Chapter 32

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What the fuck when did you get out? Leah asked her brother running to him hugging him tight. I grabbed my drink and walked out the back door.

I sat on the swing and pulled my phone out. I went on Expedia to look for a plane ticket. I've healed enough! "So you gone act like you don't care he home?" My brother asked coming and sitting next to me.

I don't!

Then why you look like that?

Like what?


Because this nigga broke up with me and we weren't together and I'm pretty sure I'm blocked! So yeah I'm kinda heartbroken!

You don't even like the nigga for real for real!

Yes I do!

No you don't Bri! You was just using the idea of him to mask the hurt that you really feel. I love you sis and I just wanna see you happy.

I am happy!

No your not! Go in there and talk to him. Get yo man!

He's not my man Quan and I don't want him to be.

Then your not healed but if you keep looking in your phone for a flight I'll be here if you need me.
He got up to leave and I felt every word.



I love you bro!

I love you to sis and don't ever forget it! He smiled. I returned my attention back to my phone.

I found a flight to Miami next week. I've healed enough and I'm going to get my man. I got up to go back in the house so I could finish cooking. I bumped into Shooter as he was coming out and I was coming in.

Excuse me! I pushed him aside and went into the house closing the door behind me.

Damn Bri that was kinda harsh. Kyra said walking on the side of me.

I haven't even begun to be harsh. I washed my hands and began to start preparing my food to go into the oven.

Kyra sat on Quans lap nursing their son. Leah hugged her husband from behind as he watched the game. Lexi was in the corner kissing and making out with her man. Sienna was watching the game with hers. I finished preparing the food and setting the table up.

Come and eat! I yelled out as I sat the turkey on the table. Everybody got up and came to the table. I sat at the head and all the couples sat across from each other and Shooter sat at the other end.

A knock on the door made everyone look up. Leah got up smiling and tan to the door. She returned with some dude behind her.

Everyone this is my big brother Derrick! Derrick this is the family, welcome in take a seat!

What's up bra! Trey said slapping him up.
Shooters face turned even more emotionless as he picked his cup up for a drink. He came in and sat next to him which pissed him even more. I was trying so hard not to laugh.

Okay before we eat I thought that we say what we are thankful for! I'll start! Leah said standing up smiling. "I'm thankful for me man, and to my man thank you to my man!(she sang making us laugh) nah but yeah my man, my baby boy, and all of you! I finally have a family so thank you for coming everyone!" She smiled then sat down.

Trey was next, then Sienna, then her dude, then Quan and his girl and then it finally got to me. I smiled wide and stood up. "I'm so thankful for being able to provide and support my family. I'm thankful for you Leah, my brother and nephew, I'm thankful for you Quan you have became one of the best people in my life, my bro fa sure! I'm thankful for you Tasia for being with Quan, I'm thankful you you Sienna and your man. I'm thankful for you Quan my dearest big brother and my sister Kyra and my other handsome nephew. I'm also thankful for you Lexi love you girl and your man thank you for making her happy.! Oh I almost forgot you Derrick I'm thankful for you, welcome into the family!" I smiled before sitting down. Shooter got up from the table and left. Everybody was looking at me in disbelief.

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