo ass arrested! You think cause you got off this shit that you can get away with anything think again! I'm going to get to the bottom of this!

Get to the bottom of what?

You know he always did have a thing for helping charity cases! I know you only got this shit off the strength of him and his money.

Is that what you want? You want some fuckin money?

If anybody deserves his money it's his family!

His family? Lady we really gotta go through this again? Why are you testing me?

Testing you? Lil girl he must not told you how I get down....

You got one more time to try and lil girl me. I laughed getting in her face. "James hated you! He's dead and gone and quite frankly I really wish you had traded places with him. So ima tell you in the nicest way possible to get the fuck out of my establishment!"

I'll be back with lawyers and power of attorney for his money, houses and cars!

Do what you gotta do but I promise you, you will lose!

And he will have a funeral!

I turned my back on her and walked away. Whatever the fuck floats her boat and help her sleep at night she can think whatever.

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